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== Description ==
This templates creates an infobox for a status effect, as well as a status effect subobject using the following properties:
== Usage ==
<pre>{{Status extended infobox
| id =
| en name =
| jp name =
| filename =
| duration =
| damage-add =
| damage-add-max =
| damage-mult =
| damage-mult-max =
| damaged-add =
| damaged-add-max =
| damaged_mult =
| damaged_mult_max =
| hp-recovery =
| hp-recovery-max =
| cp-add =
| locks =
| type =
| note =
=== Parameters ===
; en name : (Officially localized) English name of the status
; jp-en name : (Unofficially) translated English name of the status
; jp name : Original Japanese name of the status
; filename : Filename the status icon uses
; id : internal ID used
; type : Whether this is a buff or a debuff
; duration : How many turns the status effect persists
; note : Note that displays when the status effect is added
; jp-note : Original Japanese for the above
; damage-add : Additional damage applied when attacking (constant)
; damage-add-max : Max value for the above
; damage-mult : Damage multiplier applied when attacking (coefficient)
; damaged-add : Additional damage applied when attacked (constant)
; damaged-add-max : Max value for the above
; damage-mult-max : Max value for the above
; damaged-mult : Damage multiplier applied when attacked (coefficient)
; damaged-mult-max : Max value for the above
; hp-recovery : HP recovered at end turn
; hp-recovery-max : Max value for the above
; cp-add : CP recovered at end turn
; rate-add : Max value for the above
; locks : Restrictions applied to unit. These include: movement, attack, skill, CS, blowback
== Examples ==
<pre>{{Status extended infobox
| id = 41
| en name = Guts
| jp name = 根性
| filename = guts
| duration = 5
| type = buff
| note = HPゼロ時に復活
{{Status extended infobox
| id = 41
| en name = Guts
| jp name = 根性
| filename = guts
| duration = 5
| type = Buff
| note = HPゼロ時に復活
[[Category:Infobox templates]][[Category:Subobject templates]]

Revision as of 23:36, 28 December 2018


This templates creates an infobox for a status effect, as well as a status effect subobject using the following properties:


{{Status extended infobox
| id = 
| en name = 
| jp name = 
| filename = 
| duration = 
| damage-add = 
| damage-add-max = 
| damage-mult = 
| damage-mult-max = 
| damaged-add = 
| damaged-add-max = 
| damaged_mult = 
| damaged_mult_max = 
| hp-recovery = 
| hp-recovery-max = 
| cp-add = 
| locks = 
| type = 
| note = 


en name
(Officially localized) English name of the status
jp-en name
(Unofficially) translated English name of the status
jp name
Original Japanese name of the status
Filename the status icon uses
internal ID used
Whether this is a buff or a debuff
How many turns the status effect persists
Note that displays when the status effect is added
Original Japanese for the above
Additional damage applied when attacking (constant)
Max value for the above
Damage multiplier applied when attacking (coefficient)
Additional damage applied when attacked (constant)
Max value for the above
Max value for the above
Damage multiplier applied when attacked (coefficient)
Max value for the above
HP recovered at end turn
Max value for the above
CP recovered at end turn
Max value for the above
Restrictions applied to unit. These include: movement, attack, skill, CS, blowback


{{Status extended infobox
| id = 41
| en name = Guts
| jp name = 根性
| filename = guts
| duration = 5
| type = buff
| note = HPゼロ時に復活
Notes HPゼロ時に復活
Duration 5
Base Value Maximum Value
Used Skills