Event Quest:I'm Not Afraid of Halloween!

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Revision as of 00:17, 17 February 2018 by Kukuru (talk | contribs) (Chapter 7)
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Banner halloween2017.png
Main Quest
Event Exchange
October 29th, 2017 @ 17:30 -> November 28th, 23:59
Free Quest Duration October 29th, 2017 @ 17:30 -> November 21st, 23:59


(Yet again, finally,) LW announced news of a Halloween event.

To reiterate, with every other Event Quest:

  • this event contains a "Main Quest" (the story-driven quest) that unlocks the later but equally important and repeatable Event Quests.
  • both of these Quests will drop event items that can be exchanged in the shop. For this year, they're Great Pumpkin and Halloween Treats.
  • both of those items' drop amounts can be increased by using units with a specific skill. For this year, they're Queller and Disguiser, respectively relating to the above.
  • a gacha containing units with these skills to help farm for these event items is also releasing
  • a new status effect: PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff)
  • (yet again), a commemorative login bonus will run for a week
  • debuting this event, two new items will be released in the Event Exchange sometime in the near future: Seeds. Seeds are geared towards increasing stats of all variants of a unit. For example, using a HP Seed will increase, by an unknown value, the HP stat for all copies of Kengo, even unreleased variants. So far, only ATK Seed and HP Seed are confirmed (to iterate, ATK Seed will increase the ATK stat for all copies of the unit). However, these items's function will be implemented at a later date.

Further details will be transcribed when announced.

TRICK or You

The Verb with You series of quests receive another wave of wholesome exposition was released for the following units (who received screen time during this event):


These subquests are costless and can be repeatable through the in-game memories function.

Translations will be provided when they're provided.

Event Tips

Unlike the events prior, it is highly recommended to increase the Skill Levels of Halloween-related units (units with Queller) to at least fifty for a 75% proc chance on a budget (or max for 100%, if achievable) to make PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) less of a pill, as all mobs have a chance to cast PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) on attack. With the general game flow with high level units, it's easy to miss the debuff icon on the side, and units can die as quick as you tap.

Additionally, when Arslan reaches full charge, due to both granting ComboATK Down by 0.6x (excepting charge attacks), attack twice each turn for 2 turns (Buff) and giving CP means he can keep maxing charge with just two enemies (one of which is in front for ComboATK Down by 0.6x (excepting charge attacks), attack twice each turn for 2 turns (Buff); whether taking one hit fills the gap or not was not noted). This may hold true for Cusith as he also gains CP on charge, but the lack of ComboATK Down by 0.6x (excepting charge attacks), attack twice each turn for 2 turns (Buff) makes this tactic a tad more inconsistent, but you can always try and rely on Volos's Green Thumb to fill that gap.

Conversely, the above will hold unfavorable against the enemy, as enemy Arslans were noted to "use" the same tactic of charging immediately in succession.

Additional Login Bonus

October 29th
  • ×1 Transient Stone
  • ×2 Stamina Drink (Half)
  • ×3 Stamina Drink (Mini)
November 2nd
  • ×2 Transient Stone
  • ×2 Stamina Drink (Half)
  • ×3 Stamina Drink (Mini)
October 30th
  • ×1 Transient Stone
  • ×1 Stamina Drink (Full)
  • ×1 Stamina Drink (Mini)
November 3rd
  • ×2 Transient Stone
  • ×1 Stamina Drink (Full)
  • ×3 Stamina Drink (Mini)
October 31st
  • ×2 Transient Stone
  • ×2 Stamina Drink (Half)
  • ×3 Stamina Drink (Mini)
November 4th
November 1st

Main Quest

These quests are one-time only, so their ratios aren't important to calculate.

Like regular Main Quests these quests aren't repeatable.

I'm Not Afraid of Halloween! 1

Part 1

Part 1:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Daikanyama Academy

One autumn day, blue skies as clear like it was shining.

Sounds of fireworks shot up everywhere, signaling the start of the festivities this year.

People regret that the summer season came to an end, and they are looking forward to the autumn season around the corner.

Additionally, to greet the winter season that is finally arriving, an important event will be celebrated.

The Halloween Event at Daikanyama Academy has become the scenic feature of Tokyo.

A little girl is walking around openly in the gentle breeze, asking questions about everything.

Behind her, is a figure of a bear in a white robe-

Jambavan expression neutral.png

Hey, Alice... Can I ask you something?

Alice expression neutral.png

Do tell, Jambavan.

Jambavan expression neutral.png

You don't like noisy events such as this...
Didn't you tell me this before?

Alice expression sad.png

Dear me... Did I really say something like that?

Jambavan expression neutral.png

Being with crowds of people, noisy environments,
even the sounds of excitement and enthusiasm. You don't like these things.

Jambavan expression neutral.png

The other day I invited you to the big summer festival, but you outright declined.

Alice expression smile.png

Ah, you're absolutely correct. I did say those things.

Alice expression sad.png

I dream only of the present.
Whatever strange event occurs, it will only be a simple dream.

Alice expression sad.png

Therefore, the uproar in the world is nothing but a cheap play to me.

Alice expression smile.png


The little girl’s elegance shows with a smile. Like the leaves of a tree fluttering in the autumn breeze.

Alice expression joy.png

Today... Today is simply different from others.
Special. Indeed, it is a very special day.

Alice expression surprised.png

Jambavan. Tell me, are you aware of what day it is today?

Jambavan expression crying.png

A-Alice... You're acting strange today, y'know?
It's scaring me.

Jambavan expression happy.png

Anyways, you're talking about Halloween, right?
It's when children put on costumes and go house to house trick or treating!

Alice expression smile.png

Hehe~, that's correct.
For most people, that's the extent of it.

Jambavan expression surprised.png

Huh, what do you mean by that? Alice...?

The girl twirled and danced giddily, with a fun, carefree expression on her face.

Alice expression surprised.png

Today is the day that I can cross through the looking glass.

Alice expression smile.png

Today is the day fantasy and reality walk hand-in-hand.
I am one with the world.

Alice expression smile.png

It's the day I can play and enjoy myself with not a care in the world.
Is it not exciting?

Jambavan expression crying.png

Everything you say just gets more and more bizarre.
I don't understand you at all. I wish I had a personal Alice Translation Device.

Jambavan expression neutral.png

Anyways... What are today's orders, princess?

The tone in the bear's question gives the impression that he's intimidated.

It was a defensive instinct, because he is taken aback by the little girl's plans.

However, the little girl's response was unexpected.

Alice expression neutral.png

You will not be doing anything.

Jambavan expression neutral.png

... Huh?

Alice expression surprised.png

You do not have to do anything today.
Instead, someone else will escort me to the festivities.

Jambavan expression surprised.png

Someone else?! Wait a second, you said-

The accomplice noticed that the little girl is muttering improvised poems in the cold breeze.

Alice expression neutral.png

It is a beautiful day for a festival.
A carefree bear taking a nap in its burrow.

Alice expression smile.png

Run along now, little white rabbit,
don't be late, hop-hop.

Alice expression surprised.png

Now, let the festivities begin!

Alice expression smile.png

…… Now then, Jambavan.
Be a good boy and return to your room.

The figure of the joyful girl blended like fog into the crowd and vanished.

Eventually... The bear in the white coat was left alone.

Jambavan expression neutral.png

.... Honestly, that's so like her.
She just does whatever she wants.

Jambavan expression neutral.png

Well, I guess it's fine.
As instructed, I'll go relax at home for today.

Jambavan expression happy.png

...Aaaah~, this will be my first vacation in a while.
I think I'll curl up with a book. It's nice out today too. Oh, but I have research to do as well.

Jambavan expression neutral.png

Ah, that's right! Leib-senpai will be in the lab today.
I should pick up something for him from the Panda Grill on the way.

Jambavan expression crying.png

Also, Cusith-kun said he was going out.
I hope he doesn't cry. If he does the venue will be destroyed...

Jambavan expression neutral.png

...... At any rate.

The young man looked up at the sky, sighing and murmuring to himself.

Jambavan expression neutral.png

Who in the world could be drawn to your selfishness?

Jambavan expression crying.png

Aaaah... I feel bad for them.

[1st Night: A Festival is Held]

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Woow~! It's terrifyingly active here, Master!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Daikanyama Academy's Halloween party sure is popular around these parts~!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Oh yeah! Hehehe~
On the topic of Halloween, lemme give you an example, Master~!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Now you gotta give me candy or you’ll get tricked~!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Huhuhu, that went perfectly!
I sure did a fine job researching this!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

I'm talkin' the monsters of Halloween! Salomon-kun and the monsters!

2 options
There's a lot going on today... Do you have a thing for sweets?
Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

That's because we're all excited!
After all, it will be fun with just the two of us!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Oh, I was just rehearsing stuff earlier.
I’m looking forward to the candy!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Eh, there's a lot of excitement going on? Well, that's obvious!
After all, it will be fun with just the two of us!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Don't if our usual group of three is good luck or bad luck,
but we can't all come here with our own separate goals!

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Little ol' chubby-kun was crying badly...
Just wanted to treat candy like souvenirs.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Well, whatever!
It's been an awfully long time since I last seen you, Master, so...

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

This is an opportunity, so to speak.
This is the perfect opportunity to step things up a notch, from a mere master-to-slave relationship!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Come on, Master! Trick-or-Treating!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Eating candy together...
Aah, it would feel like it's melting your tongue!

Salomon-kun expression tasty.png

Such an exciting, tingly feeling in my heart!
In the name of mischief, I demand pettings~.

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Do whatever you feel like doing to me,
I'll give you a gift-

A Dignified Voice:( face)
Oh, if it isn’t [Player]!

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Gyaaah?! C-Could that voice be...!

Chernobog expression sad.png

Did I arrive later than the agreed meeting time?
I apologize for making you wait.

2 options (Same Response)
Don’t worry about it too much. I like waiting for you, actually.

Chernobog expression smile.png

I am relieved to hear that from you.
By the way, I happened to be practicing something earlier.

Following what Chernobog said, he is holding a ragged paper in hand, containing a script of a play.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

You're forgetting the jolly feelings of a festival!
There's a reason why you came here today, Master...!

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Specifically, you're here to witness the big performance from that Demon King.

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

I thought it was going to be just us two...
...(Sniffle sniffle), (Sniffle sniffle).

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png


Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Hmph, there’s no way...
Being a talented butler means being able to read the room!

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Salomon-kun who can't be seen at all will quietly disappear now.
Master, I'll see you later~.

Chernobog expression neutral.png

It looked like you were talking to someone,
was it all in my imagination...?

Chernobog expression smile.png

Well, I'm sure it's nothing.
Thank you for coming in the midst of this busy day.

2 options
Did you memorize the words and phrases yet? Nervous about your first performance?
Chernobog expression smile.png

Everyone repeatedly practiced to welcome this special day.
It's to guarantee the performance's success!

Chernobog expression happy.png

I am unsure if I can remember everything however.

Chernobog expression happy.png

… Hmm. On my own, I certainly would feel that way.

Chernobog expression happy.png

When I realized it, my arms and feet felt like they were lifeless.
I even felt like I’ve become a Deer…

Chernobog expression neutral.png

Furthermore, for this performance,
I am to open the curtains with my narration.

Chernobog expression sad.png

[Player]. Is it safe for them to entrust an important task to me?

2 options (Same Response)
Perform right here. Rehearse it one more time for me.

Chernobog expression shocked.png

... Right here!?

Chernobog expression happy.png

No, I can't fail because you asked.
Alright... Here goes nothing.

Softly clearing his throat and double-checking the script, Chernobog then quietly spoke.

Chernobog expression neutral.png

“An occasion not here, a place that does not exist now.
This is far from a dream, rather a tale of that place.”

Chernobog expression neutral.png

“The peaceful country of Medana will soon be conquered by the King of Darkness, Tonas.”

Chernobog expression neutral.png

“Ah, the people cursed with absolute Japanese food culture begs for rescue!"

Chernobog expression neutral.png

“Thus, the sacred sword, the French Fryer was chosen.
Jakarta, the hero that clears away evil, was the one chosen."

Chernobog expression smile.png

Then, after this line, I will step out onto the stage.
“It is I, the brave hero! Jakarta!”

Chernobog expression sad.png

...... What are your thoughts?
Personally, I believe I did a fine job.

Chernobog expression neutral.png

Please, don't hold back. I am only asking for your confident opinion.

2 options
You did a fine job. You were nervous, weren't you?
Chernobog expression happy.png

I-Is that so…! [Player],
when you say that, I feel a little more confident.

Chernobog expression anger.png

Well... I was willing to accept harsh criticism.
The performance won't disappoint you, [Player]!

1 option
It's an interesting story anyways.

Chernobog expression happy.png

Yes, I thought so too but, it is a creative drama this time.
Please look forward to what we have in store for the play.

Chernobog expression happy.png

Everything in this transient world is but a novel to me,
however I feel it will be a valuable experience.

Chernobog expression smile.png

Because I have decided to bear the role of a "hero"... More than anything else.

This is the time where the autumn season intensifies, and the overall mood is great. An email was sent from Daikanyama Academy.

A performance will be held at the Halloween party. Chernobog was asked to participate in it.

And that role is-

2 options
Hey, you mentioned your role was a "hero," right? You're a Demon King, aren't you?
Chernobog expression neutral.png

Yes, that was the plan.
The director over there was terribly enthusiastic.

Chernobog expression neutral.png

That is true.
The director over there was terribly enthusiastic.

Chernobog expression neutral.png

“A truly impressive detail will give life to a play!”
Just like that, I was especially chosen for the role.

Chernobog expression happy.png

I am curious about what you call plays of this world,
I was willing to cooperate as the former Demon King, however...

(Mysterious Beauty):( face)
In the time of our first meeting,
I said, "A cast like that is utter nonsense."

Taromaiti expression smile.png

Good afternoon. Welcome to Daikanyama Academy!

3 options
Hello, Taromaiti. Didn't expect to see you so soon. Has it been that long since the Seaside School?
Taromaiti expression smile.png

I am glad to see you, [Player].
I hope you’ll have fun today.

Taromaiti expression smile.png

Those days were fun, [Player].
I would love to go out to sea again.

Chernobog expression smile.png

Ah, Taromaiti-dono. Are you here to greet [Player] as well?

Taromaiti expression joy.png

That's correct, Chernobog.
I wanted to see my friend's face again. I feel the same way.

Taromaiti expression surprised.png

There must be a reason why you came here today.
Perhaps you've come to see his first debut?

Taromaiti expression smile.png

If so, you’re more than welcome to. It’ll be reassuring if you're together.
He should be able to perform with no trouble at all.

Taromaiti expression neutral.png

Everyone has their first times after all.
Chernobog will feel confident if the presence of his faithful companion is there.

Chernobog expression happy.png

Hahaha... You saw through me, Taromaiti.
You're right, I am very nervous about this.

Chernobog expression happy.png

In that aspect, I won't be able to enter the hall.
I can't bear to look because I'd be too scared.

Taromaiti expression smile.png

I want you to think highly of yourself.
You see, my heart feels like it's going to burst at any moment too.

Taromaiti expression joy.png

I've had experiences like that in fencing matches,
but those experiences are a good thing for a play.

2 options (Same Response)
By the way, was your role swapped too? Taromaiti's the Demon King this time, right?

Taromaiti expression surprised.png

…… I’m surprised. You're sharp as ever, [Player].

Taromaiti expression neutral.png

I get how passionate the theater group is regarding plays,
but personally I just can’t accept the castings.

Taromaiti expression anger.png

No matter what kind of person he was in the past,
there is nothing admirable about about carving out new wounds.

Taromaiti expression smile.png

Besides, it's not weird for someone known as a Demon King to take on the role of a Demon King, is it?

Taromaiti expression joy.png

I can become someone that I couldn't be before.
That's why it's the big appeal of a play.

Taromaiti expression sad.png

Well, I... have been called a "Demon King" so many times in the past.
I have little confidence in making the role.

Taromaiti says that with a wink and laughed mischievously.

Taromaiti expression smile.png

In the end, I exchanged roles with my role of a "hero."

Taromaiti expression neutral.png

“I am the Demon King, Tonas.
I will dye everything in the world in the supreme Japanese food culture."

Taromaiti expression anger.png

“The world will soon bow down to me!”

Chernobog expression anger.png

“You believe you can get away with that?
The Hero of the Sacred Sword, Jakarta, will stand up to you!”

Taromaiti expression neutral.png


2 options (Same Response)
I was blown away by that! The both of you were great!

Taromaiti expression smile.png

Hahaha, thank you. Chernobog, how are you feeling now?

Chernobog expression happy.png

I am grateful. Because of this,
I feel I can perform without feeling stiff on stage.

Taromaiti expression neutral.png

We should get going soon. Let’s change into our costumes and review the script from beginning to end.

Chernobog expression smile.png

Of course. We'll be seeing you later, [Player].

2 options (Same Response)
I’m looking forward to the play! Good luck!

The two people wave their hands and leave the venue. When the figures disappear, the smartphone glows.

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Ooooh, what an unexpected turn of events, eh?
That Demon King should perform spectacularly.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Speaking of plays, the story's about rescuing the captive princess
and defeating the king of evil, right?

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Eheheh~, I'm so excited to see it!
I'm positive I'm gonna love this play!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Buying some popcorn and sitting on Master's lap...
Eeeeee, I can't wait~!

1 option
Did you hear a weird voice?

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

...... Oh, you're right. It kinda sounds like yelling...

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Oh, it's crying, crying noises! It came from over there! Let’s check it out!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Heave! Ho! Heave! Ho!
Festivals! Festivals! Heave ho!

In your line of sight where the shrieks drew you in, there was a strange group of people there.

In the middle of the group is where the source of the screams is coming from.

Volos expression surprised.png

My head's... My head's spiniiiiiing...!

It's a group of children with pumpkin headgear. They were spinning a bear beastman in the air like they wanted to put him in a coma.

The children's sounds of laughter with no sense of tension, the bear's screams of agony with no tension echoes in the air.

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

… What the heck is going on?
Do you do this on Halloween too?

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Today is a fun festival! Come on, everyone, let's celebrate!
Heave ho! Heave ho!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Trick or Treat!
A prank for your favorite child, the child who you care about!

Volos expression surprised.png

Gyaaaaah!! *Sounds of being spun around*
Somebody, stop theeem! Heeeelp meeeee!!

3 options (Same Response)
They're awfully strong for kids! Do they prefer pranks over candy? ? Why is that bear getting lifted up? ?

Salomon-kun expression naughty.png

Errr... Where are you getting that idea from?

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Even though I'm proud of being a 3rd-class gag,
I'm practically speechless that there's so many of them!!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

… Huh? Huuuuuh?

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Hey, those pumpkin-headed children!
Some kind of weird power is being put on them, specifically tricky magic powers!

2 options (Same Response)
I’m going to go help him. Salomon-Kun, wait here.

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

What an impulse decision!
You never hesitate when it comes to helping others!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Honestly, I don't get what's going on here, but they're kids, Master!
Make sure you go easy on them!

Volos expression surprised.png

Anything's fine, just help me quuuuick!!

Level 2
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 5 1 per stamina
Card XP Given 22 4.4 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Great Pumpkin x50
Phase 2
  • Halloween Treats x50
Phase 3

Part 2

Part 2:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Daikanyama Academy

A brandish of a blade detaches the mysteries. The pumpkins themselves broke apart easily by that sword swing.

What remained after that attack was...

JackOLantern expression normal.png

Oooooow... Unnn... My head hurts...

JackOLantern expression normal.png

Where... am I? Hey... Who... are you?

It seems the children have no clue about what is going on.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

It looks like these kids don't remember anything at all.

Salomon-kun expression naughty.png

Hmmhmm. I speculate they were being controlled by something the entire time!

1 option
Like this pumpkin for example?

It's the pumpkin headgear that completely broke off the children. However, it seems it became a little small compared to what it was earlier.

You make it out to be a Jack-O-Lantern for Halloween, based on the insides being removed and the facial features carved on it.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Hmmm, just from looking at it...
This is just an ordinary pumpkin, no?

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

The lingering power that I was sensing a while ago...
I'm not feeling anything in particular now. Hmm?

Salomon-kun expression tasty.png

(Sniff-sniff)... Oh, what a strangly sweet, delicious smell!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

There's no mistaking it!
This pumpkin candy must be something unique!

1 option
It sure does smell good...

Volos expression joy.png

Darn right they are!
I did raise those pumpkins myself after all.

Volos expression neutral.png

Bathed in sunlight, the finished product is simply wonderful.
Sweet and tender.

Volos expression sad.png

But... these pumpkins look like ordinary Halloween lanterns with nothing special about 'em.

Volos expression sad.png

Only the insides themselves were taken out.
There are absolutely no "seeds" or "tricks" in 'em.

Volos expression pout.png

Now I wonder what could've caused this to happen?
I reckon there might be a cause other than these pumpkins...

2 options (same response)
Umm, who might you be? You were in danger a moment ago.

Volos expression surprised.png

... Oh! Sorry 'bout that! I was so eager about the investigation that I forgot to introduce ma self.

Volos expression joy.png

Ahem... Thanks so much for helping me out ealier.
My name's Volos, I am currently an agricultural student.

Volos expression pout.png

Now then... Let's begin a thorough investigation, shall we?

After giving a polite thank you, Volos took out various tools from his pocket.

Volos expression neutral.png

It's necessary to have insight based on experience for research,
however it's important to keep a "record" of the bits and details investigated.

Volos expression joy.png

I'll examine the size as a start.
I'll measure the weight... then I'll need to take a sample of the skin...

2 options (same response)
Uh... Hello? What are you doing exactly?

Volos expression joy.png

I'm examining this pumpkin.
It's my responsibility because I'm the one who cultivated them.

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

He's the one who produced these pumpkins?
Could he be the one who's behind this...?

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

For some reason... Him being so carefree doesn't make him look like a villain.

Volos expression neutral.png

What's wrong? Do I have something on my face...?

1 option
Was the disaster earlier your doing?

Volos expression neutral.png

Yup... It most likely was my fault.
To be fair with you, I'm rather surprised.

Volos expression sad.png

I don't know much about it myself, but...
looking at what's happened, I can't help but say my pumpkins are the cause of it.

Volos expression neutral.png

I won't try to deny it.
Even I don't fully understand why.

Volos expression sad.png

... That's right. It does make me look suspicious, don't it?

Volos expression neutral.png

Can I... give an explanation on what's going on?
It's the least I can do.

Volos expression neutral.png

As I mentioned a moment ago, I grew these pumpkins myself.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

You see, I do agricultural research.
Specifically, I'm studying vegetable production.

Volos expression neutral.png

I want to raise delicious vegetables.
I want the children to eat a lot of them.

Volos expression joy.png

At the end of my research,
this prototype was something I managed to make just before mass production.

Volos expression joy.png

This is a big and beautiful pumpkin.
A masterpiece with good flavor, tenderness, and easy to cook with.

Volos expression pout.png

First off, I want to mention that
pumpkins can't be grown without insect mediation or artificial pollination.

Volos expression pout.png

Selective breeding isn't something you can just cross things together -

Volos expression joy.png

Let's start off with vegetable inheritance.
For vegetable inheritance, there's a tendency native to a species...

Words start spewing endlessly from Volos' mouth, like a wave of information is being dumped onto you.

He goes on and on about his technical talk, like a switch went off or something. The children then grew bored of this and went off on their own.

Volos expression joy.png

Genetic inheritance caused by inter-generational breeding also can't be disregarded -

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Uuuugh... Master, this man talks too much...

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

We need to force him to stop,
otherwise he's gonna keep rambling about this!

2 options (same response)
C-Can you cut to the chase!? Why are the pumpkins possessing people?

Volos expression surprised.png

Aaaaaaah! I'm so sorry! I couldn't stop talking...!

Volos expression sad.png

Why the pumpkins are possessing people like that...
I'm afraid... I don't understand why myself.

Volos expression neutral.png

I only want to work hard in raising delicious pumpkins.

Volos expression joy.png

I vigorously worked to make them delectable,
I even put my thoughts into them, although...

Volos expression pout.png

Why they are going on about possessing everyone like that,
I... I never raised them to be that way!

Volos' face shows no hints of lying about the things he just said.

Volos expression sad.png

It's very clear simply by what's happened so far.
I want to apologize for my vegetables...

Volos expression sad.png


Volos expression pout.png

Awright, I made up my mind!

Volos expression neutral.png

Why did this happen? Why did my pumpkins turn out like this?
I'm going to find the answer as to why.

Volos expression surprised.png

I must find the cause, so they won't change on their own next time.
I must raise delicious pumpkins!

Volos expression joy.png

That's why I must go!
Though... If we stick together any longer, you'll be suspected of this too.

Volos expression joy.png

Thanks for everything! So long now!
Next time we meet... I'll treat you with my vegetables.

2 options (same response)
Hold up for a sec. You're going alone? It's reckless to go alone.

Volos expression neutral.png

As things are right now, I don't fully get why my pumpkins are like this.

Volos expression joy.png

Don't you worry 'bout a thing.
The basics are: observation, inference, and verification.

Volos expression joy.png

Anything can be solved, with the power of science!

Volos expression surprised.png

To determine the cause of this, I-

With crashing sounds, Volos falls over hard.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

Owowow... I hurt my nose...
Why did I trip myself at this spot here...

Volos expression embarrassed.png

Oh, that's odd... my feet are trembling...

1 option
There wasn't anything there to trip you!

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Master... This man is what you call a "natural airhead," right?

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

There's so much research going on in his head,
making him not pay attention to his surroundings.

Volos expression sad.png

Ahaha, I'm hopeless. Sometimes I can become like this.

Volos expression joy.png

When I start rambling, I just can't help myself.
Anyways, I'll be going now. So long.

1 option
... I'm helping.

Volos expression surprised.png

...... Huh?

Volos expression sad.png

Are you alright about that?
Don't you have other things to deal with?

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Hey, Master. There won't be enough time before Chernobog-san's play starts, y'know?

2 options (same response)
Just leave me alone. You're useless if people can't see you anyways.

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

O-Oh... Okay, I understand.
Master, I'm having a hard time taking what you said.

Salomon-kun expression suggestive.png

Talented familiar Salomon-kun will provide the perfect support for Master.

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

I'll be watching out for the opening time of the play.
Master, don't hold back in determining the cause of this chaos!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

On one condition though!
When you're done, please spend the Halloween day with me!

2 options (same response)
Alright, let's get to work. Nice to meet you, Volos-san.

Volos expression joy.png

Just Volos is fine. I personally like it that way.

Volos expression surprised.png

Say... I didn't catch your name now, did I?

1 option
It's [Player].

Volos expression joy.png

Once again, nice to meet ya... [Player].

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Thus begins Master working together with Volos-san.

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Until the time for the play's opening...
Will Master save this scandal with no trouble!?

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

... Ah! Maaster! Don't leave me behiiiind!

No Battle.

I'm Not Afraid of Halloween! 2

Part 1

Part 1:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Daikanyama Academy

[2nd Night: A Turnip Swoops Down]

Volos expression neutral.png

Well now, let me do this properly...
Thank ya for what you've done for me. For saving my life earlier.

Volos expression joy.png

Now then, let's get on with the investigation together, shall we?
Huhu... We're kinda like detectives, aren't we?

3 options
You're gonna do reckless things at this rate. If you're a detective, then you'll need a partner. This is so exciting!
Volos expression neutral.png

You may be right about that.
At times like this, I need to calm myself down.

Volos expression joy.png

Being overexcited can cause you to overlook things.
Paying close attention is vital to being a good researc- Aaaah!

Volos expression sad.png

J... Just like that, this happens to me.
Owowouch... I tripped myself again.

Volos expression neutral.png

Oh, that would be wonderful!
You get to have a lot of acquaintances.

Volos expression joy.png

I'm sure a detective with remarkable abilities would make a fine living.

Volos expression surprised.png

Huh, the beach hut? Part-time work? Babysitter?
Could a detective be self-proclaimed in other things too...?

Volos expression joy.png

Is that right?
It makes me happy that we feel the same way.

Volos expression neutral.png

Carefully taking the evidence is a step closer in finding the truth.
Having that kind of attitude is what it takes to be a researcher.

Volos expression surprised.png

Ah, I was about to go off-topic again!
I think I'll come up with a plan about that after this.

Volos expression neutral.png

This be an example, but...
Suppose the vegetables I grew with great care all withered and died.

Volos expression neutral.png

What will you do if something terrible like that happens?
What do you think you should do in that situation?

3 options
I'd feel terrible about it. Give it up and plant the next seed. Figure out the cause of it.
Volos expression sad.png

You got that right! If something like that happened to my beloved vegetables,
I would be sobbing in bed for a week!

Volos expression pout.png

I can't sulk about it forever, y'know.
If I'm still sulking about it, I can't focus on the next thing!

Volos expression joy.png

Because if I don't move on,
the love I gave to the vegetables that just died would be all for naught.

Volos expression neutral.png

Right. Agriculture has evolved because of the many failures of our ancestors,
and the challenges they had to overcome.

Volos expression neutral.png

I was afraid to make mistakes when I first started out in researching.
When I wouldn't give it another go, my seniors and teachers would often scold me.

Volos expression joy.png

If we want to find the cause of this, you'll need to have the guts to do what you need to do.
You might actually be cut out for this research business, hmmhmm~.

Volos expression joy.png

Ah, I expected no less from you! You are very calm about that.
I believe it's very important to take measures if there's a failure.

Volos expression neutral.png

Failure is no means an "error."
Researchers think over the data for the sake of success.

Volos expression neutral.png

It's remarkable how you came up with that right away!
It took me a long time for me to think like that.

Volos expression neutral.png

Sorry for asking you a weird question like that.
I was a little curious on how you would react.

Volos expression sad.png

Erm... What I want to say is...

Volos expression neutral.png

I'm looking for people that suffered the same fate as the children from before.
I was thinking of getting in touch with them.

3 options
Isn't that dangerous? Is this because you couldn't observe them carefully? You were spinning around and around.
Volos expression neutral.png

You're worried about me, hmm?
I'll be fine, because this time you're here with me.

Volos expression sad.png

You're absolutely correct!
I barely got the chance because I got caught and got spun around so quickly.

Volos expression sad.png

That was an unexpected turn of events for me, euuugh...
I tried to run away, but I ended up falling over instead.

Volos expression joy.png

I'm a researcher, even though I may not look like one.
First thing to do is accept the phenomenon around you and analyze it.

Volos expression neutral.png

No matter how hard it is to believe,
the start to finding the truth comes from there.

Volos expression surprised.png

Animals and plants... they all have life.
Their bodies are all made up of it, and they express it with their loud outcries.

Volos expression joy.png

Research is not about being fixed on reality.
You see, it's to bring light to their behavior, their motives.

Volos expression neutral.png

For the sake in accomplishing that, we need to find a suitable test subject.
I believe it's very important for observation.

Volos expression neutral.png

Based on what I just told you...
I'm planning to make that a principle... What do you think?

2 options (same response)
That’s a very adult way of thinking. That's incredible, Volos.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

Huh? O-Oh... I'm a tad embarrassed because not many people have told me that.

Volos expression sad.png

But, the original saying is a second hand from a certain person.

Volos abruptly stopped talking and pointed his nose at the sky.

Volos expression pout.png

(Sniffle)... Hic... Hic...

Volos expression embarrassed.png

Hey, I noticed it earlier but...
What could that sweet aroma be?

Volos expression sad.png

It's not a fragrant ingredient like vanilla,
it's not caramel with charred sucrose either......

Volos expression surprised.png

This smell... Hmm... No doubt 'bout it.
It's a dish that has my pumpkins in it!

2 options (same response)
How are you so sure about that? That's an amazing sense of smell!

Volos expression neutral.png

I just know. I'm telling you, it's the pumpkins I grew myself!

Volos expression pout.png

Full of love and I thoroughly sampled it too!
I'm positive because I did the sensory analysis very carefully!

Volos expression joy.png

You see, sensory analysis uses the inspector's five senses.
It's basically a replacement inspection device.

Volos expression surprised.png

Ayaya, I went off again!
Hey wait, the smell is getting stronger than before!

Volos expression pout.png

There may be people under the same influence.
A-At any rate, we should go and trace that smell!

Location changes to a small room with pumpkins everywhere

The Female Student is an Ice Mage Mob.

Female Student:( face)
Welcome, welcome! This is a special sale,
right here at Daikanyama Academy!

Female Student:( face)
Would you care for some pumpkin stew?
It's a delicious stew, loved by children and adults alike.

It's a temporary stall inside the academy. It's a store selling pumpkin stew set up in one spot.

A sickly-sweet aroma that makes you cough a little fills the air around you.

Volos expression surprised.png

M-My bad, I'll take back what I said.
They're similar to my pumpkins, but they're a bit different.

Volos expression sad.png

It's a little hard to explain if you were to ask what's specifically different 'bout them, but... Let's see here...

Volos expression pout.png

They deliberately boiled my pumpkins, and it seems like they added some kind of spice to it -

Volos expression sad.png

I'm getting a bad feeling about this.
Aaaaaah! What did they do to my pumpkins...!?

Volos expression surprised.png

Ughyaa! W-What, what?!
It got pitch black all the sudden!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Master, this is an emergency! This smell makes your nose make a U-turn!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

It's the same magic I felt from those Jack-O-Lanterns,
the ones that were vigorously spinning the bear there from a while ago -

Childrens' voices:( face)
Kyahahahahaha~! We found you, we found youuuuuu!

Childrens' voices:( face)
You’ve come to play with us~!
We're so happy that we get to have so much fun together~!

Childrens' voices:( face)
A special day where nobody can yell at us.
Papa, Mama, not even the teachers.

Childrens' voices:( face)
Only today are we allowed to be mischevious.
That's why everyone should be happy!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png


You notice that the people eating the stew from the stall all became Pumpkin Monsters.

Volos expression surprised.png

Waaah, t-there's so many of them!!
I didn't expect this many people here...!

Volos expression pout.png

I-I see them in order, one by one, side by side in a row!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Welcome, visitors! You run away, we chase you!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Either way is fine! Either way is fine!
Run and chase, chase and run!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Spin you 'round, round and around! FOREVER!
Come on, guys! Let's go Trick-or-Treating!

2 options (same response)
Is that Halloween-like?! Geez, this conversion doesn't make any sense.

Volos expression sad.png

Are these children spellbound with the Halloween spirit?
No, but they are only children...

Volos expression pout.png

A child naturally tends to prioritize their cravings and curiosity
rather than try to understand things.

2 options (same response)
Leave this to me. Volos, stay back.

Volos expression surprised.png

Y-You're not planning on handling them all by yerself, are you!?
There's more of them than before! It's too dangerous!

Volos expression pout.png

Let's skedaddle for now!
After working out a plan, we can try aga-

Children:( face)
Kyahahaha~! Cauuuught you~. We caught you~!

Volos expression pout.png

O-Oh no! You are all good boys and girls,
that's why you should let me goooooooaaaaaaah!!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Go, goooooooo! Everyone, charge!
Let's go play with Mr. Bear!

Children:( face)
Heave! Hooooo!! Take him with us and spin spin spin him around!

The Pumpkins all at once lifted up Volos, lifting him high in the air and takes him away.

Volos expression surprised.png

Hyaaaaaa!! Cut it out!
W-Why are you doing this only to meeeee!!

Volos expression surprised.png

Waah! Waah! Getting... spun around... my... eyes... spinning...!!

2 options (same response)
Volos! I'm getting you right now!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

No way, no way! You won't get in our way!
We're taking him to the dream world!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

You won't get in our way!
We're going to the dream world!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

See you later and may we see you tomorrow!
Not in our world though!

The Lanterns blocked your way in a combination you never anticipated.

Engulfed by the crowd of children, you thought Volos would be gone for good, until...

Mysterious Dignified Voice:( face)
Please wait!

Together with strong wind pressure, something large and spherical is on the Pumpkin Heads' bodies...

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png


Volos expression sad.png


Volos was thrown down along with screaming. The object that was thrown at them rolls across the ground.

The object was a large, white vegetable. It appears to be like a turnip.

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png


Children:( face)
W-Who did that!? Whatever they just threw,
it's getting in our way!!

This Alice is referred to as "Enigmatic Pretty Boy" for a while.

Mysterious Dignified Voice:( face)
I will appear if you call out for me!
However, my real name is a secret! It's to remain a mystery after all!

Alice expression halloween anger.png

Hahaha. Tricks are something to make you laugh.
Do more than that and it won't be called as such, even if it's controlled.

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

Pumpkin Heads! This young bear dislikes being carried off against his own will!
Now, listen carefully to what I have to say!

Alice expression halloween smile.png

Are you aware of a vegetable used in Italian cuisine called zucchinis?

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

That vegetable may look like cucumbers,
but actually they're a species of pumpkin called a pepo pumpkin!

Alice expression halloween smile.png

Incidentally, if you replace potatoes with them in curry,
the flavor will be absolutely delicious!

Children:( face)
Oooh, is that true? Sounds yummy~. I love curry.

Children:( face)
Somehow, I'm in the mood to eat curry.
My tummy is growling~.

Thanks to the unexpected intruder, all the kids in that situation all stopped in their tracks.

That mysterious character... opened up an opporunity for you!

Alice expression halloween anger.png

Now, [Player]! Rescue him! Go and rescue the Bear!

3 options (same response)
Who are you?! Thanks for the random trivia! How do you know my name?!

Alice expression halloween anger.png

Don’t worry about that!
I was just reading the room! Now, quickly!

You made your way to where Volos is faster than the Pumpkins before they got their acts together.

You see for yourself that the Mysterious Pretty Boy throws a refreshing smile, standing up to the Jack-O-Lanterns.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

T-Thank you, [Player].
I was nearly carried off somewhere again...!

2 options (same response)
Wait here for a minute. I'm backing him up!

Volos expression pout.png

Y-Yeah... Got it!
I'll observe and collect information!

Volos expression sad.png

I think I'll be safe here, but you're up against children!
Please be gentle with them like you did before.

Volos expression joy.png

One more thing... Be careful.

For this quest the player is able to select a NPC support Alice (Halloween) (level 20, skill level 20) to gain 100 Ally Point

Level 5
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 15 3 per stamina
Card XP Given 60 12 per stamina
Board size 3x4
Award Transient Stone x1
(Possible) Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Great Pumpkin x50
Phase 2
  • Halloween Treats x50

Part 2

Part 2:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Daikanyama Academy

JackOLantern expression normal.png


Alice expression halloween neutral.png

Seems like we settled things here peacefully.
I assume nobody's hurt?

1 option
Thanks for helping us.

Alice expression halloween smile.png

Hahaha. There's no need for thanks.
This is what I do after all.

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

Now that things have settled down, Allow me to introduce myself.

Alice expression halloween anger.png

I am a Mysterious Blood-Sucking Knight!
Call me, the Rutabaga Knight!

2 options (Same Response)
Rutabaga... Knight? What's a Rutabaga?

In response to your question, the Rutabaga Knight answers with a dubious smile instead of words.

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

If again, you find yourself in a tough situation,
put your heart into it and call out for my name!

Alice expression halloween smile.png

Do so and I will respond to that call.
Till we meet again, gentlemen... Farewell!

Alice expression halloween sad.png

What? Why am I leaving already? Ah.
That's because I come and go just like the wind.

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

Well then... adieu.

Salomon-kun expression tasty.png

So... COOOOL...!!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Did you see that, Master?! That unidentified, mysterious boy!
He even said "adieu" when he left!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

The Rutabaga Knight... What a charming guy...!
He really inspired me~. I think I'll put on a disguise too!

3 options
I-Is that right? You got that right! Something like... a Demon Butler guise?
Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

You don't understand how awesome he was!!
Geez, Master, I feel like a child.

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

You even thought so too! Huhuhu~.
I think you're just as cool too, Master!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

That name makes me sound like a completely bad character!
Demon? I bet demons are troublemakers...

Volos expression surprised.png

What's the matter, [Player]?
It looked like you were in a daze, but...

Volos expression joy.png

Anyways, thanks [Player].
All the kids are unharmed, thanks to you going easy on 'em.

Volos expression sad.png

That aside, I wonder who that boy was earlier...
He called himself the Rutabaga Knight.

Volos expression neutral.png

Rutabaga... a brassicaceae famine relief plant.
A distinct species but similar to a turnip, and flavorful enough for cooking... Hmm...

Volos expression joy.png

It was emergency food at the time when there was nothing to snack on.
Sometimes it was used as feed.

Volos expression sad.png

Based on that information...
It could mean the Rutabaga Knight is a savior during times of need.

After finishing up his theory, Volos approaches the object next to the victim's body.

It was a well refined, gigantic pumpkin lantern.

Volos expression sad.png

This one's clean too, with its insides cleaned out.
...... Yup, this one too.

1 option
Did you find a clue?

Volos expression pout.png

I have no idea if it's a clue, but...
It sure did leave behind a mystery.

Volos expression neutral.png

Take a good look at this pumpkin, for starters.
There are no signs of a carving knife used on it.

Volos expression surprised.png

Basically, nobody manufactured this.
It's like it spontaneously became a "pumpkin lantern."

Volos expression sad.png

I'm darn surprised...
I never seen such development from a pumpkin.

Volos expression neutral.png

One more thing I want to add.
The color and smell... I'm positive about it.

Volos expression pout.png

It's the pumpkins I grew myself...
The same ones I brought to this academy to be used for Halloween dishes.

Volos expression sad.png

My pumpkins that I worked hard in making...
Why is this happening...?

2 options (Same Response)
Maybe something weird's going on with them? Maybe someone did something to them...?

Volos expression sad.png

This is... unimaginable.
I have yet to figure out the cause, but...

Volos expression pout.png

If that's the case here, then I must check things myself.

Volos walked over to the rattling stall and takes a cup of stew from the stew pot left behind.

Volos expression sad.png

It seems nobody is running the stall, so I'll leave the cash here. I'm sorry.

2 options (Same Response)
H-Hey, Volos......? What are you doing?

Volos expression neutral.png

(Sniff sniff)…… (Sniff sniff)

Volos expression neutral.png

The smell does have some other stimuli after all.
The ingredients are pumpkin, carrots... and potatoes?

Volos expression pout.png

That concludes the inspection regarding how it looks.
Well then, thank you for...

2 options (Same Response)
What are you doing! ? Don't eat that!

Volos expression surprised.png

W-What...? I'm going through an experiment, ya know?

Volos expression neutral.png

It's possible the stew the children had was the reason they turned out like this.

Volos expression sad.png

No... It's not only this stew.
It's all the dishes that has my pumpkins.

Volos expression sad.png

That's why I'm eating it, to try and verify it myself.

Volos expression pout.png

It's also a quality check. Reactions and changes
in cooking such as heat usage were strongly confirmed based on the provisions.

Volos expression pout.png

But, things happen. As a researcher,
as an Agricultural Student, this is an important procedure.

Volos expression joy.png

Now then, thank you for the food! Aah-

???:( face)
Doing such careless things.

Volos expression surprised.png

Aaaaiiee!! W-Was that ice cold black tea thrown at the back of my head!?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Goodness me... It's good you're enthusiastic about your research,
but please, reconsider the time and case.

2 options
Who are you? Are you Rutabaga?!
Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

It's proper manners to introduce yourself first
before asking for someone's name.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Especially I'm a countess of blood who's like a frail little girl, yes?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

I wonder who that could be...?
I'm afraid I don't know who you're talking about.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

However, this person you call Rutabaga...
He's very graceful and beautiful, wouldn't you agree?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

So? What are your names?

Volos expression sad.png

-O-Oh... My name is Volos.
An agricultural student and... producer of these pumpkins.

1 option
It’s [Player], Princess.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Good. Thank you for politely introducing yourselves.
My name is... Oh dear, I shouldn't do that.

Volos expression surprised.png


Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Blood-sucking, Pretty Girl Detective of Love and Wisdom, Alice.
That is what I refer to myself as.

2 options (Same Response)
Sounds too much like a movie character. That’s a lot to say.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Fine, my alias will be Pretty Girl Detective then.
That will be setting this time.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Maaasteeer, somehow I think this little girl could be the "movie scene" herself, but...

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

She's obviously a super suspicious little girl!
Are you okay with this, Master?

Volos expression sad.png

Say, Pretty Girl Detective Alice.
Why did you throw tea at the back of my head?

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

A head cannot be cooled without some iced tea.
You tried to do something completely stupid as well.

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

That's why it's quite extreme.
Is that how you think you should take responsibility?

Volos expression surprised.png

But, my pumpkins are still the cause of this, aren't they...?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Correct. I have yet to grasp the specifics but...
there's no question the pumpkins are part of the problem.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

However, you never planned to raise your pumpkins like that, didn't you?

Volos expression surprised.png

D-Do you know something about it yourself, Pretty Girl Detective?

2 options (Same Response)
Expected no less from a detective. You know what caused this?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

There is not enough evidence for me to determine that.
This is a conclusive matter. This will be the last escape.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

At first, you gain a lead then strike at the culprit.
Then, the culprit accepts defeat.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Such a lovely tale...
I'm sure this would become an ideal mystery.

Alice fixes her eyes into empty space with an ecstatic face.

Then, she lightly turns her eyes towards your direction.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

What do you say, gentlemen?
Cooperate with me. You're not going to refuse, are you?

Volos expression surprised.png

C-Cooperate…? What in tarnation are you planning to do?

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Ah, that settles it then.
I will need assistants to pursue this mysterious event.

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

People are suddenly becoming Pumpkin Heads
and pulling tricks indiscriminately.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

This is a very obscure event.
A scandal worthy enough to be challenged by a Pretty Girl Detective.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

What this means is,
you gentlemen will be working as Assistants No. 1 and No.2.

2 options (Same Response)
Volos is Assistant No.1? I’m assistant No.2?

Volos expression pout.png

Alice-chan, I'm happy about your attitude about this, but...
I'm afraid I can't drag ya into this.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

My, oh my. You're just like Jambav... *Ahem*.
Do you have any complaints you want to share with me?

Volos expression embarrassed.png

I don't want to put a child like yerself in dangerous situations.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png


Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Fine, let me put it this way.
I'll work on intelligence, and you gentlemen will handle the fighting.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

I need to solve this mysterious case as well.
This will be a cooperative alliance, huhuhu~.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Well then...

The little girl smiled, expressing a meaningful hope in her eyes.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

I wonder if you're confident in solving this case,
with a clever girl like myself lending a hand?

2 options (Same Response)
I’ll leave things to you from here on out. The more the merrier.

Volos expression neutral.png

After all... We need a specialist for the best results.
Does that mean... the detective is a pretty girl detective...?

2 options (Same Response)
Do you understand!? Okay, let's get this show on the road!

Volos expression joy.png

Got it. Pretty Girl Detective Alice-chan,
I'm counting you on solving this case.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

It's settled. Let's get going, the next case awaits us!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Master... This child could be extremely full of herself, y'know...?

2 options (Same Response)
I’m going with her. Give it up.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

U-Understood! I'll be with you to the very end!
I'm gonna stay by your side!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

We still got time before Chernobog-san's play starts,
so let's give it our all!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

... Very good. So far, Master welcomes a new companion to their group,
a selfish, pretty girl detective...

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Embarked on a full-out investigation,
calling off a straight man and many confusions...! Suspensful!

No Battle.

I'm Not Afraid of Halloween! 3

Part 1

Part 1:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Daikanyama Academy

[Night 3: A Puppy Dances a Rondo]

Sounds of happiness echoes from somewhere. That is, the voices of people enjoying themselves and getting excited.

Summer festivals may be different from Christmas, but it has a joyful and calming atmosphere.

One lone dog beastman is walking happily in the town.

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

The sweet smell of pumpkin candy tickles my nose.
Even the sounds of cheerful people can be heard from a feet away...

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Everyone's having so much fun, ehehehe~!
I've been waiting forever for this Halloween event.

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

Before I came to Tokyo, I was looking forward to seeing the kids,
with the candy I made together with Master.

That was on a mere whim. Like going for a little stroll.

Because his Senpai is too busy with his research, this boy decided to read a magazine to kill the time.

In the middle of reading, a special feature article suddenly caught his attention. It was a Halloween event that is being held in a few days in Daikanyama Academy.

JackOLantern expression pumpkin happy.png

Happy Halloweeeeeen~! Hiya, Big Brother!

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

Awoooooooo! I am a Wolf-man!
Haaaaappy Halloween~!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin happy.png

If you don't give us candy, we'll play a prank on you!

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

Since pranks are very scary, I'll give you candy.
This special candy is something I made together with everyone, including Senpai!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin happy.png

Thank you, Big Brother~!
That costume looks great on you!

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Gee, thanks! You all look awfully cute in those costumes too!

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

Get out there and get a ton of candy!
Make sure you don't go and trip yourselves though!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin happy.png

Got it! Thanks again! See you later, Big Doggy Brother!
You look like a puppy too, by the way~!

Cusith expression halloween shocked.png

Wolf! I'm supposed to be a wolf, for pete's sake!
Dawwww, maybe I don't give a big enough impression yet...

Receiving and handing out candy......

Cusith having finished what he was doing, He finds and sits down in a comfortable spot with some juice in one hand.

Cusith sips on some special orange juice to match the Halloween feeling.

Cusith is happily looking at the children all dressed up in costumes while swinging both his legs.

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

I'm really happy about giving a tooon of candy to the kids.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

I also got a bunch of candy too!
When I get home, I'll be sure to share some with the Ueno Guild.

That said, he takes another sip of his orange juice. The children passing by waved their hands at Cusith, prompting Cusith to happily wave back.

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

It's not a bad thing to do something different than usual.
Getting in the holiday spirit is important too.

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

Although... I wonder why the costume Leib-senpai picked out is a wolf?

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

I wonder if a dog is supposed to be a wolf in disguise?
Wait, if that's the case, then I would be scary cool like Garmr-kun!

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

Still... I wish Senpai and the others were here with me.
Senpai is so selfish because he's so busy writing his research papers.

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

Garmr-kun is the watchdog of the day for the guild;
Xolotl-san is working while Moritaka-kun is at a kendo tournament.

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

Nothin' I can do about it when everyone's busy with what they're doing, but...
I'm darn sure it will be a lot more fun if we came together.

Feeling a little miserable, a mere faint shadow casts inside Cusith's heart.

Cusith made lots of friends after he was summoned to Tokyo. Every day was full of excitement for him.

And yet... yet...

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

N-No, I can't be sad like this!
Today's Halloween! Halloween's a fun festival!

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

I can't let myself cry even if I'm bummed out!
Senpai and Jambavan-san told me so!

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Alright! There's still lots of kids I haven't met yet!
Because of that, I gotta go and meet them!

Cusith got down from his seat and fixed up his looks. Then, when he threw away the paper cup he finished drinking from...

Note: The Female Clerk is a Light Mage mob

Female Clerk:( face)
Oh my, what a cute little wolf! Happy Halloween!

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

H-Happy Halloween!
Wait, you actually understand that I'm a wolf?!

Female Clerk:( face)
... Hmm? What are you talking about?
You're a very handsome, wolf boy aren't you?

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Yay, I'm sooo happy!
This is the first time I've been called a wolf!

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

Did you need something from me, Ma'am?
I-Is it candy candy you want? Let's see here...

Female Clerk:( face)
No? I was actually worried about you.
Weren't you sad about something? Did you get separated from someone?

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

Uuuuuum, no not really. Thanks for your concern though!
Here, some candy for you!

Female Clerk:( face)
Ah, thank you. Then, I'll return the favor with this. Here you go.

It was a big, big pumpkin pie. It's fairly heavy, and it still feels like it's fresh from the oven.

An indistinct sweet smell tickles Cusith's nose, completely stimulating his appetite and making his mouth water.

Female Clerk:( face)
I'm handing these out to everyone right now. It's special pumpkin pie.
It's very yummy and I'm sure it'll cheer you up.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Wooow~, thank you so much! I was getting awfully hungry.

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

Then, I'm gonna eat this right away! Thank you for the food!

  • Nom Nom*... *Ahm*... *Munch Munch*.
Cusith expression halloween smile.png

Wow, it's nice and crunchy on the outside!
It’s freshly-baked, sweet and super yummy too!

Female Clerk:( face)
Hehehe, I'm glad I had the time to make it if you enjoyed it that much.
I'm glad it cheered you up.

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

Yeah! I feel so much better now!
Thank you again for the delicious pie! Hehehe~.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

So… good! *Crunch crunch*. Mmm... Ah, this is great!

His hunger gets satisfied with every bite he takes. However, his body gradually got warmer.

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

H-Huh... I wonder why... My head's... dizzy...

???:( face)
Trick…… or……
…… Trick…… or……

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

Trick…… Candy…… ?
A voice...? Who's... there?

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

I'm sure that was a whisper just now.
I shouldn't have any more candy, what I need now is...

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

Trick…… or……
…… Trick…… or……

Cusith expression halloween redeyes.png



Alice expression halloween b surprised.png


Volos expression neutral.png

What's wrong, Alice-chan?
Are you burned out from all this walking?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

No, I'm sorry.
I believe I heard something like a howl just now.

Volos expression surprised.png

A howl, you say?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Now... Shall I go over what's been happening around here?

Pretty Girl Alice who was walking and standing in front of the crowd turns over in your direction.

She's behaving like a teacher who waves her finger and teaches difficult formulas to students.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

We are currently pursuing the mysterious pumpkins,
while also following the trouble they've caused.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

They attach themselves to people and become Jack-O-Lanterns.
Their intentions are very ambiguous to us at the moment.

Volos expression sad.png

-T-The new species of pumpkins I grew... are the cause of this... Why?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Oh my, you shouldn't jump to conclusions like that. I'm only reviewing what's happened. Don't put yourself down over that right now.

1 option

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

You are intently staring over this way for something.
Do I have something on my face?

3 options (Same Response)
That was very nice of you. Alice is so smart. You're no ordinary kid.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

I see... My "behavior" seems that way to your point of view.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

You're free to think however you like...
Please remember one thing, however.

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

The "me" you're seeing today is the "me" only for today,
surely for this place only.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Tomorrow morning, I will wake up,
I will stand before a mirror, already I put on a different face.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

The "me" is not "me." There are infinte me's, as I will wake up every day.

Volos expression neutral.png

I got the slightest idea on what Alice-chan is talkin' about.
You see, even plants are the same yet different.

Volos expression neutral.png

Everything differs in shape and color,
even flowers that are part of the same foliage, the same roots.

Volos expression joy.png

After all, our bodies are metabolized by cells,
and we become "new selves" sometime in the future.

Volos expression joy.png

"Life"... We make a fresh start every day, continuously shining anew.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

You... You are surprisingly a poet.
I wonder if all researchers are poets like yourself?

Volos expression embarrassed.png

Hahaha! Whether I'm a poet or not,
this is the first time I've been praised like that.

2 options
Volos sure knows a lot of stuff I'm telling you! You can't pay attention to things around you, but that's just a fly in the ointment.
Volos expression neutral.png

You think so? I do specialize in that field, y'know.
Isn't everyone curious about the things they're interested in?

Volos expression embarrassed.png

Oh... Ahahah. Yup, I feel like that sums it up about me.

Note: "Fly in the ointment" means "A flaw or imperfection that detracts from something positive."

Volos expression neutral.png

I'm absolutely crazy about them. Plants... they're always intriguing to me.

Volos expression joy.png

Days, weeks, months, heck I'll never get bored of them all year round!

3 options
Don't you have friends? Are you eating okay? Are you able to do your everyday routines?
Volos expression surprised.png

C-Course I do!! I have lots of friends in the lab.

Volos expression joy.png

Everyone works well together on their research,
and we have discussions every day.

Volos expression joy.png

Point being, I'm not alone. We discuss about a lot of things. It's fun.

Volos expression joy.png

Daw, you don't have to worry 'bout that.
I eat while I go through the research results.

Volos expression neutral.png

Other research teams bring fish and meat and have barbeques.

Volos expression sad.png

Well... They would bring a bunch of food, so I end up eating more than I should.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

T-That's...... I don't know what to say about that.
It's embarrassing but, I'm generally not good with those things...

Volos expression sad.png

I'm indifferent to fashion much less clothing,
so my room is mostly a mess.

Volos expression pout.png

Gah, that doesn't mean I'm a slob!
R-Research! Yup, I'm always busy with research so there...!

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

I see. I now understand the nature of your character.
Simplistic, brimming with curiosity and... relatively sloppy.

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

You're the exact opposite of a bear in a white coat who is somewhat hard to please.
You two seem to match, however. You two are the same bear.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Nevertheless... It's not like someone who abuses research for the purpose of mischief.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

In the name of a great detective,
I can assure you there's a mastermind behind this scandal.

2 options (Same Response)
What's the culprit's objective? A great detective's reasoning never fails.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Don’t get ahead of yourself.
That is still impossible even for I, Pretty Girl Detective Alice-chan.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

...... Don't look at me like that.
I haven't gathered enough evidence that I need for my analysis.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Rushed conclusions is a work of a moronic police detective.
Detectives don't rush, are smart, and elegantly solves mysteries, no?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Pardon, [Player]. I'm sorry, but go and buy any kind of drink for me please.

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

My throat feels dry while I was explaining my hypotheses.
Let's see now... I'll improve my deductive powers with some black tea.

Volos expression neutral.png

You have been chatting for a while now.
Alright, [Player], will you accompany me?

Volos expression joy.png

I'm sure there should be a vending machine in the nearest building.
Wait here, Alice-chan.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Hmph... Do not treat like a child. Go quickly.

Volos expression joy.png

By the way, Alice-chan, you are somehow a pleasant little girl.
The things you talk about are very interesting.

Volos expression neutral.png

I feel it's somewhat strange, but innocent.
I have never met anyone like you until now.

Volos expression joy.png

Of course, you too, [Player].
I don't think there's anyone as friendly as you are.

2 options (Same Response)
Is that right? You think so?

Volos expression surprised.png

... I’m surprised. Aren't you self-aware?
It's not something I should say, but I say it's fitting for you.

Volos expression neutral.png

No, that's actually a good thing.
That one thing defines who “you” are.

Volos expression joy.png

Cherish that feeling with great care.
That's what I like about you, pal. Truly.

???:( face)
Someone, anybody come quick!

???:( face)
Pumpkins! Pumpkiiiins!!

Volos expression surprised.png

-D-Did you hear that just now?
There might be Jack-O-Lanterns on the loose again!

Volos expression pout.png

Let’s head in that direction!
I'm positive it must be my pumpkins... Let's get a move on!

2 options
Let's get Alice! We'll meet up with Alice later!
Volos expression surprised.png

Out of the question! It’s too dangerous for Alice-chan! We’ll meet up with her after this is over!

Volos expression joy.png

Right! It’s too dangerous for Alice-chan.
As expected, [Player]. I think we get along well.


At the place where the shrieks came from, something was waiting for you before you arrived...

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Ah, ah, awooo, awoooooooo~!
We are all brothers and sisters~! All of us~!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Bark bark, hold your muzzle high in the sky~!
Awooo, awooo! Come on, dance with us~!

What you see is Jack-o-Lanterns perfectly lined up together, shoulder to shoulder, dancing.

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Oooo~ Oooo~ It's a fun festival today~!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Everyone is still together as a pack~
That's the way of a wolf~!

Volos expression pout.png

E-Everyone's dancing this time...?
Why in tarnation are those pumpkins doing this?

Volos expression surprised.png

... Oi, [Player]!
Over there! I see someone over there!

Looking ahead where Volos is pointing at... Inside the row of Jack-o-Lanterns is a dog beastman donning a green scarf.

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

Whoa, you guy heard the voice too and came too!
I’m Cusith! Let’s be friends!

Volos expression neutral.png

You said... you're Cusith-kun right?
I'm Volos and this here is [Player].

Volos expression sad.png

What's this...? Just from looking at you,
it seems you're not under the effect of the pumpkins?

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

Pumpkin? What's that supposed to be?
Come on! Let’s sing and dance already!

Volos expression surprised.png

Sing? Dance? Are those things you do during Halloween?

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

You bet! I'm planning to have fun dancing and playing together with the children for a long time!

Volos expression sad.png

Sorry, I know you're having fun, but...
We have business with the children you're dancing with.

Volos expression neutral.png

Could you stop dancing for a minute and cooperate with us?

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

Uncle bear... You came by to stop us from dancing?

Volos expression surprised.png

U-Uncle...!? Do I really look like one...? H-Hey, wait just a minute!!

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

Awaawoooooooooo~! Now, everybody! Are you ready?

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Let's howl more and more, everybody!
Let's call out for more friends!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Yeah, of course, Mr. Boss~!
Our leader, leads the pack!

All the children all let out a wolf's howl at the same time of Cusith's lead.

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

You rang? Come on, this way~!
Dance with us~, let's all dance together~!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Everyone howl! We're all the same!
We're all friends here~!

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

Yup! Don't be afraid to howl together with everyone!
We'll spend time together and have fun every day.

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

We will populate the world with ourselves!
Everyone will be together as one big pack!

Volos expression pout.png

W-What's this voice I'm listening to...?
I... It makes me want to scream too.

Volos expression surprised.png

T-These are my pumpkins...?
But, that child doesn't have a pumpkin stuck on him...!

That voice is full of a strong, strange power, as if a soul is being stirred up by it.

A seductive voice resembling enticement, greatly attracts the mind and soul.

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Oh... Maaasteeeer~!
He'll become helpless if he listens to voice for too long!

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

A-At any rate, you need to stop that dog right now!
If you don't... everyone will become like beasts!

2 options (Same Response)
Quit it! Settle down and listen to me!

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

What? Why? I'm feeling great, just so you know!

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

You should come to my pack too!
I'm telling you, we'll have lots and lots of fun!

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

Or... are you two "grave-robbers"?
Does that mean... you're my enemy...!?

Cusith's eyes flickers with a suspicious glow. Also, the shape of his mouth distorts slightly...

Cusith expression halloween redeyes.png

If that's the case, then you leave me no choice!
Everyone, let's get those kids to dance!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Okay~! Come on, everybody! Let's go!

Following Cusith's command, the Pumpkins all started marching over to you.

As they danced, as they sang... The Pumpkins moves closer together, hand to hand.

Volos expression surprised.png

Awawawa! W-What should we do!?
I'm not good with rough situations like this!!

2 options (Same Response)
Drive out the pumpkins! Cusith's waiting for us to make a move!

Volos expression surprised.png

Okay! I'll give this my best shot...!
I'm doing this... for my pumpkins...!

For this quest the player is able to select a NPC support Volos (level 25, skill level 25) to gain 100 Ally Point

Level 8
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 30 6 per stamina
Card XP Given 122 24.4 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award Transient Stone x1
(Possible) Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Great Pumpkin x50
Phase 2
  • Halloween Treats x50

Part 2

Part 2:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Daikanyama Academy

Volos expression surprised.png

This is from working in the fields!
Take thiiiiiiiiiiis!!

Volos throws as to not hit a large table and the like, preventing the Pumpkins from closing in somehow.

Weaving through in the meantime, You take the opportunity to incapitate them.

Volos expression sad.png

Hah... Whew... There are so many... so many of them......

The swarm of Jack-o-Lanterns doesn't seem to get any smaller no matter how many of them you take out.

On the other hand, the Pumpkins increase in number, little by little each passing minute.

Volos expression surprised.png

A-Also... What is going on? I somehow want to... howl too...

Volos expression surprised.png

O-Ooou...... Gosh, I... can't resist any more...

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Oh, Maaaasteeer!! The heck is going on here!!

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Humans, dogs, bears, everything in this academy alike!
The sound waves from the dog is seeping into their consciousnesses!

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

If things are left like this, Master...
You'll be part of that dog's pack too!

2 options (Same Response)
There's no end to this! Cusith, stop!

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

No way! Because if I do, everyone in the pack will be scattered about!

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

It's my job to protect everyone in the pack!
I will work hard on guiding them, so they don't lose their way!

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

That's why I'm calling out for everyone.

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

Those who hear my call, join me and everyone in the pack.
Then... I will take you somewhere.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

To a safe place... a place of promise where pain never happens!
I will send you there with everyone.

Cusith expression halloween redeyes.png

When that happens...”everyone besides me” won't have to cry by themselves!

Cusith expression halloween redeyes.png

Sadness left behind by an important person...
Everyone will not be allowed to experience it...!

Turning his body away, Cusith heads for the skies and creates a large-scale howl.

A sound wave was produced that invades the minds of each and everyone residing in the area.

However... That is by no means a coercion or the like.

That was the sounds of misery. Screams of grief.

That grief trembles the minds of everyone who heard it.

You can't fight back because of that. You can't help but feel sympathetic. You can't help but obey that sound.

Volos expression sad.png

I-It's no use... Aaagh... I can't... stand it any longer...

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Everyone! Be happy! You won't be miserable anymore!

Cusith expression halloween b 4star.png

This is the finale! Stay with me! For I will howl a massive howl!!

Cusith expression halloween b 4star.png

Third Howling-

???:( face)
Don't give up! Keep yourselves in order, please!

A refreshing voice echoes to defeat the howl that unnerves your thoughts.

The owner of that voice became a shadow that soared in the sky, and threw the giant mass in his hand.

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

Uuwaaaah, waaaaahh!! That really hurts!!

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

W-Who the heck did that?!
Such a big ball... Huh? A turnip?

Volos expression surprised.png

L-Look, over there! That person must be...!

Looking where Volos is pointing at, you see someone standing on a tree branch...

Alice expression halloween anger.png

Yes... It is I!

1 option
Rutabaga Knight!

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

Sorrowful Fairy Dog confused about affection!
Please, listen to my voice!

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

The English name for a pumpkin (kabocha) is a word called, "Pumpkin," however...

Alice expression halloween anger.png

Did you know that it's the name used only for the orange kind used for Halloween?

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

A pumpkin used as food is what you call a squash.
Huhu... Please remember that.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Oooo~, so that's what it is! I had no idea, thanks!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Oooh~, that's so cool~! We're a lot smarter now~.

Cusith and the Pumpkins roared in applause for the speaker on top of the tree.

The howling that filled the surrounding area stopped. And the effects of that power completely comes to a stop.

Cusith expression halloween shocked.png

A-Ah, dangit! I was in the middle of something! U-Uuuummm...

Cusith expression halloween b 4star.png

“Third Howling”-

Note: Red Eye Cusith is "Young Werewolf?"

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

Stop it, Black Dog! Those guys aren't "grave robbers"!

Cusith expression halloween redeyes.png

Eh?! W-What are you...?

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

They don't give a darn about that. I need to put an end to this, quick!

Cusith expression halloween redeyes.png

Don't... Don't waste your breath. No matter what you say, it's already too late to stop-

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

"Master" told you something, didn't they!?
"I want you to protect everyone, even when I'm gone."

Cusith expression halloween redeyes.png


Cusith expression halloween redeyes.png


Volos expression surprised.png

Did he... stop moving?!

Alice expression halloween anger.png

Now, [Player]!
Use your strength to break through his sorrows!

2 options (Same Response)
You got it, Rutabaga Knight! I will bring back Cusith, with this blade!


Cusith expression halloween shocked.png

A... Aaaaaaaah... T-That was cruel... Kyuuuu...

Your attacks cuts off the power dwelling inside Cusith's body. Cusith then falls to the ground.

A sweet pumpkin smell then comes out from his mouth.

Alice expression halloween smile.png

It seems everything went smoothly. Then, I'll be taking my leave now!

Volos expression joy.png

Expected no less from a wandering knight...!
Handsome and reliable as ever!

Volos expression surprised.png

That aside, we should look after this kid.

2 options (Same Response)
Cusith's asleep. Wake up, sleepyhead, it's already morning!

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

N... Mmmm... Nooo, I can't have any more pie...

2 options (Same Response)
Just like Ryouta... Is that you, Ryouta?

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

...... Huh? Good... morning?
Ummm... What... was I doing...

3 options
Nice to meet you. Haven’t seen you in a long time. You feeling alright, Cusith?
Cusith expression halloween smile.png

Good to meet ya! I'm Cusith!
Wait, didn't you tell me this before? I introduced myself to you before, didn't I...?

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

Oh, [Player]! It's been forever since I last saw you... since last New Year's, right?

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Oh, [Player]! Whoopee!
Why, you came to celebrate Halloween too!

Volos expression surprised.png

You're telling me that you completely forgot about what happened earlier...?

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

What happened earlier...? Oh... right, I'm still warm and fuzzy but I still remember.

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

I wonder why I was doing something like that?
Or rather, how am I able to do something like that?

2 options (Same Response)
Is there some ability you're not aware of? Was it because of those pumpkins?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

...... Yes, it's appropriate to assume that.
Rather, it's a natural result.

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

Where's my drink, by the way?
Who in the right mind would feel the need to keep someone waiting.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

A-Alice-chan! I-I'm so sorry!
I was a little busy, but I can get you some tea...

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

Sigh, don't worry about it, I understand.
It was always like this for a bear acquaintance of mine.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Other than that, the pumpkins themselves have appeared again.
It was quite the mayhem I say. Quite.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

The pumpkins are running around here,
and sounds like that of a wolf was heard.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

It was quite obvious even with making deductions,
seeing that you're looking after the dog and your tired expressions. Hehehe~.

2 options (Same Response)
That's a Pretty Girl Detective for ya. (I'll keep this in mind)

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

No matter... The dog over there. What's your name?

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Ummm... I'm Cusith. You are Alice-chan, did I get that right?

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Correct. My formal name is Pretty Girl Detective Alice.
I'm pleased to make your acquaintance.

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

Yeah, nice to meet you too! I'll be calling you Pretty Girl Detective Alice then!

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Just Alice is fine, Cusith.

Volos expression neutral.png

Alice, there's something that's been bothering me...

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Yes, I know... It's about the effects of the pumpkins.

Volos expression sad.png

Yup. I assumed my pumpkins only turned people into Jack-o-Lanterns.

Volos expression neutral.png

On the other hand, Cusith-kun here...
Is it possible they gave him some special power?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

It's possible... I believe it's because of a trait Cusith has.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

He can kill but anything with his voice...
Isn't that kind of power hiding inside him?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

That power functioned as a way to "kill the mind's resilience."
...... That is my theory.

Cusith expression halloween shocked.png

Wait, I have that kind of power in me!?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

...... Seems like this boy is unaware about it.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Cusith, please try and remember...
What were you experiencing during that situation?

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

Yeah, I remember... I felt so nostalgic... I was happy.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

Uh huh... Okay, was there anything else?

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

Every time I howled, I felt I was getting friends together from different places.

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

Everybody was calling me "Big Brother" too.

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

We became friends, played together and danced in circles.

2 options (Same Response)
The Lanterns said something earlier. Was that really playing around?

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Yeah. Everyone just wants to have fun.
It was the children that had that wish.

Cusith expression halloween shocked.png

Oh right! While I was playing with those kids... I remmembered him.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png


Cusith expression halloween sad.png

The grave keeping dog of the cemetery: the "Black Dog."

Volos expression neutral.png

Black Dog... The grave keeper that keeps the grave robbers out of the cemetery and protects the children.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

I see. I wonder if you became the "Black Dog" to protect the children from the grave robbers.

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

I don't know the real Black Dog myself, but it's only in my imagination...

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

When I noticed the "Black Dog" inside me, it whispered something in my head.
Protect the children.

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

I couldn't hold back that urge...
That's what everyone exactly witnessed.

Volos expression surprised.png

But... How did you manage to stop the attack?
It was obvious you stopped moving in the middle of it.

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

That's because... I knew you guys were fighting the children without hurting them...

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

That's why I had to say something to the Black Dog inside me.
I told him, those people are not bad people.

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

I screamed at the top of my lungs in my head...
It startled him, but he laughed and stopped moving.

Volos expression neutral.png

I see now... Thanks Cusith.
Thanks to you, I was saved. I'd say you make a fine guard dog.

Volos expression joy.png

Despite a situation like that, you kept pushing forward and saved us all.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Ehee~…… Gosh, you're embarrassing me.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Black Dog... I wonder if that "Role" isn't something to be shared with everyone.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

"The first buried dead will become watch of the graveyard, without going to heaven."

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

The Black Dog assumes that Role.
The dog's "Role" of being left all alone, separated by death by everyone.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

...... I'm sure Cusith and that Black Dog hold awfully similar "Roles."

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

That's why there's an "overlap"... Put simply, there's someone important to Cusith...

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

No, I'm afraid I'll have to cut the story short here.
We must follow the case as detectives.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

"Children"... This is an important clue.

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

There are no ill intent in their actions,
they only want to innocently have fun and play with someoene...

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Those who do these tricks don't think the things they did are bad.

1 option
I have an idea of who it is...!

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

[Player], no. That kind of prejudice narrows your scope of reasoning.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Jumping to easy conclusions is the work of an obstinate detective.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

I am a Pretty Girl Detective.
I will reach the answer by being cautious and bold.

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

I get it now, Alice-chan.
You're a detective seeking to solve this case huh?

Cusith expression halloween sad.png


Cusith expression halloween anger.png

Hey, I got something to ask!
Please take me with you on this investigation!

Volos expression surprised.png

Whaaaa!? This is serious matters, Cusith!
Leave things to us and head on home, understand?

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

...... This is how I'll make up for the trouble I caused.
That is, I can't let things go on like this.

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

The children are in danger, aren't they?
I have to try and do something!

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

I may be a weak crybaby, but... I'm still a guard dog.
I'm sure my nose will be useful to everyone!

2 options (Same Response)
That’s great, Cusith. It's gonna be dangerous. Are you sure about that?

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Ehee~ I’m happy that you said that.
This time…… I will protect everyone! Yeah!

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

...... If that's your resolve, then I have no objections.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Shall we get going then?
We will determine the criminal's goals by following the pumpkins.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

You got it! Everyone, let's work together and solve this thing!

1 option

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

The detectives makes yet another friend, recruiting Cusith to the gang. It's time to head for the next crime scene!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

I wonder what kind of event is gonna happen to them there...!?

For this quest the player is able to select a NPC support Volos or Alice (Halloween) (level 25, skill level 25) to gain 100 Ally Point

Level 12
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 50 10 per stamina
Card XP Given 203 40.6 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award Transient Stone x1
(Possible) Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Great Pumpkin x50
Phase 2
  • Halloween Treats x50

I'm Not Afraid of Halloween! 4

Part 1

Part 1:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Daikanyama Academy

[Night 4: A Serious Man Contemplates]

A Halloween party held at the gorgeous Daikanyama Academy. It is a notable event alongside Christmas and Valentine's.

On the other hand, Halloween in comparison to other events, highlights the genuine festival aspect of the holiday.

What it means for the students is that it becomes an event, essentially a school festival for them.

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

Naturally! Though it's an event, I cannot allow myself to cut loose.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

In order to leave a good impression on the visitors outside the academy,
we must supervise the public morals of the academy more strictly than usual.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Zabaniya... I believe that's your seriousness, your values.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Come on, this is a long-awaited festival!
Loosen up a bit! Get some excitement and enjoy yourself!

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

On that note, are you going? You’re going, right?
I know I know, stop looking like that.

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

I truly am sorry.
It's impossible for me to behave like that.

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

I clearly asserted it before!!
I needed to say I need to make the most of it!!

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

That's the reason why I put on a Halloween costume,
to fit in with the mood of this special festival.

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

Such intentions like those...!
That's Arslan-sama for you... I would have never thought of that myself.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

When we're patrolling the academy like this,
are there measures to take so we don't intimidate the participants?

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

...... If you hadn't said that,
you'd be walking around in your usual attire, paying little attention to what's going around you.

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

My my... I think you softened up a little since the Seaside School...

[Zabaniya's inner thoughts]

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

...... You think so? I was skeptical when I heard those remarks from my superior.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

The different experiences I had at the summer sea that time,
I'm sure I still have them inside me even now.

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

Even now... Even now, there are no signs of change within me.

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

Even when I confessed to "them." regret stings me like a thorn...

[End of Zabaniya's inner thoughts]

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Look at you, making that serious face again!
What's bothering you, Mr. stubborn...?

A palm of a large hand reaches out and pats Zabaniya's stretched back.

It's as if he's forcing out the poison that's accumulated inside.

Zabaniya expression halloween blush.png

I... I apologize. However... I...

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Just as useless as squash and pumpkins.
You should be decisive like that Cub.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

If you started seeking change...
Don't stop walking and continue taking steps forward.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

If I were to take one step,
I'd go all the way to the end of the world like ZOOOOOM. Wahahahaha!

[Zabaniya's inner thoughts]

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

Arslan-sama's eyes...
There was pure brilliance like that of a child when he said that.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

If interested, he'll devote himself to it.
Such determination to move forward without losing interest.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

That's right... I longed for this kind of image for myself, did I not?

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

It was none other than myself... that suppressed those desires.

[End of Zabaniya's inner thoughts]

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

Oi, you trying to make wrinkles between your eyebrows?
Overthinking things is not healthy, y'know.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

While we're at it, my feet are itching to see the scenery somewhere far away.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Better yet, let's take everybody in this academy
on a great road trip somewhere in the world!

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Have fun. Not everyone can move forward as openhearted as you are.

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

There are those who seek inconvenience themselves.
Some also want to have railroad tracks for them to walk on.

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

Consequently, there are those who yearn for Arslan-sama's character.
For the time being, please spare the wanderer nature.

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

O-Okay, I get it. I understand my own responsibilities.
However... It's something I can't help but do.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Perhaps it'd be better if my nature and yours blend together with good vibes...

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

Hah... What are you saying?

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

I'm too unrestrained, you are too serious.
I think it's about a 50-50, no?

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

That's... No, you're right. That may be so.

Zabaniya:( face)
Indeed, I desired it that time.

Zabaniya:( face)
If... If it is the case...

???:( face)
Ahaha! That’s good!
Please, we'll grant that wish for you!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Happy Halloweeeeeeen! Trick-Or-Treat!

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

W-Who are you lot? Oh right... I'm supposed to hand out candy.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Maria, Gabriel and the others worked hard on making this candy.
Don't they look yummy?

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

No, something's not right here. Arslan-sama, stay back-

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Let's get started! Everyone, all together now!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png


[Transitions over to Cusith]

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

(Sniff-sniff), (Sniff-sniff). I see... I see... This is a strong odor.

Cusith is guiding the group while sniffing out the odor. His face is serious about it.

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

Just as Alice-chan said, the pumpkin smell is spreading across the academy.

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

How should I describe it... It's like a big stream of it.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Good work, Cusith. I'll give you a cookie as a reward.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Wooooow, thank you! Eheheh, I got sweets again!!

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

We should be able to find the other pumpkins by following the odor Cusith sniffed out.

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

Yep! I knew Alice-chan would figure something out.
She's such a great detective!

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Hehe. Now, let's find the "key" necessary in solving this case.

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

Okay, leave this to me! (Sniff Sniff)... (Sniff Sniff)......

Volos expression sad.png


2 options (Same Response)
Is something bothering you? Thinking about something?

Volos expression surprised.png

Ah... yes. Something's been bothering me for a while since this case started.

Volos expression pout.png

The criminal behind this case, and why they would do this to my pumpkins.

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

Yeah, about that... They were originally ordinary pumpkins, right?

Volos expression surprised.png

Of course! I poured my blood, sweat and tears into taking care of my pumpkins!

Volos expression joy.png

I had to work hard in raising them, so everyone will be happy and say they're delicious. How is that...!

1 option
The bad guy is the one who caused this mess.

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

Correct. It's most certainly unacceptable to have caused this uproar, however...

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Can you truly say it's only but evil?

Volos expression neutral.png

Eh? Why do you think that, Alice-chan?
Is there some meaning behind this chaos...?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

This is only a hypothesis, but...
Please remember what happened with Cusith earlier.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Those Jack-o-Lanterns never meant to make more malicious friends.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

Rather, the case came to be due to gentle feelings...
Is it truly unimaginable?

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

...... I...

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Don't take it the wrong way, Cusith.
You were only involved in it.

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

Gentle feelings may have backfired in this strange Halloween atmosphere.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

However... Perhaps the preparator's actions occurred through feelings of kindness?

Volos expression neutral.png

That's... not strange, is it?
If it's kindness, I think it won't cause any trouble.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

....... Is that right?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Kindness and compassion are invaluable things.
Like a soft, warm and beautiful blanket.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

You are a charming bear, however.
A person with a gentle green thumb, yes?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Kindness... A design drawn on the front of a coin.

Volos expression surprised.png

Front... of a coin? Alice-chan, what are you going on-

???:( face)
Kyaaaa! No waaay!

2 options (Same Response)
Who screamed...! Was that a scream...?

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

T-This is bad! It was someone's scream...!
But... Why? We need to check it out, pronto!

Volos expression pout.png

I'm positive it was a scream, but it was strangely high-pitched and ecstatic...

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

That was a different kind of scream this time...
Okay, shall we go and investigate?


Male High School Student (Light Fencer Mob):( face)
Please get married with meee!!

Female Student (Fire Mage Mob):( face)
No way! Me, me! P-Please, turn this waaaaaay!!

Beastman (Green Wolf Mob):( face)

You finally arrived on ahead at the main street of the academy. You notice that there's a group of people tightly packed in the centre.

The people are blowing up with enthusiasm like a pop star just arrived here.

Volos expression surprised.png

W-What a huge crowd! Wha... What in barnacles is going on here!?

3 options
A pop star's live performance maybe? Bursting with love's passion...! GABRIEL-CHAAAAAAN! !
Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

No, her live concert should be held at a special venue near the school after this.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

If you're a detective, you should carefully assess the information around you.
You have much to learn as an assistant.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

On the other hand, I didn't hear anything about other events held at this time.
If so... what in world is this about?

Volos expression surprised.png

Amazing... Such enthusiasm here.
Everyone is going crazy and shouting words of love.

Volos expression pout.png

This is my first time witnessing a scene like this.
I must document a report on this afterwards.

Volos expression surprised.png

... Huh? Why are you giving me the cold shoulder?
Stop looking at me like I'm some weirdo researcher!

Volos expression sad.png

Strangely speaking of abnormalities...
Are my pumpkins the cause of this too...?

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

But wait... I don't see the children nor pumpkins anywhere.
Maybe they're hiding somewhere?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

The frenzy here is abnormal.
We need to quiet things down, otherwise we can't grasp-

Arslan:( face)
All of you, this is unacceptable!
You cannot stir up a scandalous uproar like this!!

Volos expression surprised.png

That voice just now-

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Causing chaos is ridiculous! Settle down and stay put!!

1 options

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Oh, that's good. It seems a gentleman supervising the public morals has come.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

Even so, that was a strong roar.
As an educator... surely they must be strict about discipline.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png


Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Is something the matter? Did I... say something odd?

Volos expression surprised.png

Naw, he must be a good man as an educator, but...
Isn't the aura around him a little different?

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

His aura's different? I assume you are familiar with that gentleman?

Volos expression neutral.png

Yup. I ran into him several times carrying in pumpkins before, but...
He was a good-natured man, wasn't he?

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

Uuuu, he looks like Garmr-kun when he sees his enemies.
That teacher is awfully terrifying and harsh.

1 option
Isn't something off here?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Seems that way. We should observe the situation a little more. Quietly now.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

You got it, Alice-chan. Let's zip our lips now. Shhhhhh.

Volos expression sad.png


Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Absolutely unbearable...! Disorder of public morals is disorder of the mind...

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Order will be order, even if it's a festival!
As long as I am here, I will strictly keep things in order!

Eloquent Voice:( face)
Now, now, Arslan-sama. Isn't this just fine?

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

People are not bound by rules alone.
Sometimes it's necessary to act however you feel like.

Zabaniya steps out from the crowd, donning a Halloween costume.

Volos expression surprised.png

Say... That man is Zabaniya-san, right...?

Volos expression surprised.png

That man... the one who smiled like such.
He felt like someone who wore severity like clothing.

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

He had this terrifyingly scary face when he gave me candy, but...

Arslan expression halloween anger.png


Volos expression surprised.png


Arslan expression halloween anger.png

I'm impressed with you looking furtively, but...
You should be ashamed, Cubs!!

Cusith expression halloween shocked.png

I-I-I-I'm so soooooorry!!

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

My... Who would've thought it'd be you, [Player]-sama.
I trust you are enjoying yourself in this Halloween festival?

2 options
Zabaniya-san?! What an amazing getup! !
Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

Welcome to Daikanyama's Halloween event.
I am quite pleased that you have come.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

Hahaha... My, wasn't that bold of you?
But, this is a long-awaited festival. I'd like you to tolerate it a bit.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

You are more cheery than you look.
Very lovely. Yes, quite.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

Huhu, thank you very much.
You are quite the charming little gir- No, charming young lady.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

However... This mayhem is a bit much, isn't it?
It's like playing cards crowding around a trial.

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

I must apologize for this.
That said, please wait for a short while.

Zabaniya then did something surprising.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

Will you quiet down for me, sweeties? (Zing)

Tilting right at an angle of 45 degrees and facing the crowd, Zabaniya throws a wink at them.

Students:( face)
Kyaaaaaaa~!! Zabaniya-samaaaa!!
You're so fabulouuus!! Face this waaaaay!!

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png


Arslan expression halloween anger.png

You lot can't help but make a fuss about this and that.
You're scaring the Cubs! SILENCE!!

2 options (Same Response)
That's not what surprised me! His personality is different...?

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

How disrespectful, hahaha!
I'm working on an image change this time.

Zabaniya expression halloween blush.png

I stopped with the dull behavior I had up till now,
I changed my attitude so everyone will appreciate it.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

Thanks to that, I've become quite popular with everyone in this school.

Zabaniya did something surprising again after those remarks.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

......... (Chuu).

At an angle that can't be beat by the idol of Daikanyama Academy, Zabaniya throws a kiss.

Beastman (Red Wolf Mob):( face)
OH YEEEEES~! My soul's getting fired up!

The passerby falls flat on the ground with ecstasy, holding his chest.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

There! This one is for you... *Shoom*!

Beastman (Green Wolf Mob):( face)
Kyaaaaaan~! Z-Zabaniya-sama, such a spectacle...

The students' faces all turn bright red, falling flat on the ground while their bodies trembled.

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

His figure's elegant, but... I feel pity for him.

3 options (Same Response)
He's completely different than normaaaaal! ! That is different for his honor! Shame it's a different vector than usual...

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Shameless! Those who can stand on their own should not disturb the morals of the school!!

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

I cannot allow such behavior like this.
I must arrange a meeting at once!

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Being straight as an arrow is enough to teach at this academy.
I must set an example for everyone!!

2 options (Same Response)
Arslan-san is definitely acting weird. Did his personality get replaced?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

I don't personally know those two, but...
It's become clear that this situation is abnormal.

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

So this is... because of the pumpkins after all...?

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

Correct. Great detective Alice-chan declares that...
the evidence lies on those two's shoulders!


2 options (Same Response)
W-What is that...? Oh, something's crammed onto them.

Volos expression surprised.png

Just like with little Cusith here...
We gotta stop them, one way or another!

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

O-Okay! Then, let's get going-

Volos expression surprised.png

Don't move, both of you! We're gonna help you now-

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

Allow me to grant you happiness too! *Shoom*

Volos expression embarrassed.png


Volos expression embarrassed.png

A-Aaaah... W-Why does my body feel so hot...?!

Volos expression surprised.png

What's going on? My heart's tingling... Yeowch!!

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

Everyone, be careful!
That's a very dangerous attack! You musn't take it lightly!

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

That man's... Err... *Shoom*?
That man's power is dwelling inside those "flames"!

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

It's not the only physical thing lit by those flames!
The "flames" of love ignites inside a person's heart!

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

To put it simply, "your heart will ache in pain" by painful love!

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

The pumpkins must be intervening just like that time with Cusith!
Avoid his power at all costs! Otherwise you'll get ignited with love!

2 options (Same Response)
Stay away from that attack(?), everyone! (I remember something like this last Valentine's)

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

Here's one for the puppy over there too! *Shoom*

Cusith expression halloween shocked.png


Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

H-Huh...? My heart's tingling, my body's getting warm... Ah... Haaaah...!!

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

Could that mummy man's combat prowess too much for us?
We can't go on like this! We need to pull back-

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

Oh... [Player]-sama. Don't move, as I will send you my love now.

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

Huhuhu, Kiss-of-Fire! *Shoom*!

1 option
Repel! Yakumo no Chigiri!

A high-pitched noise resonates, shooting off the attack thrown at you.

You even feel the physical power of that from Zabaniya's strong air kiss.

Even though you're very familiar with Zabaniya's form of martial arts, the "power" that was released was completely different.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Hmph... I expected no less from someone who dispelled the doubts of my heart.

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

I'm not finished yet... The flames of love burns even more! BURNING!!

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

Watch out, [Player]! Because you drew out your sword,
another person has made a move!

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Drawing your blade within a school is violating school regulations~
Arslan-sama, please lend me your strength.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

I have no choice. Preserving order is highest priority.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

Pumpkin soldiers?!

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

I, Arslan, will exercise my power as warden of order of Daikanyama Academy!
Prepare yourselves!!

Arslan expression halloween b 4star.png

Now! [Awe-Inspiring Oil Demon]...!

Arslan's deep and heavy voice echoed across the Halloween venue.

3 options (Same Response)
Gyaaa, I'm slipping, slipping! ! We can't run with the ground being slippery! Even the angels of Daikanyama!

Arslan expression halloween b 4star.png

I won't allow miscreants like yourselves go.
This lion will subdue you personally!!

Level 15
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 30 6 per stamina
Card XP Given 120 24 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award Transient Stone x1
(Possible) Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Great Pumpkin x50
Phase 2
  • Halloween Treats x50

Part 2

Part 2:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Daikanyama Academy

Heaven's Light:( face)
Where... in the world am I...?
[Player]-sama? Why are you here...!

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Those who are injured, fall back!
Second team fall back! Third team, move!

Heaven's Light:( face)
A-Arslan-sama! What are you doing!
You're acting as if this is a battlefield...!

Heaven's Light:( face)
I am in your debt, [Player]-sama!
Arslan-sama! Please put away your blade-

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Zabaniya! I'll buy some time!
Back me up! I'm countin' on ya!

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

Leave it to me, Arslan-sama. I'll be watching your back!

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

My love bullets... won't miss its mark! *Shoom* *Shoom* *Shoom*!!

Heaven's Light:( face)
What in God's name is going on...? Is this a bad dream...?

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

You've done well in holding out this long, Cubs.
But, this ends here. Third team, front and center!

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Now, battle formations!

Volos expression surprised.png

My beloved vegetables, please lend me your strength!
Here goes!! Baroda Volsatiyaaaaaaa!!!

Volos, who suddenly barged in the middle of things, holds a basket that is a "Sacred Artifact" and directs its mouth at the enemy.

Various kinds of vegetables start jumping out of the basket including Pumpkins.

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png


Large quantities of vegetables wash Arslan and the others away like a tsunami.

3 options (Same Response)
Volos!? Weren't you injured by the flames of love? You had that kind of "Sacred Artifact"??

Volos expression pout.png

The truth is this "Sacred Artifact" isn't used this way-
Dah, I'll explain everything later!

Volos expression surprised.png

Please, [Player]!
Only you can do something about this situation-

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Deplorable! If you've managed to do this much to me...!

Volos expression surprised.png


Volos gets ambushed by Arslan who sprang at him, resulting in both of them tumbling together.

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

A-Arslan-sama! Please release that young bear!

Zabaniya is distracted by Arslan, leaving an opening for the first time.

1 option

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

Ku! I figured you do that, [Player]-sama!

1 option
You're not getting away!

Heaven's Light:( face)
We won't let you!

Heaven's Light:( face)
Know that you will absolutely not approach Zabaniya-sama with that blade!

2 options (Same Response)
Back off for a minute! As flexible as ever...

Angels:( face)
All hands, charge! SEIZE THEEEEEEEEM!!

Outnumbered. You can't move when attacks come in from all directions.

Angels:( face)
Prepare yourself! Receive judgement under the law!

2 options (Same Response)
Tch! There are a lot of them..!

???:( face)
Please wait. There is something I want to discuss with them.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Please excuse their rudeness.
I've always known your blade had such power even with just a scratch.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Because of that, I've regained composure, more or less.
I would like to take the time to talk with them. Just for a minute.

Heaven's Light:( face)
Zabaniya-sama!? Are you sure about this?
They have a sword with them.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

It won't be an issue. Please stand down and leave this place to me.
For the time being, go and help Arslan-sama who was swept away by the vegetables.

After getting the Angels under control, Zabaniya then turns to face you.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Now then. It seems there's a misunderstanding here.
Allow me to clear things up for you.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Who I am now... It's everything I wanted to be.

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

It's different from being deceieved by others, being forced to do something.
I... wanted to change myself.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

That time... Those strange children with pumpkin heads revealed themselves to me.

1 option
Did you hate yourself that much?

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png


Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Have you ever thought about this before?
That is, can people truly change themselves?

Zabaniya expression halloween blush.png

Arslan-sama and your honest friends drew openhearted images of themselves.

Zabaniya expression halloween blush.png

They have such an easy way of life.
And their brilliance is remarkably strong, above anything else.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

Although I am still young, I have since overcome my doubts.

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

Even so, I am still obstinate.
Despite having earned an opportunity to change by your guidance.

2 options (Same Response)
You did what you could. You're always lost about yourself.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

But, you're still moving on. You'll continue to do so afterwards.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

But, what about myself? Even with a good example...
My progress is lagging.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

I'm sure this is what's called, "impatience."
Thats why I wanted to seek change.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

My heart is now very vibrant.
My behavior has changed, just like changing clothes.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

Also, take a good look! The angels, the students!

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

I am more sociable than when I was stubborn and formal.
I make them happy.

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

People choose peace and class than seriousness.
People choose to be lighthearted than heavy anguish!

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

I myself wanted to be like this!
Everything's been granted now, so why do you find fault in this?

3 options
That may be so, but... Can you say this is different? You didn't come to after all!
Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

You can be whatever you want to be.
Is that not what everyone wants?

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

Please give me your blessing too.
It will be a new beginning for me...

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

You may be right. But, I wanted to change myself for the better.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

To deny it means you can't do it for yourself.

???:( face)
Then, I'll dare say this. My answer is... "No"!

A tone of voice invigorating like a clear, autumn sky.

Then, a large mass flies towards Zabaniya, causing him to groan.

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png


Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

Who's there!? Who threw this at me!?
This is not a blunt weapon? It's... a vegetable?

Beyond the fragments of broken vegetable roots was one figure standing on the other side.

Alice expression halloween smile.png

I shall appear when someone calls out for me!
I am Rutabaga Knight, messenger of love and justice!

2 options (Same Response)
Knight of Rutabaga-sama!? I have been waiting for you!

Alice expression halloween smile.png

Fufufu. Seems you are in a tough spot, [Player].

Alice expression halloween anger.png

He who suffers from one's potential,
listen to my words well, Serious Warrior!

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

We call home cooking that cooks together adzuki beans and pumpkins as "vegetables boiled in miso."

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

There are many reasons as to why,
but there is a theory that vegetables that are hard to cook are cooked in order.

Alice expression halloween smile.png

Instead of rushing things when people say "hey hey,"
you should do things slowly at a time, just like boiling vegetables in miso!

2 options (Same Response)
I'm learning something new every time~ I'm one thing smarter now.

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

What was the point in that! That kind of trivia has nothing to do with me.

Alice expression halloween anger.png

It requires time to cook vegetables.

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

Your life is also like vegetables boiled in miso.
It's crucial to cook thorougly like such, no?

Alice expression halloween smile.png

Everyone longs for rapid progress,
but sudden high heat burns the soul and food.

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

Such... I-I... I...!!

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

“Process" is important. Don't skip over that part.

The face of the man who should have been cheerful warps in distress listening to the Knight's remarks.

And... It's not the Rutabaga Knight who's passing up the opportunity.

Alice expression halloween anger.png

Now, [Player]! Cut away those doubts of his!

3 options
You got it, Rutabaga Knight! Zabaniya, return to your old self! Isn't this a surprise attack kinda?
Alice expression halloween anger.png

What the Pumpkins whispered to him are not words that push his back!
They're words of temptation!

Alice expression halloween anger.png

If it's the matter of understanding those words, there won't be any anguish!
You can't give up on the future! You must clear a path to the future!

Your drawn blade cleaves what was attached on Zabaniya.

???:( face)
How cruel! We're not doing anything wrong!

???:( face)
Even though you've been asking for it the whole time!

2 options (Same Response)
What was that voice...? There's signs of someone being here even though I don't see anyone...

No shape or color, the existences of something disappears into thin air.

And the man that opened himself up falls on his knees and hangs his head in distress.

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

I knew that...... you should change your pace without rushing.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Still, on that summer day... my heart was unsettled by the radiance from all of you.

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

If only... If only I walked a different path.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

But, you've already cleared away my doubts.
I should be steady if I desire to change msyelf.

Alice expression halloween sad.png

I support your attitude in changing yourself.
But... It's extreme to say that you've been tainted the same way as everyone else.

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

But... I am inflexible and I'm overly serious......

2 options (Same Response)
That's Zabaniya-san for ya. Don't deny yourself of everything.

Zabaniya expression halloween blush.png


Alice expression halloween neutral.png

Change is a beautiful thing, and making the effort to change is also wonderful.
You shouldn't push yourself too hard, however.

Alice expression halloween smile.png

A beautiful flower will grow and develop from a sprout every day.
Diligence... Don't forget that.

Zabaniya expression halloween blush.png

...... I am terribly sorry for the trouble I've caused.
Noble gentleman, I would like to ask for your name.

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

I am Rutabaga Knight! I am someone that helps people suffering from distress.
Be sure to remember that!

Alice expression halloween smile.png

Now then, to the next victim in trouble!
Farewell and adieu...!

Zabaniya expression halloween blush.png

...... He's such a strange gentleman, don't you think?
A virtuous, somewhat friendly and a wonderful person.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Yep-yep, it seems the problem's all settled now. Waaahahahaha~!

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

A-Arslan-sama!? When did you return? Are you alright?

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

All is fine... After all, I'm still full of life, aren't I?
Come on! I'm full of pep and full of spirit!

2 options (Same Response)
Seems you're free from the Pumpkin's spell too. But you were serious a minute ago.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Oh, you mean those pumpkin kids?
Nothing ever happened to me though.

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

W-What are you saying this time?
Weren't you under that strange power?

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

This "treasured sword" of mine holds the "Rule" of opposing temptation and suppressing evil.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

That kind of power doesn't work on me! Wahahaha!

2 options (Same Response)
That was all an act...!? You have to draw the line when it comes to being mischievous!

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

And I wanted to see how you would react.
It's not like I wanted you to go along with it.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

An uncle that causes trouble, eh...
Hardships won't die out for people that follow you.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Ohoh, aren't you a sweet little girl?
Nice to meet ya. I'm Frankenstein~.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Nice to meet you, Grandpa Lion. I am Alice... Pretty Girl Detective Alice.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

I feel the need to tell you this, but...
Frankenstein is the name of a costume, is it not?

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

Hoh, is that so? My, a child shouldn't worry about the small details.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

It seems the uproar here has been sorted out.
I appreciate the hard work, my apprentice rabbit.

2 options
So you treat me like a rabbit after all. Thank you kindly, Knight-dono.
Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Cute rabbits are a favorite, no? Even more if it's competent.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

What are you talking about? I'm a pretty detective, nothing more.

Volos expression surprised.png

Whew...... We barely made it baaaack.
I pushed in with the pumpkins and got carried off farther than I expected.

Volos expression joy.png

Oh yeah, I managed to get Cusith-kun along the way.
Hey, Cusith-kun! If you don't get up, you'll get left behind.

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

Mmmm..... Masteeeer~... Nnn? Huh... I was... dreaming...?

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

That was such a nice dream... Mmmm...
I don't remember much about it though.

2 options (Same Response)
Thanks about earlier, Volos. That was a fast recovery.

Volos expression joy.png

I don't remember much since I was panicking at the time,
but good thing I was there. You're safe now, Bud.

Volos expression neutral.png

Oh, looks like they’re callin' out for us.
Hey, Cusith-kun, stand up straight!

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

Nnnn... But I'm drowsy... I'm just gonna... stay here...

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Now then, shall we start interviewing the victim of this recent incident?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

And perhaps, we'll learn the criminal's goals depending on the details he'll give us.

2 options (Same Response)
We’re getting closer to the truth! That's correct, Alice-chan.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Yes. To do that, we'll have him explain everything to us.

Zabaniya expression halloween blush.png

Right, I understand. I can tell you anything you want.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Then let me ask you this. That time when the Pumpkins asked you something-

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

What on earth... happened?

Pretty Girl Detective Alice straightens her back to make eye contact with Zabaniya.

Staring at the girl's strong gaze, Zabaniya quietly spoke.....

No Battle.

I'm Not Afraid of Halloween! 5

Part 1

Part 1:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Daikanyama Academy

[Night 5: A Pumpkin holds the festival]

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

I will ask you this. That time when the Pumpkins asked you something...

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Tell me exactly what happened that time.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

...... Alright, I'll tell you what happened.

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

At the time, I... wanted my personality to be optimistic.

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

Although I knew that my own wish was impossible...
I couldn't help but wish for it during that time.

Zabaniya expression halloween blush.png

Suddenly, pumpkin children appeared before Arslan-sama and I and said this...

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

That wish will come true. My heart will be brighter.

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

“That's why you should encourage all kinds of people with these pumpkins.”

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Next thing I knew, a pumpkin head mask was attached to my head.

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

As you all understand, isn't that what happened?

2 options (Same Response)
Something popped out when I slashed the pumpkin. I felt like I heard a voice.

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

I see......

Alice pokes her temple with her small finger and tilts her head.

Her forefinger creates a rhythm like a small bird steadily pecking at a husk.

Finally, she raises her head and describes one inference and hypothesis.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Uncle lion? I have a small favor to ask...

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Hohoh, what do you need?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Volos' pumpkin that is sitting there, I need you to make a clean cut.

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

I haven't used this sword for cutting recently, but... You got it, Lass! Here goes!!

???:( face)
Cripes, we've been found out! Ugh, this suuuuuucks!!

Cusith expression halloween shocked.png

Huh!? W-What, what!? I hear someone's voice even though nobody else is here!

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

Arslan-sama! That voice... It has to be...!

???:( face)

???:( face)
Aw, that's too bad. Welp, looks like our game of hide-n-seek is over!

???:( face)
I wonder what game we'll be playing next time?
I'm sure it will be a ton of fun! Catch you later!

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

...... Just as I expected. Somehow I knew that was the case.

2 options (Same Response)
The hell was that voice just now? What were in those pumpkins?

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

Mmmmm... For some reason, I feel like I heard that voice before...

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

So the voice we heard was not any different.
What in the world was that voice?

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

Let's see... Oh? I think... it might've been a fairy.

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

How can you be so sure of that, Wolf boy?
There are other possibilities, y'know.

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

'Cause I'm a fairy dog. It's a bit different,
but the scent is peculiar to fairies.

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

What the... Cusith-sama is a fairy...?

Cusith expression halloween shocked.png

W-Whaaaa?! You're surprised to find out I'm a fairy!?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

You have the right idea, Cusith.
Even if you say there's one fairy, there's actually many types and appearances.

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

There was like a distinct scent mixed in with it though.
I think it was like... a sweet pumpkin scent.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Those kids... They're like in between a ghost and fairy.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

A very modest being that appears only in the Halloween season.

1 option
So it's some kind of evil spirit then?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

The Halloween festival is the meaning of a harvest festival,
while also being a festival that appeases the visitors of the world at night.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Facing the winter solstice, the world of light gradually shortens
and the world of darkness becomes longer, precisely a season of dusk.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Maria mentioned something about that.
She said that Halloween lanterns are lights that console the souls and spirits.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

We, too, may perform a "calming ceremony" at this time of year... Of course.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

The good spirits that lose sight of the light are guided, and the evil spirits that gathered, wander in the dark.
Whichever it may be, there is nothing strange about it.

1 option
Is that the truth about the voice from earlier?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

If the affected person listened to that voice,
I believe it's reasonable to assume so.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Here's the next question to think about,
"How did a fairy get inside the pumpkin?"

Volos expression sad.png


Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

Pardon me, Volos? It's about your "Sacred Artifact."

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

It has some kind of effect to vegetation.
I assume that's a fair interpretation?

Volos expression sad.png


Cusith expression halloween sad.png

Volos... -san...?

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

...... *Sigh*. Volos. Are you listening?

Volos expression surprised.png

Oh, my bad, my bad. Let's see now,
you were discussing about my "Sacred Treasure," right?

Volos expression neutral.png

Okay... So my "Sacred Artifact" is not limited only to vegetation.
To put it in easier terms, I can "enrich things that are scarce."

Volos expression joy.png

Since I'm an Agricultural student, I often use it for plants.
I use it to "enrichen" the soil's nutrition...

Volos expression sad.png

In fact, I've been relying on it for experiments with the composts and soil in my pumpkin patch.

Volos expression neutral.png

I wished to "spread the delicious pumpkins even more." But...

Volos expression sad.png

That should be irrelevant.

Volos expression pout.png

It's not limited to me, but when you leave the area produced by the "App,"
all the outcomes from using the "Sacred Artifact" will revert back.

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

A shiny wall comes out when you use the "App."
When it disappears, everything you've done with the "Sacred Artifact" will be completely gone.

Volos expression neutral.png

One more thing I want to add.
The pumpkins originally didn't have the power to make someone act strangely.

Volos expression neutral.png

Even if my "Rule" can turn one into ten, it still can't turn zero into one.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

I understand now. Then there could only be one solution.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Those fairies went inside the pumpkins and utilized their power.
There is no other solution other than that.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

But, how are the fairies able to use such power?
Without the "App," the power of us, "Transients," are limited.

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

Does that mean you fiddled with the smartphone's "App" inside the pumpkin?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

No, there's no need for that. The "Closed Area" is still there.

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

The power used by Volos is in the "Closed Area" inside the pumpkin.

1 option
Inside the pumpkin?!

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Volos is aware of this naturally, but a pumpkin is hollow inside.

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

"Pumpkin heads" can be abused.
That's why you can use them as "headgear" by carving out the insides.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

...... It's not that well known,
but there is only one case where the "Rule" remains even after shutting off the "App."

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

"Closed Areas"... That is something that exists only for "Transients" and "App Users."

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

In the "Closed Area" where the conditions are met,
you can continue using your "Rule."

2 options (Same Response)
The same thing happened in Ikebukuro. When I was locked up in the underground fighting area...

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Spiritual beings like fairies can get in by slipping through the husk.
Then, they cause an influence on those that put on the pumpkins.

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

That's how the fairies' power is put inside a person's head.
In other words, they cause an influence on the person's mind.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

...... If that is the case, then I'll provide an explanation at this time.

Volos expression surprised.png

W-Wait just a minute! But why only in my pumpkins!?

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Volos, care to share how much "sugar content" there is in the pumpkins you produced?

Volos expression pout.png

Huh, the sugar content? Surely when I measured it with a sugar scale before shipment,
it should been around 30 degrees.

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

Heeey, question here! "Sugar content"... what the heck is that?

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

"Sugar content" is the degree of sweetness of fruits and vegetables...
I think I'm around the mark there.

Volos expression joy.png

Correcto. 30 degrees of sugar content is roughly the same as a ripe high-grade melon.

2 options (Same Response)
That is very sweet! So that's why the pumpkins smelled so sweet...

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

Indeed... That pumpkin smells swee- No, it's very sweet!

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

...... Of course, I can also see Maria-sama and the others put a lot of effort into making candy.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Yup! If it's that sweet, it's a good way to show off your cooking and baking skills!

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

But... What's so strange about that?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Excuse me, Uncle Lion? In what way do you think the pumpkins carried in were handled?

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

How? I was told that... the insides that were cleaned out were used for cooking,
and the husk was used for lanterns...... Ohoh.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Yes...... The sweet pumpkins were eaten, decorated, and spread across Daikanyama Academy.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Spirits and fairies have gathered here at Daikanyama Academy,
drawn by the festival known as "Halloween."

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

If it were your normal, every day pumpkins, there wouldn't be any issues.
After all, pumpkins used as lanterns are ill-suited as food.

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

A tragedy has happened however!
The pumpkins this time were "abnormally sweet and delicious."

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Indeed. To sum it up, the fairies were especially drawn to the pumpkins Volos grew.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

...... Has anyone here heard of the word, "Cantrip," in this regard?

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

Wait, Alice-chan, how do you know about that?
That's easy magic used by us fairies.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

Very good, Cusith.
It's mischief caused by the fairies, and a small power of charity.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

An "abracadabra" that results in such magic... That is Cantrip.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

The fairy heard the wish put into the pumpkin through his "Rule," which remained inside.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Within the "Closed Area," the fairies should be able to use their power to "grant such wishes"...

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

The wish granted was "I want to spread these pumpkins," no?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Now... Think about it.

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

A wish entrusted to the pumpkin, too strong of a sweetness.
The good-spirited fairies were drawn in to that.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

As you are aware, they are mischievous, so they like things that are enjoyable.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Wearing empty pumpkins is a Halloween custom.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Today is Halloween, above all else.
The season of dusk. The time where fairies cause trouble.

1 option
All of that overlapped, causing this incident to happen?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

If any of these factors are missing,
an incident like this one would never have happened.

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

I believe magic for tricks is nonsense, but...
This is Pretty Detective Alice's speculation!

Volos expression surprised.png

That can't... No, but... Aaaa...!!

Volos expression surprised.png

...... I see... What if... the mastermind behind this incident... was me...?

2 options (Same Response)
This has to be some kind of mistake...! Volos is not a bad guy!

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

...... Did you misunderstand me? I am a detective.
It's only a speculation based on the current state of affairs.

Volos expression joy.png

[Player]... Thanks, I appreciate it.

Volos expression neutral.png

This is all my fault though.
I just wanted to make y'all happy. That's my excuse.

Volos expression sad.png

I am terribly sorry to have caused y'all trouble like that.
I should have been more careful about the contamination.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

Contamination? Hmmm... Could that be a technical term?

Volos expression neutral.png

It's to be polluted by blendin' substances with bacteria, which ain't good for experiments.

Volos expression sad.png

It was a very particular concern,
but this time I went too far with my pumpkins.

Volos expression neutral.png

That was something I needed to get rid of the most.

2 options (Same Response)
You mean getting rid of your personal attachments? What do you mean?

Volos expression neutral.png

[Player]... Hear me out. I originally came from another world.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

So I undertaken a little important position:
Manage the development of produce and plants.

Volos expression sad.png

But, I am but a juvenile who still has a lot to learn...
Just as I thought, I couldn't do anything that I wanted.

Volos expression neutral.png

There was also harassment that lightning strikes down and burns the fields...

Volos expression pout.png

Back in Kitezh, they were the greatest and most believed in,
so it was too much to handle.

2 options (Same Response)
That's horrible... It's unusual for you to say things like that.

Volos expression neutral.png

Well, it's my personal opinion, so it might turn out that.
Just take what I say with a grain of salt.

Volos expression sad.png

I... was hated by them, because I happened to hate them too.

Volos expression neutral.png

They did hurt my precious friend after all.

Volos expression neutral.png

Even now I have become someone who aspires to science to push aside a biased viewpoint,
I can't give up those feelings I had.

Volos expression sad.png

He was such a nice fellow. I really liked him.

Volos expression joy.png

That friend of mine... Yeah, you might resemble him a little, [Player].

Volos expression sad.png

But, it's because of that I've been glared at by them.
They're interfering with me using my "Rule."

Volos expression neutral.png

That's why I struggled with the people back home who have come to believe in me.

Volos expression neutral.png

That's the reason why I made a wish.
"I want more power to grow lots of produce for everyone."

Volos expression sad.png

I was summoned in response to that voice.
Then we met, and worked on researching agriculture.

2 options (Same Response)
Volos is crazy about research... You're an agricultural student 'cause of that?

Volos expression neutral.png

My "Rule" and the knowledge and experiences I've acquired here...

Volos expression joy.png

If I can combine them, I can create a world where no one would ever be hungry.

Volos expression neutral.png

And someday, I'll return to my original world... and save him.
Even if there is no one to believe in me.

Volos expression joy.png

I wanted it for a very long time.
I wanted to spread something great for the sake of everyone.

Volos expression neutral.png

Even if I won't be around sometime later on,
to make a world where nobody would be starving...

Volos expression sad.png

Say, [Player]. My wish... It's not wrong, is it?

2 options
Of course, you decided it. Good wishes don't always lead to good results.
Volos expression neutral.png

But... If that being the case,
then this sort of thing should never have happened.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

Yup, that's what Alice-chan wanted to say......

Volos expression neutral.png

The other side of "kindness" may be... conceited self-righteousness.

Volos expression joy.png

I am still a hopeless guy-

???:( face)
That's not truuuuuue!!

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

...... So you finally shown yourselves.

2 options (Same Response)
Why now! Volos, be careful!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

We're happy that you noticed us. Thank you, thank you.

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

We are the ones who have been born by your wish.

Volos expression surprised.png

B-Because of my wish!? My wish... is to put an end to this uproar!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

No can do~. A seed that has sprouted can't go back.
After it has sprouted, it'll just steadily grow and grooooow.

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Come on, let's go! We and everyone are gonna give you a warm welcome.

Volos expression surprised.png

W-Wait just a second here! Where are y'all taking me... Uwaaaa!!

Many of the Lanterns lift up Volos and makes a run for it.

Volos expression surprised.png

[Player], help meeeeeeee!!

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png


Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

...... Large numbers! There's too many of them!!

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

...... I am extremely sorry, Arslan-sama.
I couldn't make it in time to rescue Volos-sama.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Their strength this time is stronger than before...
What I don't understand though is, why are they after Volos!

Alice expression halloween b sad.png


2 options (Same Response)
Stop! What are you going to do with Volos!?

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

We don't like you! That's why we can't let you get in our way!

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png


Cusith expression halloween shocked.png

Eeeeeeeeeeh!? More of them are starting to pop up!
T-T-T-T-There shouldn't be this many!!

The number of pumpkins that appeared are far more than you experienced before.

They circle and surround you, blocking off your path and leaving no gaps open, and focusing their attention on you.

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

We're just gonna stand in your way, right here!
Scary people should just go away!!

For this quest the player is able to select a NPC support Cu Sith (Halloween), Zabaniyya or Arsalan (Halloween) (level 30, skill level 30) to gain 100 Ally Point

Level 18
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 40 8 per stamina
Card XP Given 160 32 per stamina
Board size 5x8
Award Transient Stone x1
(Possible) Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Great Pumpkin x50
Phase 2
  • Halloween Treats x50

Part 2

Part 2:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Daikanyama Academy

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Ahahahaha! Let's play some more!
So much fun! So silly! So delightful!

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Of course. Tricks or candy? Goofing around is very typical for Halloween.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Hey, kids. The reason why you ran off with Volos.
Can you secretly tell me why, just for me?

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

That man is ours. That man is only for us.

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

That's why you can't take him back from us! Ever!
We'll play a prank on an adult like you!

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

Uh huh, okay. It's an adult's responsibility to punish kids for "pranks," however.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

You shouldn't get too carried away, even if it's Halloween.
Ready? Zabaniya.

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png


A crimson flame soars with the cue from Arslan.

The figure wearing those flames precisely cuts up only the pumpkins in succession with sword-like hands.

When the flames died down however, there was no speck left of the pumpkins that carried off Volos.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

That was brilliantly done.
My, thanks to that, it seems like the kids pulled back.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

It's good to know the opponent's capabilities, but...
their schemes are slowly getting worse and worse, to be honest.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

What happened to the Mummy Man?
After the flames died down, I couldn't see him anywhere.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

He's acting as a convoy for the Wolf boy's pursuit.
He can pursue them even if he can't see them, as you would expect out of a fairy dog.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Oh. I hope it goes smoothly then.

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

Hey now, Don't put this all on yourself.
There was a miscalculation in their numbers, no?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

If I had to make a big guess, if Volos felt responsible, then...

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

Those pumpkins surely thought about coming out.
He's that important to them.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

If Uncle Lion had joined in, it would have been enough manpower.
If it was the same scale as before, I think we would've managed it.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

..... I'm sorry. I didn't think there would be that many.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

It's not something I could have said, but...
Volos... I hope you're safe, wherever you are......

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

I'm baaack! I did a great job at finding them, Alice-chan!

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Ah... Good work, Cusith.
So? Where did you find Volos' scent at?

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Volos-san has a sunny scent, so it was a piece of cake to figure out!
We just need to head to the building over there!

Looking ahead where Cusith's pointing at, the auditorium of Daikanyama Academy sits there.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

There should be a play being held by the students in there.
The start of the play should be in... about 10 minutes.

2 options (Same Response)
It's starting soon!? Salomon-kun, you good-for-nothing!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Mmm…… hoh?
Maaaasteerr, did you call for me...... *Yawn*...

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

H-Haaaaaaah!? N-No way! It's that time already!?

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

I-I was just taking a short nap...
Awww, if only I bothered setting up an alarm clock!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

A-Ahahaha...... Master... you're not mad at me, are you...?

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Ayaaaaaaaaaa!! I-I'm sooorry!!
I'm begging you, stop doing that to my cheeeeeks!!

Cusith expression halloween shocked.png

...... Ummm, what are you doing? Is there somebody there?

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

Must be some kind of mime trick...
Regardless, this isn't the time to be playing games.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Oh brother. Of all things, they have to be at the auditorium......

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

There are many invitees at the drama club's dialogue.
We're gonna need to do something about them while we rescue him.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

I'm gonna be helping out too, of course!
It'd go a lot better if there was a lot of help! GAHAHAHAHA~!

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

...... I'm terribly sorry,
but I'm going to be doing something away from the group.

2 options (Same Response)
What are you up to now? You got some secret plan or something?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

That's... a secret. Relax. I'm not going to betray you or anything.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

I feel the heart to take responsibility for this too.
Until next time, Mr. Rabbit.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

We're running out of time. We need to head out as well.
I cannot allow any more chaos to happen.

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

I'm worried about Volos-san.
The problem's only gonna get worse if we leave things as it is!

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

If the fairies are there... We need to stop them before they do something worse!

2 options (Same Response)
... Let’s go, everyone! We're gonna save Volos!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

And so, Master's gang leaves for the sake of rescuing a friend that was just kidnapped.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

They ran so they can make it in time for Chernobog and Taromaiti's play.

No Battle.

I'm Not Afraid of Halloween! 6

Part 1

Part 1:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Academy Stage

Notes: Chernobog is referred to as "Brave Jakarta" while Taromaiti is "Demon King Tonas." in the play.

Brave Jakarta:( face)
At first, it was only just an interest.

Brave Jakarta:( face)
To play the role of a demon king on stage for Halloween.
It was a request upon learning my personal history.

Brave Jakarta:( face)
I am going to assume the "role" I did not want again,
even though it is only imaginary.

Brave Jakarta:( face)
I did not think that was distasteful.
I even felt that it was interesting.

Brave Jakarta:( face)
A fairy-tale where a morality play is performed.
There would be no deaths, no misery.

Brave Jakarta:( face)
A demon king's tale envisioned by humans was nothing but a tender thing to me.

Brave Jakarta:( face)
However...... such feelings of mine were betrayed in an unexpecting way.

Taromaiti expression joy.png

That proposal is such nonsense. I'm not convinced.

Brave Jakarta:( face)
The voice of a bitter young lady becomes a cool and clear stream that penetrates deep into my heart.

Brave Jakarta:( face)
Her brief comment rewrote my sweet sentimental feelings into an uplifting new adventure.

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

...... Although it is temporary, I do not want to be "a brave hero."

Chernobog expression halloween smile.png


Brave Jakarta:( face)
It is truly intriguing. That's what I thought from the bottom of my heart.

Brave Jakarta:( face)
And now, I am patiently waiting, standing on top of a dark stage.

Brave Jakarta:( face)
There was one thing I couldn't say, however.
It was a shameless wish of myself, who was the genuine "demon king."

Brave Jakarta:( face)
That's what I thought in regards to putting an end to this play.
However, Chernobog shakes his head and drives that from his thoughts.

Brave Jakarta:( face)
The curtains opened, a brillian light like the mid-air sun shined onto me.

[Night 6: The Stage Begins to Dance]

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

O-O-Oh my gosh, Maaaster~! The play's starting already!?

2 options
Shhh. Quiet in a theatre. If it wasn't for this time, we'd be watching it, y'know.
Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Master, are you at the end of your rope?
My body and figure aren't the case for everyone in here!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Darn straight! If that were true,
I'd be thrilled about the theatre-going experience on Master's lap right about now!!

Arslan expression halloween sad.png
  • Pant* *Pant*...... It's really tiring to keep moving.

It seems that lot is somewhere around here in this auditorium.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

They're in the middle of their play right now.
We can't be reckless and cause a ruckus in here.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Right. The Daikanyama Academy drama club has been repeatedly practiced for today, their long-awaited big moment!

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

I concur... Let's move out, Arslan-sama.

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

I have no choice but to build myself fighting spirit.
Alright, I'm pumped up! Let's roll, Zabaniya!!

The play on stage progresses before the whispering crowd in the dark.

Performing on the wing donning a brave hero's costume, Chernobog shouts and displays the sword in his hand.

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

My name is Brave Jakarta! I raise this holy sword to make a vow!

Chernobog expression halloween anger.png

To defeat the feared demon king, Tonas, and rescue the captive princess!

Chernobog roars greatly, raising the sword he holds high in the air.

A strong voice shakes the air in the auditorium. His face is brimming with confidence.

Though his acting ability is clumsy, it's not the first time he's had any more spirit and confidence, thus making it feel like a splendid performance.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

It seems he's going in rather confidently.
In that regard, even the actors would understand him.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

He dedicated himself to practicing for a considerable amount of time
when he went to our school on a daily basis.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

At first, he was originally feared as the former "Demon King," but...
He managed to gain the trust of everyone through hard work and effort.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

That hero looks a little scary, but... he's an amazingly hard worker!

2 options (Same Response)
He wanted to make the play more of a success. We need to search for the pumpkins, quick.

Cusith expression halloween anger.png
  • Sniff Sniff*... *Sniff Sniff*...... Volos-kun's scent is...
Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

H-Huh? That's weird... *Sniff Sniff*... *Sniff Sniff*.......

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

Nnnnn...... No good, I can't figure it out.
Because of how cramped it is in here, everyone's scents are tightly packed together.

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

And look-- there's something on the stage.

Looking at where Cusith's pointing at, on top of the stage, there seems to be a giant pumpkin sitting in the back.

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

I thought that was an ordinary decoration at first, but......
There's no mistaking it, that's Volos-san's pumpkin sitting there.

2 options
That's massive! ! That's a lot of Volos' love...
Arslan expression halloween joy.png

It's already a small little room...
If it were just me in here, I'd be takin' a nice, relaxing nap!

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

W-What...! Volos-sama put that much love into his pumpkins...!?

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

...... You're right. I can feel the same power as the other pumpkins from that giant pumpkin.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

It's a huge power that you can't compare, might I add.
The number of fairies gathered inside that pumpkin might be proportionate too.

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

From the moment we entered the building,
I noticed that the pumpkin's aroma was much stronger than before.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Maybe that giant pumpkin is the cause of the chaos this time--
No, it might be the heart of the problem.

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

That means... It's gonna be a serious problem if someone puts on that pumpkin!

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

That giant pumpkin is most definitely suspicious,
but there's no way we can examine it while the play's going on.

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

Hrm... There must be some way to examine that pumpkin......

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

We can't be seen or caught by anybody.
If there was someone like that, they could check that pumpkin for us.

3 options
Can't be seen by anyone... Can't be caught either... There's no person out there as convenient as that!
Salomon-kun expression naughty.png

Janjanjaaaaaaan~! This is a job for adorable lil Salomon-kun!

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Heeeey, Master!! Your cute and talented familiar butler!
You really forgot about me!? You can't just forget about me like that! Bah!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

No way Salomon-kun is gonna get seen or caught by anyone!
This is my BIG opportunity to redeem myself!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Point is, I'm gonna go check that massive pumpkin and see for myself if anyone's in there!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Okay, I'll be back in a jiffy! Please give me some pets when I get back!

[Some time passes...]

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

IT'S EEEEEEEMPTY!! No pumpkin, bear, child, NOTHING!!

1 option
Wait, it's empty!?

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

I don't know what you did, but how!?
You're telling me the inside of that pumpkin is completely empty!?

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

A-Arslan-sama! We're in the middle of a play! Please use your indoor voice!

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

However, I don't understand how they did it,
but there can't be a mistake about what [Player] said.

Cusith expression halloween shocked.png

Even though it's so big and shady, nothing has happened yet...
It's so eerie!

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

The force coming from that pumpkin is massive, however.
We'll need to take countermeasures for that as well.

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

You're only wasting time by saying that.
Since you asked, we'll split into search parties.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

We don't know where the pumpkins could be hiding at.
Everyone, you must not let your guard down.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

That said... You will take the aisle on the right-hand side, [Player]-sama.
Cusith-sama, I trust you with the aisle on the left-side.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

I'll be searching the middle aisle then.
If anything happens... come immediately.

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

You got it! Let's finish this quick so we can watch the play!

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Zabaniya, I need you to go backstage.
Give an explanation of the situation to everyone at the theatre club.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Acknowledged. I'll get to it right away. Everyone, I wish you luck.

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

It looks like we split up with no problems.
Don't you worry, Master! I'm still here with you~!

2 options (Same Response)
I'm counting on you. Don't bump into walls or anything.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Ehehe...... You can count on me!
I'm so enthusiastic about this!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

I'm eager to show this off to you, Master!
My investigation skills as a 3rd Class Detective Butler!

Inside the dimly lit assembly hall, each member of the group searched through the area they've been assigned to.

While you and the others are working on that, the tale continues with the Demon King's appearance on stage.

Taromaiti expression halloween neutral.png

This is the group of heroes? Don't make me laugh.
There's no use hiding or running away from I, Demon King Tonas.

Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

Rather, those that stand before me shall abandon all hope!

2 options (Same Response)
She's perfect for the role, isn't she? Taromaiti's in high spirits.

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

That young lady plays the Demon King better than I expected.
Honestly, it's kinda scary that she fits the role.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

In any case...... Those pumpkins are nowhere to be seen.
Not even by the "eye of Salomon-kun."

2 options (Same Response)
Maybe they're not here. It feels like there's a surprise waiting.

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

How strange... There's nothing to be found.
Maybe there's something I overlooked? The seats, the stage maybe...?

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

I've returned, Arslan-sama.
The situation doesn't seem to be good. Report.

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

Oooohh, you're back Zabaniya.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

By Arslan-sama's command, communication from the support unit surrounding the site in private was cut off!

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

We've lost contact with Maria, Azazel and Gabriel-sama who were taking command as well!

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Damn, the enemy is already surrounding the building!?
Stop the play RIGHT NOW! Be cautious in evacuating the guests--

Children's voices:( face)

  • Giggle Giggle* You shouldn't be so noisy.

You gotta be quiet while you watch a play~

Arslan expression halloween anger.png


Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png


Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Hnnnn... It's so dark in here, I can barely find anything......

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Are those pumpkins and the Bear even here at all...?

2 options (Same Response)
We gotta believe Cusith's nose. It feels like there's something we overlooked...

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Master, look. It looks like the climax of the play.
Uuuuuugh, I wanted to watch it up close.

Turning your view by Salomon-kun's request, it appears the Demon King and Hero are having a confrontation.

The stage is illuminated by the spotlight, and the play was about to reach the climax now.

Chernobog expression halloween anger.png

I, Brave Jakarta, has been led here by the light of the holy sword!

Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

I'm happy you've come, my sworn enemy of fate.
Witness the power of Demon King Tonas!

Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

Come, my elite troops! Destroy the Hero!

Jack-o-Lanterns appeared from the wing of the stage by the Demon King's command.

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

Arslan-sama! It appears they were hiding behind the stage the entire time!

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Damn! They can't be in the auditorium!
Those pumpkins are going to possess the actors of the play too!

2 options (Same Response)
Demon King Tonas is gonna become a pumpkin! They don't seem uncomfortable about it...

Taromaiti expression halloween surprised.png

(Uhhh..... What's going on? Your costume's different. Was there a change of plan?)

Male Beast Student (Red Wolf Mob with Pumpkin head):( face)

  • Whisper Whisper*
Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

I will allow an image change like that!
I want to cherish the individuality of my voluntary subordinates!

Taromaiti expression halloween smile.png

Let's back on track! Huhuhu. While your companions have come this far,
they will perish by my hand. You will be all that's left.

Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

My elite are unrivaled and limitless! Not to mention a tad unique as well!
Wallow in despair, kneel down before this overwhelming impediment!

Chernobog expression halloween anger.png

I shall not! Whatever despair may await me, I will not surrender...
I will hold onto the future, no matter the circumstance!

Taromaiti expression halloween smile.png

I see. I expected as much from a Hero that listened to noises.
However, will you still be as brave if you were to see this?

With a snap of the Demon King's finger, the Lanterns leave from the wing of the stage.

Then, someone completely unexpected accompanying them just came out.

Taromaiti expression halloween surprised.png

(Huh? The cast is different again!?)

Volos expression surprised.png

Uhhhhh...... H-Help me...! Please rescue me, B-Brave Warriooor!

2 options (Same Response)
Why is Volos on stage...? That's probably the role of the princess! !

Taromaiti expression halloween surprised.png

(Huh? Who the heck are you? I didn't hear about a change to the princess.)

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

The Princess has a stomache. This man will fill in for her.)

Taromaiti expression halloween joy.png

(I suppose it can't be helped then. Do you mind helping out for a bit?
I'm sure you'll do just fine, Princess.)

Volos expression sad.png

(...... Ough... Sure thing...)

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

How in the world did it come to this? Why are they on stage?

Cusith expression halloween shocked.png

H-Hey, [Player]. Isn't the pumpkin scent getting increasingly stronger?

Looking around the building when Cusith pointed that out, You noticed something like smoke hanging around their feet.

The sweet aroma was being released from the huge pumpkin sitting on top of the stage.

Taromaiti expression halloween surprised.png

Oof...... What... What is this aroma...?
It's... making my head... dizzy...!

Chernobog expression halloween anger.png

I... I'm starting to feel groggy as well... I cannot allow it!

Chernobog expression halloween anger.png

Black Snow... Become an impeding barrier!
Night on Bald Mountain!

Snow fluttering around Chernobog becomes a barrier that protects him from the pumpkin fragrance.

2 options (Same Response)
This is bad! We need to stop that pumpkin!

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

We can't, [Player]! The scent is terrifyingly strong on stage, we'll get caught in it too!

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Taromaiti... Chernobog-dono...! Hey! Zabaniya!!

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

Leave this to me, [Player]-sama.
I will burn the pumpkin fragrance with my "Rule"!

2 options (Same Response)
We're gonna suffocate in here! Stop it from spreading! I'll destroy the fragrance with this sword!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

That's not gonna happen! Don't interfere with our plans!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Demon King! Look over there! There's more of the brave hero's friends!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Please give us your orders! Everyone's ready to kick their butt!

Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

What...? Is that true!? Then beat them down immediately!

The pumpkin soldiers start rushing in by her command.

Audience:( face)
Ooohhh!! Incredible!

Audience:( face)
Are they about to start a battle? Do your best! Don't lose to them!

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

The people on-stage are already deluded by the fairies, so watch out!

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

It seems the audience sees this as part of the production as well.

2 options (Same Response)
Let's break through here for starters. Stay frosty, everyone!

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

Right! Watch out for yourself too, [Player]!

For this quest the player is able to select a NPC support Cu Sith (Halloween), Zabaniyya or Arsalan (Halloween) (level 40, skill level 40) to gain 100 Ally Point

Level 21
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 50 10 per stamina
Card XP Given 200 40 per stamina
Board size 5x4
Award Transient Stone x1
(Possible) Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Great Pumpkin x50
Phase 2
  • Halloween Treats x50

Part 2

Part 2:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Academy Stage

Once again, Chernobog is referred to as Brave Jakarta while Taromaiti is Demon King Tonas.

Volos expression surprised.png


1 option
Volos! !

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Waaaaaaaaaah! You big buuuuuullly!!

Audience:( face)
Oooohhh! The pumpkins just disappeared!
The theatre club sure is doing fancy things.

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

Good grief...... It looks like things are back to normal.

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

Alrighty! All we need to do now is rescue the captive princess!

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

[Player]! Arslan-dono! What in the world is going on?
And what was that aroma...?

2 options (Same Response)
Are you alright, Jakarta?! (Pumpkins first, explanation later!)

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Arslan-sama, the young lady is...

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

Hrmm...... The wolf boy, Zabaniya and myself...
Now this time, it's happening with Taromaiti.

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Demon King-sama, help!
Those people are with the Hero!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Help us, Demon King! Those people are the Hero's friends!

Taromaiti expression halloween surprised.png

I see...... You all are on the Hero's side, eh?

Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

Fine by me. I'll take you all on with all I've got!

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

This is bad. She's being tricked by the Pumpkin's magic just like we did.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Is the magic having an affect on her? It seems she can't distinguish between role and reality.

2 options (Same Response)
You need to listen to me! We are not your enemy!

Taromaiti expression halloween sad.png

...... You say that while you have been cutting down my men with weapons in your hands.

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

Be cautious, Brave Warrior. The power of a "Demon King"... is manifesting from her.

Chernobog:(halloween_sad face)
I understand now. It's the same "power of the Demon King" as I once was.

Taromaiti expression halloween sad.png

Such a deception this is. I cannot... tolerate such a world.

Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

For starters, we labeled monsters as evil...
Is this the first time we persecuted them?

Taromaiti:(halloween_crying face)
Discrimination by differences in idealogy and appearances......
"I" have become a Demon King, to rebel against a world such as this.

Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

I am Demon King Tonas! I will rebel against a world that imposes righteousness!

2 options
She's really getting into the role. Those remarks... Is that how she feels?
Arslan expression halloween sad.png

Did you see that, Cub? Pay closer attention to her.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

You can see flames of anger showing through in every word that she says.

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

That's possible. However, I can see what's happening here.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Those words are too being distorted by the power of the Fairies.
A wish that is twisted and amplified by them.

Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

Everything will change from here!
To a world where you don't need to feign your appearance and beliefs!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Yeah, yeah! Let's build our own world, Demon King!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

It'll be boring to have only 1 Halloween!
Today and tomorrow, even the day after tomorrow!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

We're gonna make Halloween happen every day, forever and ever!

Volos expression surprised.png

Halloween every single day!? What in tarnation are you kids--

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Here we go! To our world!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png


Salomon-kun expression crying.png

W-What is this feeling...!! Nooo, M-Mast---

2 options (Same Response)
Salomon-kun!? He disappeared! !

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Dammit!! Everyone, be on your guard! Something's happening!!

The Jack-o-Lanterns scream in joy. The landscape all around you warps accordingly to their voices.

Scenery of a green forest begins to overlap the world that is supposed to be the top of a stage.

2 options (Same Response)
Is this a different world!? Why is this happening!?

Chernobog:(halloween_shocked face)
W-Where are this...? Were we sent away to a forest!?

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

The scent... the breeze... and the atmosphere too!
Is this the scent of the fairy village? But, h-how!?

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

The reason why they kidnapped Volos was because of this.
This most likely happened because of his presence.

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

His "Rule" and his influence on the "Pumpkins"--
And a physically closed off space called the "theatre"!

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

I fear that it's likely that the brainwashed "App" users occupying the hall excluded the common guests, then--

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Then they used them to bring the "Fairy Village" here!

Cusith expression halloween shocked.png

T-That can't be! The "Fairy Village" is the hometown of us Fairies!
The source of the Fairies' "power" here is overflowing!

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Deplorable... If they use that "power," they'll maintain this world for eternity!

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

They intend on making a Halloween festival that lasts for a day into a never-ending festival.

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

If this keeps up, this auditorium is gonna turn into an "otherworld"!
We gotta stop this quick, [Player]!!

2 options (Same Response)
Let's stop this phenomenon! Chernobog is helping too!

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

R... Right. Understood!

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Chernobog-dono. Is something bothering you?

Chernobog:(halloween_happy face)
No, I will follow my Brave Warrior now.
No, my "companion" this time!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Here we come! Let's get 'em!


Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png


JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Ouch! You may have taken out our pumpkin friends, but there's still more to come!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

We're full of spirit and just having fun! Let's move forward, forward, together!!

Cusith expression halloween shocked.png

Geeeeeeeeeeeeh!! W-W-We're in for it now! T-There's a ton of them coming!!

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

We're being outnumbered, as I've expected.

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

Seriously. This is becoming a complete chore!
Even while we're taking care of them, the surrounding scenery is...!

The auditorium already covered in greenery gradually transforms into a deep forest.

There is someone standing still, not worrying about the strange scene.

Chernobog:(halloween_sad face)
...... Ah. This one is different after all......

2 options (Same Response)
Chernobog? Are you affected by the pumpkin's magic...?

Muttering words to himself, Chernobog speaks his decision.

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

[Player], my Brave Warrior. Please observe what I'm going to do.

The Hero steps forward to the Demon King. He drops the weapon he was holding and opens up his arms--

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

Chernobog-dono!? No! Don't get any closer to her!

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

She isn't an actor for the player now!
You're in danger! Please come back!!

Volos expression surprised.png

(Huh? Is that... the Demon King of death and ice?
I didn't expect him to come to this world...!!)

Chernobog expression halloween anger.png

Listen to me...! Demon King Tonas, my old enemy!

Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

......You still believe we're continuing on with the play?
What business do you have with me, Temporary Hero?

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

You... No, your regrets has reached out to my heart!

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

On top of that, I want to speak out my thoughts for a moment.

Taromaiti expression halloween neutral.png


Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

Until I came here, I have only thought about defeating you as a Hero.

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

But then... I wondered if that is truly the right thing.

Taromaiti expression halloween surprised.png

What is this nonsense! Are you intent on begging for your life at this time?

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

This is a good opportunity, [Player].
We can help Taromaiti while we have the chance--

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

If we can relieve her of the brainwashing from the pumpkins, this uproar should settle down.

2 options (Same Response)
Relax. We have to trust Chernobog on this one. ... Let's just observe the conversation for now.

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

... I am not begging for my life. But rather, I have a request.

Taromaiti expression halloween surprised.png

A Hero... requesting something from a Demon King?
Outrageous! I can't believe what I'm hearing right now!

Chernobog expression halloween smile.png

........ Hah hah. Yes, you are quite correct.

Chernobog expression halloween smile.png

I thought so too. I was just like you just now... with a confused face.

Chernobog exposed himself to her, as he stands before her eyes.

As if Chernobog has no intention of inflicting harm, or standing up to anything.

Chernobog:(halloween_sad face)
...... Long ago, I met someone.

Brave Jakarta:( face)
A Brave Warrior that lost their way in my territory was imprisoned by my cage of black snow.

Brave Jakarta:( face)
In order to break free, they had to kill me and undo the curse.

Brave Jakarta:( face)
...... They said something however.
"I don't approve of freedom gained from methods like that."

Brave Jakarta:( face)
Just like that, they kept refusing to take my life until the very end.

Brave Jakarta:( face)
Even though we have never met, they cared for me despite I'm just a stranger to them.

Taromaiti expression halloween surprised.png

...... That's ridiculous. Ignorant... Such an ignorant story.

2 options (Same Response)
Could this be about... What happened on that snowy mountain...?

Chernobog expression halloween smile.png

You are correct. They were truly, truly ignorant.

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

However, I kept thinking about that. Why did they choose such a path?

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

The Hero's mission is to throw down the Demon King.
However, that... was not always the case.

Chernobog:(halloween_happy face)
I was chosen to be the Hero this time.
Strangely enough, I burdened the same role, and reached the same perspective.

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

Now I understand. What they saw and what they were aiming for.

The Chosen Hero stared at the world of the Demon King before him and raised a voice of defiance.

Chernobog expression halloween anger.png

That person opposed it! The very world that we obey and defines us!

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

Even if karma is inevitable, we don't need to abide to the things we don't want.

Chernobog expression halloween anger.png

Those who rebel against the world can still stick to their righteous path!
That is what it means to be a true Hero!

Chernobog expression halloween anger.png

I will have the same resolve as them!
As I have been saved, I will also go down the same path!

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

I will not kill the Demon King!
I'm made aware of the pre-established plot!

Chernobog expression anger.png

-Understand that Demon King Chernobog is the opponent that you must destroy!

Chernobog expression anger.png

Now, brandish your blade! Pierce through my heart!

Chernobog expression halloween anger.png

A gallant figure that does not bend their belief at "something that can't be helped,"
as long they have a heart!

1 option

Taromaiti expression halloween surprised.png

Jakarta…… No, Brave Chernobog!

Taromaiti expression halloween sad.png

I will express honor for that belief. But, even if...!

Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

I can't afford to give it all up!
Because I already decided that I will reform the world as Demon King!

Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

That is why I will prove it to you.

Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

Those who speak of strong beliefs must have the strength worthy of that!

Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

Not to defeat, but to mark the end of everything.
To destroy my delusion!

The eyes of those who face one other cross each other. However, there is no sense of antagonism.

There was intense intention of exchanging feelings through means other than words.

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

Were you listening, my Brave Warrior? Was I able to deliver my heart...?

Chernobog:(halloween_happy face)
Have I gotten closer to your heart? Even just a little?

2 options (Same Response)
You were a praiseworthy Hero. Come on, let's stop the Demon King!

Chernobog:(halloween_happy face)
Aahhh...... Thank you, Brave Warrior.

Chernobog expression halloween smile.png

Then, let us get going. To saving Taromaiti!

For this quest the player is able to select a NPC support Cu Sith (Halloween), Zabaniyya, Arsalan (Halloween) (level 40, skill level 40) or Chernobog (level 45, skill level 40) to gain 100 Ally Point

Level 25
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 60 12 per stamina
Card XP Given 240 48 per stamina
Board size 5x4
Award Transient Stone x1
(Possible) Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Great Pumpkin x100
Phase 2
  • Halloween Treats x100

I'm Not Afraid of Halloween! 7 (Final)

Part 1:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Daikanyama Academy

[Final Night: I'm Not Afraid of Halloween!]

Intense fighting echoes in the Forest of Fairies. Additionally, they are taking turns exchanging attacks with their weapons.

A "conversion" like that distant ambience marks a striking end.

Taromaiti expression halloween surprised.png

...... Ku!

A snapped sword flies away, Taromaiti slowly falls to her knees.

Taromaiti expression halloween surprised.png

I... lost.

Taromaiti expression halloween neutral.png

Thank you for going along with my selfishness.

Taromaiti expression halloween sad.png

And, I want to apologize. I didn't mean to shield myself from your selfishness.

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Nooo! NOOO! Demon Kiiiiing!! You can't lose to them!!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

We still want to play! This happens only once in a year!

2 options (Same Response)
What made you pick a game like that? Were you listening to what the Fairies wished for?

Taromaiti expression halloween neutral.png

...... Ah, I get it now. I think I'm starting to understand the Fairies' feelings a little.

Taromaiti expression halloween neutral.png

They only want to have fun for a long time.
That's not really a bad thing, y'know.

Taromaiti expression halloween joy.png

Moreover, these subordinates adored me as the Demon King.
You can't disregard that desire, can you?

Taromaiti expression halloween sad.png

The Fairies' wishes were wrong. However... It wasn't a mistake.

Taromaiti:(halloween_crying face)
Justice for someone... I know it will be seen as evil by someone else.

Chernobog:(halloween_sad face)
Taromaiti-dono... I......

Taromaiti expression halloween neutral.png

Don't make that face. Neither of us are wrong. Don't you agree?

Taromaiti expression halloween smile.png

...... Though, Chernobog. Those things that you've said earlier,
they will remain with me deep inside my heart.

Taromaiti expression halloween joy.png

I am pleased that we met here. And, I want to show my respect to you.
Will you... shake my hand?

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png


Chernobog turns and looks at you after being asked by Taromaiti.

1 option
(Give Chernobog a nod)

Chernobog expression halloween smile.png

Sure. I as well believe this is a suitable way to close a play.

Chernobog expression halloween smile.png

I know that just like the "last Hero," I would want to do this as well.

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Boooo! Demon King's such a dummy! We just want to play some moooore!!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

That's why... it will just be us---

???:( face)
Sorry to keep you waiting!

1 option
That voice has got to be...!

Alice expression halloween anger.png

Little ones that lost their Demon King whom they relied on suffer from illogical thoughts.

Alice expression halloween anger.png

The stage is here, even when the scene changes.
This is a perfect time to slowly close the play.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

So you have come after all!

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

Yes, I am Rutabaga Knight.
I was called to here, invited by the sweet smell!

Alice expression halloween smile.png

I'd like to thank you, [Player]. You've managed to track down the Jack-o-Lanterns.

Alice expression halloween smile.png

I, too, have something to offer to this place.
Something to appease the Robin Goodfellows that are cute, yet mischievous.

Rutabaga Knight raises a lantern high in the air and begins reciting a poem.

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

Continue playing inside your dreams, Eternal Children.
However, a dream is something to remember.

Alice expression halloween smile.png

I am "one who marks the end of a dream." Listen to my voice--

Alice:(halloween_surprised face)
Pumpkin lanterns are to be adorned for a festival of Halloween.
Are you aware that it was originally made from another plant?

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

A blessing of the earth harvested in preparation for the long winter.
Food that was served to help all that were hungry.

Alice expression halloween smile.png

That is what "Rutabaga" is! The original light that burned in the old "Sauin" festival!

1 option
So that's what the Rutabaga Knight is.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

That's such a sooting voice. By the way... what the heck is a "Sauin"?

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

"Sauin" or sometimes "Samhain." It was another name for Halloween, it's original form.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

It's a ritual that comforts the old spirits in between the boundaries of light and dark,
summer and winter and noisy neighborhoods.

Alice:(halloween_5star face)
It's time to rest, everyone.
Let the old light comfort and guide the dead.

Alice:(halloween_5star face)
The fun festival will soon end for tonight's dream.
Please have a good rest, until this day comes again next year......

The pumpkins illuminated by the warm light limply crouches down on the spot.

What possessed them began coming out from their bodies.

Fairies:( face)
Oh... golly, the festival's over.

Fairies:( face)
There's nothing we can do about it.
It's a bit frustrating, but... we can't do anything about it.

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

Don't you worry about a thing. Ehehehe~!

Fairies:( face)
Oh? The puppy just said something. What do you mean by that?

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

'Cause there's still next year. It's not the end for Halloween.
Festivals are always held every single year.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

We're looking forward to prepare for it.
That's why it's happening again next year. I promise.

2 options (Same Response)
This mess was more trouble than it's worth though. Let's all play together again.

Fairies:( face)
Thank you...... We're so sorry for the trouble we've caused.

Fairies:( face)
It'll be great to play together next time we meet!
Well then, until next time~!

At the same time the presence of the Fairies disappeared from your surroundings, the stage enclosed by a forest turns back to normal.

And what was left behind...

Male Students:( face)

  • Whistle* Bravo! BRAVOOOO!!

Male Students:( face)
That was amazing! I don't know what happened, but that was spectacular!!

Female Students:( face)
The Demon King also did amazing! She was so cool!

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

W-What the heck is this...?
It seems like everyone up to now thinks it's part of the production.

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

How convenient. It's all a misunderstanding,
but it's probably better to leave it at that.

You and your friends on top of the stage smiled as the audience roars in applause.

The incident finishes without being known to anyone in the grand finale.

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

Good grief. It's good to see that things really ended peacefully.
I wonder what would've happened if we left the other world as it is?

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

It's all thanks to [Player]-sama and that gentlema---

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

Now that you mention it... Rutabaga Knight and Volos-dono are nowhere to be seen.

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

Volos-san said he is going to be waiting outside.

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

But..... He looked a bit depressed.

2 options (Same Response)
No way! He still think it's his fault! I'll go look for him!


When walking past the crowd of people leaving the auditorium, You noticed a bench deviating itself from the flow of people.

You find a figure of a young bear sitting on that bench.

Volos expression sad.png


2 options (Same Response)
What are you doing in a place like this? Gosh, you can't just run off on your own like that.

Volos expression surprised.png

Oh, [Player]. Sorry, I was just uneasy about something.

Volos expression joy.png

I didn't mean to go off on my own. Sorry.
I guess my viewpoint on things is still narrow.

His shoulders dropped after he said that.

Volos expression sad.png

...... I can only think that I'm responsible for this disaster.

Volos expression neutral.png

They weren't made for ornamental use......
I wanted them to be tasty to eat--

Volos expression neutral.png

I raised those pumpkins with those feelings in mind, but...
This is how things came to be.

Volos expression sad.png

Maybe I shouldn't have done all those needless things......

Volos expression pout.png

I was so scared. I thought I was gonna hurt somebody again.

Volos expression pout.png

What I thought was "kindness" was only "inconvenience," looking at it from the other side......

???:( face)
What the heck are you saying! Dunderhead Bear!

Volos expression surprised.png

Huh, Rutabaga Knight!? Why are you here...?

Alice expression halloween sad.png

I only thought about correcting your misunderstanding.
Kindness is something on the other side of a printed coin. That's it.

Volos expression surprised.png

W-What do you mean by that, Rutabaga Knight?
Is there some kind of backstory about a coin here?

Alice expression halloween sad.png

Yes... Now, I shall reveal the secret of my identity.

Alice expression halloween anger.png

Enigmatic Blood-Sucking Knight, Rutabaga Knight!
My true identity is......

Alice:(halloween_b_5star face)
Pretty Girl Detective Alice of Love and Intelligence,
makes an elegant appearance to an assistant in a bind!

3 options (Same Response)
W-What the! Alice-chan!? Oh, thanks for everything then.

Volos expression surprised.png

A-Alice-chan is the Rutabaga Knight!? I don't get what you're trying to pull he--

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

Please be quiet! I'll explain that later!

Volos expression sad.png


Alice expression halloween b blank.png

Kindness is something inscribed on the other side of a coin.
That's roughly what you imagine it is.

Volos expression sad.png


Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Though it seems you don't comprehend the essence of my words.

Volos expression surprised.png

Essence of your words...?
Aren't you making a point on the other side and front of a coin?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Maybe I will need to explain everything in order after all.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

...... I visited this academy for a specific purpose. That's it.

Alice pulls out one cutely wrapped small bag from her bosom.

Volos expression neutral.png

W... What's this?

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

You don't know what it is? It's a specialty cookie of Daikanyama Academy.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

Oh, no... 'Course I knew that. Is that the important part?

Volos expression embarrassed.png

Is that why you came here today, Alice-chan?
Just so you can hand me these cookies?

Alice unties the ribbon on the pouch and takes out a cookie from a circular mold inside.

Volos expression surprised.png

Ah! T-T-These cookies are...!

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

...... You noticed it at last.
These pumpkins are sweets only for today.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

They are Daikanyama Academy's specially made "Pumpkin Cookies,"
baked with the pumpkins produced by you, Volos.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

I came here for this purpose.
At that time, I felt something that couldn't be seen making an uproar.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

It wouldn't make sense to not eat especially delicious confections.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

That's why I played the 2 roles of Pretty Girl Detective and Rutabaga Knight.
So I can get to the bottom of things.

After Alice said that, she takes the cookie and presses it on Volos' mouth.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Come on... Check it for yourself.
The true value of the pumpkins you raised and put your wish into.

Volos closes his eyes and eats the cookie presented to him and carefully checks the flavor.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

....... Wow, it's dang delicious......

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

...... Yes, they're "delicious." These sweets are very delicious.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Everyone eating these sweets baked with your pumpkins have been saying they're 'delicious.' Did you not know that?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

I want to add that everything that exists has a "front and back."
It's completely natural.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Someone's "justice" on the other side of a coin is the "evil" of someone else.
Even if it were, the value of that coin would not be zero.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

If the other side of a coin gets dirty, you can polish it.
No matter where you look, it makes you think it's beautiful--

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

All you need is to carefully "understand it."
Don't look only at the other side or the front.

Volos expression surprised.png

I-I was sure I could only see the "surface" of kindness up until now......

Volos expression embarrassed.png

And when I realized there was a "backside" to kindness, I was only concerned about that......

3 options (Same Response)
The parable of the front and back of a coin... A part of Volos that can't be seen... Was it to make him aware of it?

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

...... Yes. And just as each coin has their own "value"---

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Cookies also have a "value of being delicious."
Don't forget that you created that value.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

The "seed of happiness" you planted certainly is sprouting in everyone.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Have self-confidence, Volos. The vegetables you've raised are very lovely.

Volos expression joy.png

Thanks... Alice-chan.

Volos expression joy.png

What I done was not a waste of time.
That's what you've been telling me.

Volos expression neutral.png

Oh... by the way, Alice-chan. How did you manage to play 2 different roles?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Aahh, about that. That does sound interesting, doesn't it?

Volos expression surprised.png

Whaaaaaaaaaaaa!? It doesn't make any sense at all!

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Playing a double role for Halloween? Pretty Girl Detective?
Rutabaga Knight!

1 option
What the hell was that strong impression earlier for?

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

That's no good. Today is supposed to be a fun festival day!
What are you going to do without having fun!

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Holy with lovely and pure white charm.
Darkness with ominous pitch black charm.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

It's wonderful if you can enjoy both!
Aaahhh, it was so much fun~

Volos expression neutral.png

Hmhmhm~...... Yeah, you got the right idea!

Volos expression neutral.png

It's a festival that only happens once a year.
It would be a waste to miss out on the fun!

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

That's all you need to know. We should get together with everyone soon.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

As a matter of fact, everyone's going on ahead to another location.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Come, let's get going!

Volos expression neutral.png

Yeah! Let's go, [Player]!


There is a remarkably crowded Western confectionary in a school bustling with festival activity.

In one area, there is a table written with "reserved seats." Everybody has gathered there.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

I originally planned to having some delicious cookies with black tea here.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

The instant it turned 15 o'clock, it became the perfect time to do so.

Taromaiti expression halloween neutral.png

This cafe opens up every event. Every round is very elaborate and it's extremely popular.

Taromaiti expression halloween smile.png

Even though I managed to book an appointment at this time...
I was sure it's gonna be like a lottery, but I got pretty lucky.

2 options
Is the closing party over, Taromaiti? You did well for your debut, Chernobog.
Taromaiti expression halloween joy.png

Yup. There's things to do like cleaning up, but we're given break time.

Taromaiti expression halloween neutral.png

After enjoying tea-time with everyone,
I'll be heading back to the theatre again to change outfits.

Chernobog:(halloween_happy face)
Yes... It was indeed a good show. Moreso, it's all thanks to you, [Player].

Chernobog expression halloween smile.png

There was no way for me to not get excited.
Because I cannot suppress the loud beating of my heart.

Chernobog expression halloween smile.png

From the bottom of my heart, I want to take you for your help and efforts.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

I'm glad we calmed the commotion down with no hitches!
Now that that's over, we can eat some tasty sweets now.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Here. Why don't you eat some, Zabaniya?
It doesn't hurt to indulge on sweets once in a while. Here, here, here!

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

Sugary treats aren't exactly my thing, but... If you insist.
Thank you for the food. *Aahm*......

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

Oh... these are certainly very delicious...
The sweetness is mild and easy to savor. It's rich in flavor as well.

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

I feel there is a wide variety of use for these!
From long-time conservation to time of battling!

Arslan expression halloween sad.png
  • Sigh*...... W-Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it, I guess.
Volos expression joy.png

This uses very little sugar and balances the flavor with the pumpkin's sweetness.

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

A flavor that never gets dull by natural sweetness?
This... is such a crime to all sweets.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Wow, I'm lovin' this pumpkin parfait!

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

And a freshly-baked pumpkin with fresh cream too!
I don't think I can bring this as a souvenir for everyone though.

Chernobog expression halloween smile.png

This Bavarian cream is also quite delicious when combined with white cream.
Chouji-dono, Ryouta-dono and the Head would be happy to eat this.

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

It really does look good with a lot of fresh cream!
Chernobog-san, you should try some too!

Chernobog:(halloween_happy face)
Alright. I was interested in that parfait and others as well.

Cusith and Chernobog are both eating each and every one of the desserts.

They were having a good time exchanging desserts with each other and sharing their thoughts on the play.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Well... I'm hesitant to say it,
but it will soon be time for everyone to say their goodbyes.

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

So much has happened, but it was a ton of fun today thanks to everyone,
and we became good friends too!

2 options (Same Response)
What happened in the theatre was troublesome, though... At least everything worked out in the end!

Taromaiti expression halloween smile.png

That was a strange experience, for sure.
For myself and you guys too.

Taromaiti expression halloween neutral.png

[Player]... I was satisfied when I switched roles with Chernobog.

Taromaiti expression halloween neutral.png

Having the role imposed on me by him, I feel the prejudice lessening a little.

Taromaiti expression halloween smile.png

Yet, I was taught that from him on top of that stage.

Taromaiti expression halloween neutral.png

When you get put in some kind of role,
you'll need to accept that "type" of world too.

Taromaiti expression halloween neutral.png

Defying the world doesn't mean only walking the other way.

Taromaiti expression halloween joy.png

Sometimes, there are things we can't do without confronting the very world itself.

2 options (Same Response)
You're being too serious. Relax a little. It's fine since the role of a Demon King was cool.

Taromaiti expression halloween smile.png

Hahaha! Maybe you're right. It's probably better to think like that.

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

I, too, have something I want to share.
This one occasion... will surely remain in my heart.

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

I still know what being a hero means.
I felt that I understood that on that stage.

Chernobog expression halloween smile.png

However, understanding the feelings of the Pumpkins and Taromaiti whom we fought against---

Chernobog expression halloween smile.png

That, too, is another form of a hero. I've realized that.

Chernobog expression halloween smile.png

I'm certain there are endless kinds of heros in this world.
A time will come again for me to choose that role.

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

[Player]... Please stay by my side, from now on.

Chernobog:(halloween_happy face)
We will walk on that fun path together... a good path.

2 options (Same Response)
Sure. I'd be happy to. It will be filled with fun experiences from here on out.

Chernobog:(halloween_happy face)
Aahh... I am grateful, my Brave Warrior.

Taromaiti expression halloween joy.png

Well, I should get going soon.
When the closing party's over, I'll be waiting to tidy things up.

Chernobog expression halloween smile.png

I should go as well. I must return the costume to them.

Chernobog expression halloween smile.png

If there's cleaning need to be done, I'll partake in it too.
Until the end, I will carry out my responsibility as a member of the play.

Taromaiti expression halloween smile.png

That would be great, thanks! I'll be seeing you again, [Player].

Chernobog:(halloween_happy face)
I want to give my regards to the director before it gets late. Now then.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Well, should we get going too? There's still a lot of patrolling left to do in the school.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Yes, Arslan-sama. Although we've resolved this incident,
the aftermath of the chaos still remains.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

I'm gonna be making you work hard on the part you showed off earlier, Zabaniya. *Shoom*!

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

...... Don't joke about that, please.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Wahahahaha! I was just joking~
Honestly, you don't know when to brush off a joke.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

You've worked hard enough already.
Since the stalls are still running, it's not a bad idea to have fun for a while.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

No, this is the consequence of my own immaturity!
I will humbly start bracing my own body even further!

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Hey, Cubs! Let's have fun together, if we get another opportunity!
Happy Halloween! Ciao!!

2 options (Same Response)
Arslan-san is still energetic as ever. You need to take your job more seriously.

The Lion leaves, waving his hand over his back at your final remarks.

However, the man that follows him stays behind as if he has something to say.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

S-Say... [Player].

Zabaniya expression halloween blush.png

N-No... It's nothing. Forget it.

2 options (Same Response)
Is there something you want to say? Or maybe there was something you want to do?

Zabaniya expression halloween blush.png

Yes... there is. Arslan-sama told me this...

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

If you desire change, you need to take a step forward without hesitating...

Zabaniya expression halloween blush.png

S-So... now...

You don't have the slightest idea on what he wants or thought about.

However, Zabaniya undoubtedly puts his index and middle finger on his lips and turned towards you.

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

(Whispers) Adios, [Player]-sama.

2 options
......... Wow. I-I'm flattered...!
Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Dang, Master! Did you just see that!?
He must really love throwing awkward kisses or something!

Salomon-kun expression naughty.png

Maybe he's a gap hitter!! I-I think I'll try that too...

Salomon-kun expression naughty.png

T-That was pretty extreme, and shocking, wasn't it? Truly amazing...

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

When a serious person pops off like that, they wouldn't know how to adjust.

Salomon-kun expression naughty.png

Maybe I should push for a difference in appeal.
I'm not an imp, it's just an era of honest coolness, yeah?

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

Zabaniya-san... You're working so hard to change yourself.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Hehehe. He was pretty cool. Maybe I should do that too. *Shoom*!

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

Anyways, I should be headin' back home too.
Leib-senpai is gonna get mad if I don't head back soon.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

So much crazy stuff happened today, but it was a ton of fun!

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

I had a great time being with everyone!
That was the first time I ever had an applause on-stage.

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

And... that force inside of me... Somehow, I feel like I understand it.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

[Player]! Next time I'll invite you and we'll be sure to hang out that time!

2 options (Same Response)
Sure, we can do that. I'll bring Garmr too, so it'll be the 3 of us.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Yep! It'll be a ton of fun!
Catch you later! Bye-byyyyyyyeee!!

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

I reckon I should head home too before I cool off.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

This time, I have purchased a souvenir for the house-sitting bear.

2 options (Same Response)
I'm really thankful for what you did today. Will we meet again?

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Of course. Surely this incident wouldn't have been solved
if I wasn't a Pretty Girl Detective today.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Besides, I believe I'll be seeing you again someday. Huhuhu. My intuition easily predicts that.

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

...... When that time comes, I may be an entirely different me.

Volos expression joy.png

Come and meet with us again. I'll prepare some nice, delicious tea for ya!

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Yes, I'll do that if I feel like it.
Assistant no. 1 and 2, thank you, both of you.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Until the day where light and dark melts together, everyone. Farewell.

The little girl disappears, leaving those words behind.

Another one of your friends leaves. The only person left now is Volos standing right next to you.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

Looks like it's just the two of us now huh...
Somehow, I've caused all kinds of trouble for you today.

Volos expression neutral.png

...... You wanna head back together until halfway?
I wanna enjoy Halloween with you for just a bit longer.

1 option
Sure. Let's head back together.

You walked alongside Volos in a sparse event grounds where people had went home already.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

Hey, [Player]. Can you... hear me out for a sec?

Volos expression neutral.png

To tell you the truth, I never planned on participating in the Halloween party.

Volos expression joy.png

I thought my job was just to make pumpkins and provide them.

Volos expression sad.png

The party... was pretty darn scary.
I'm more comfortable shutting myself away in the lab or farm.

Volos expression neutral.png

But, I met with everyone though these chain of events.
Thanks to that, I was able to discover a part of myself that I couldn't see before...

Volos expression joy.png

Research is great and all, but
sometimes it's important to look outside and experience the many things out there.

2 options (Same Response)
Didn't the Pumpkins want that too? So that's why you were forced onto the stage.

Volos expression joy.png

...... Oh. Yeah... Maybe it was.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

This... is what Alice-chan said.

Volos expression joy.png

Next Halloween, I think I will dress-up more proactively...

Volos expression embarrassed.png

At that time, maybe we could pick out a costume... together?

Volos says those last words in a low voice while also feeling a little embarrassed.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

Aye...... I guess this is where we part ways, eh?

Volos expression neutral.png

[Player]. Thank you so much for today.
It... It was great meeting you... all of you.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

If it's possible, could you... again next Halloween--

Volos expression sad.png

Daw, that's not it. That's not it.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

Just because we met on Halloween doesn't mean we can't see each other till then.

Volos expression sad.png

On your next vacation... Is it okay with you if we see each other again?

Volos expression embarrassed.png

I just... want to know you a lot better.

2 options (Same Response)
Of course, Volos. Happy Halloween!

Volos rounds his eyes and nods his head with a full smile to what you've said.

Volos expression joy.png

Yup. Happy Halloween. [Player].

I’m Not Afraid of Halloween! END

Free Quest

These quests can be repeated as much as you want. Each quests has a Rank XP to Stamina ratio (as always with quests) and their main event-item drop per stamina ratio (maxima do not factor in skill multipliers).

Pumpkin Attack

These quests focus on yielding Great Pumpkin more, so units with Queller are preferred.

Each unit will multiply the quantity dropped by about 30% (A full party where everyone has the corresponding skill will increase the quantity dropped by 150%).


Great Pumpkin per Stamina 8 per stamina
Halloween Treats per Stamina 4 per stamina
Level 1
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 27 5.4 per stamina
Card XP Given 75 15 per stamina
Board size 3x4
Award Transient Stone x1
(Possible) Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Random Mob x3
  • Coin x900
  • Great Pumpkin x10
  • Great Pumpkin x10
  • Great Pumpkin x10
Phase 2
  • Random Mob x3
  • Element none.pngALL-ROUND Boost (M)
  • Great Pumpkin x10
  • Halloween Treats x10
  • Halloween Treats x10
  • A Random Mob constitutes to a random [[Catalog:Mobs#.E2.98.861| Mob]] or a Pumpkid.
  • All mobs of this event possess Spirit, and another skill to inflict PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) on hit (at an unknown proc percentage).


Great Pumpkin per Stamina 10 per stamina
Halloween Treats per Stamina 4 per stamina
Level 15
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 61 12.2 per stamina
Card XP Given 99 19.8 per stamina
Board size 3x4
Award Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Random Mob x3
  • Great Pumpkin x10
  • Great Pumpkin x10
  • Great Pumpkin x10
Phase 2
  • Random Mob x3
  • Coin x1200
  • Great Pumpkin x10
  • Halloween Treats x10
Phase 3
  • Random Mob x3
  • A Random Mob constitutes to a random [[Catalog:Mobs#.E2.98.861| Mob]] or a Pumpkid.
  • All mobs of this event possess Spirit, and another skill to inflict PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) on hit (at an unknown proc percentage).


Great Pumpkin per Stamina 13 per stamina
Halloween Treats per Stamina 2 per stamina
Level 25
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 115 11.5 per stamina
Card XP Given 224 22.4 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Random Mob x4
  • Great Pumpkin x30
  • Great Pumpkin x20
  • Great Pumpkin x20
Phase 2
  • Random Mob x4
  • Coin x2100
  • Great Pumpkin x20
  • Halloween Treats x20
Phase 3
  • Random Mob x3
  • Cusith (Halloween)
  • A Random Mob constitutes to a random [[Catalog:Mobs#.E2.98.861| Mob]] or a Pumpkid.
  • All mobs of this event possess Spirit, and another skill to inflict PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) on hit (at an unknown proc percentage).


Great Pumpkin per Stamina 17.333333333333 per stamina
Halloween Treats per Stamina 2 per stamina
Level 35
Required Stamina 15
Rank XP Given 206 13.733 per stamina
Card XP Given 441 29.4 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Random Mob x4
  • Great Pumpkin x50
  • Great Pumpkin x40
  • Great Pumpkin x30
Phase 2
  • Random Mob x3
  • Cusith (Halloween)
  • Coin x2100
  • Great Pumpkin x40
  • Great Pumpkin x30
Phase 3
  • Great Pumpkin x30
  • Great Pumpkin x40
  • Halloween Treats x30
  • A Random Mob constitutes to a random [[Catalog:Mobs#.E2.98.861| Mob]] or a Pumpkid.
  • All mobs of this event possess Spirit, and another skill to inflict PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) on hit (at an unknown proc percentage).


Great Pumpkin per Stamina 19 per stamina
Halloween Treats per Stamina 1.5 per stamina
Level 40
Required Stamina 20
Rank XP Given 294 14.7 per stamina
Card XP Given 580 29 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Random Mob x3
  • Cusith (Halloween)
  • Great Pumpkin x70
  • Great Pumpkin x50
  • Great Pumpkin x40
Phase 2
  • Coin x4900
  • Great Pumpkin x50
  • Great Pumpkin x40
  • Halloween Treats x30
Phase 3
  • Great Pumpkin x50
  • Great Pumpkin x40
  • Great Pumpkin x40
  • A Random Mob constitutes to a random [[Catalog:Mobs#.E2.98.861| Mob]] or a Pumpkid.
  • All mobs of this event possess Spirit, and another skill to inflict PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) on hit (at an unknown proc percentage).


Great Pumpkin per Stamina 21.5 per stamina
Halloween Treats per Stamina 0 per stamina
Level 55
Required Stamina 20
Rank XP Given 389 19.45 per stamina
Card XP Given 690 34.5 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Random Mob x3
  • Cusith (Halloween)
  • Great Pumpkin x80
  • Great Pumpkin x70
  • Great Pumpkin x50
Phase 2
  • Element none.pngALL-ROUND Boost (G)
  • Great Pumpkin x40
  • Great Pumpkin x40
  • Great Pumpkin x30
Phase 3
  • Great Pumpkin x30
  • Great Pumpkin x30
  • Great Pumpkin x30
  • Great Pumpkin x30
  • A Random Mob constitutes to a random [[Catalog:Mobs#.E2.98.861| Mob]] or a Pumpkid.
  • All mobs of this event possess Spirit, and another skill to inflict PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) on hit (at an unknown proc percentage).

Trick or Sweet!

These quests focus on yielding Halloween Treats more, so units with Disguiser are preferred.

Each unit will multiply the quantity dropped by about 20% (A full party where everyone has the corresponding skill will increase the quantity dropped by 120%).


Great Pumpkin per Stamina 0.4 per stamina
Halloween Treats per Stamina 10 per stamina
Level 20
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 60 12 per stamina
Card XP Given 95 19 per stamina
Board size 3x4
Award Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Random Mob x4
  • Great Pumpkin x10
  • Halloween Treats x10
  • Halloween Treats x10
Phase 2
  • Random Mob x4
  • Coin x1400
  • Halloween Treats 10
  • Great Pumpkin x10
Phase 3
  • Random Mob x4
  • Soul M x1
  • Halloween Treats x10
  • Halloween Treats x10
  • A Random Mob constitutes to a random [[Catalog:Mobs#.E2.98.861| Mob]] or a Pumpkid.
  • All mobs of this event possess Spirit, and another skill to inflict PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) on hit (at an unknown proc percentage).


Great Pumpkin per Stamina 4 per stamina
Halloween Treats per Stamina 9 per stamina
Level 30
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 107 10.7 per stamina
Card XP Given 215 21.5 per stamina
Board size 5x4
Award Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Random Mob x4
  • Halloween Treats x30
  • Halloween Treats x20
Phase 2
  • Random Mob x4
  • Coin x2300
  • Great Pumpkin x20
  • Halloween Treats x20
  • Halloween Treats x20
Phase 3
  • Great Pumpkin x20
  • A Random Mob constitutes to a random [[Catalog:Mobs#.E2.98.861| Mob]] or a Pumpkid.
  • All mobs of this event possess Spirit, and another skill to inflict PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) on hit (at an unknown proc percentage).
  • Drops are not final


Great Pumpkin per Stamina 2.6666666666667 per stamina
Halloween Treats per Stamina 16 per stamina
Level 40
Required Stamina 15
Rank XP Given 201 13.4 per stamina
Card XP Given 425 28.333 per stamina
Board size 5x4
Award Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Random Mob x4
  • Great Pumpkin x40
  • Halloween Treats x40
  • Halloween Treats x50
Phase 2
  • Coin x3400
  • Halloween Treats x30
  • Halloween Treats x30
  • Halloween Treats x30
Phase 3
  • Random Mob x3
  • Alice (Halloween)
  • Halloween Treats x30
  • Halloween Treats x30
  • A Random Mob constitutes to a random [[Catalog:Mobs#.E2.98.861| Mob]] or a Pumpkid.
  • All mobs of this event possess Spirit, and another skill to inflict PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) on hit (at an unknown proc percentage).
  • Drops are not final


Great Pumpkin per Stamina 2.5 per stamina
Halloween Treats per Stamina 18.5 per stamina
Level 50
Required Stamina 20
Rank XP Given 341 17.05 per stamina
Card XP Given 645 32.25 per stamina
Board size 5x4
Award Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Great Pumpkin x50
  • Halloween Treats x70
  • Halloween Treats x40
Phase 2
  • Random Mob x3
  • Alice (Halloween)
  • Coin x5200
  • Halloween Treats x50
  • Halloween Treats x40
  • Halloween Treats x40
Phase 3
  • Halloween Treats x50
  • Halloween Treats x40
  • Soul G
  • Halloween Treats x40
  • A Random Mob constitutes to a random [[Catalog:Mobs#.E2.98.861| Mob]] or a Pumpkid.
  • All mobs of this event possess Spirit, and another skill to inflict PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) on hit (at an unknown proc percentage).


Halloween Treats per Stamina 21.5 per stamina
Level 60
Required Stamina 20
Rank XP Given 423 21.15 per stamina
Card XP Given 728 36.4 per stamina
Board size 5x4
Award Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Halloween Treats x80
  • Halloween Treats x70
  • Halloween Treats x50
Phase 2
  • Random Mob x3
  • Alice (Halloween)
  • Soul G
  • Halloween Treats x40
  • Halloween Treats x40
  • Halloween Treats x30
Phase 3
  • Halloween Treats x30
  • Halloween Treats x30
  • Halloween Treats x30
  • Halloween Treats x30
  • A Random Mob constitutes to a random [[Catalog:Mobs#.E2.98.861| Mob]] or a Pumpkid.
  • All mobs of this event possess Spirit, and another skill to inflict PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) on hit (at an unknown proc percentage).



No. Alice
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No. Arslan
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No. Cusith
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No. Volos
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Alice Arslan
Cusith Volos
Happy Halloween! Hey hey, I need to get ready soon. I can't wait for the fun festival! Hi, how are you doing? Do you have photosynthesis? The vegetables and I are in good shape.
The Sun is what gives us energy and power.
I love festivals! Everyone smiling, having fun, so many sweets...
The sad things will all be blown away!
Happy Halloween! Please take a look at the pumpkins that were grown with love and effort.
The size, the shape... Hmhm! Everyone will be amazed!
What's wrong? Did you have something bad? If that's the case, then I will stay by your side. When you get better,
let's go to the festival... promise.
I raise my crops very carefully but, they've become overgrown. They're one of the many things that cheer me up.
I wonder if I gave them too much love...
A while ago, Onikawa-san got hurt... watching from a distance, I couldn't approach him...
Maybe it's because a werewolf like me will scare him?
He likes my vegetables very much. Thorough and delicious, they are cooked without fail.
It is like showing appreciation to the ingredients.
There was an awfully scary-looking mummy man! Big and scary, he produces fire on his finger-tips! ...But, he gave me some candy in the end,
does that make him a good person?
The Demon King of Ice, the God of Misfortune, one who gives death to everything... Should we expect his unusual presence?
I will buy my vegetables with a friendly smile...
Hoooowl! Let's eat! Ehehe~, am I fluffy and cute? Ahaha, that tickles... stop it~! Eh? Does my fur feel good to touch...? I don't touch it that much... so stiff.... ehh?!
This feels good! A little too good...