Property:Has restrictions

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Showing 228 pages using this property.
Aether  +, Fire  +, Gabriel  +,
Aether  +, Infernal  +, Suzuka  +,
Kimun Kamui  +, Magic  +, Sol  +,
Aether  +, Astaroth  +, Bael  +,
Balor  +, Blow  +, Shiva  +,
Dagon  +, Infernal  +, Tangaroa  +,
Cait Sith  +, Licho  +, Ryota  +,
All-Round  +, Horkeu Kamui  +, Kimun Kamui  +,
Asterius  +, Nether  +, Robinson  +
Cait Sith  +, Magic  +, None  +,
Fire  +, Heracles  +, Shiva  +,
Balor  +, Infernal  +, Tezcatlipoca  +,
Amatsumara  +, Fire  +, Kurogane  +,
All-Round  +, Ryota  +, Toji  +,
Fire  +, Nether  +, Shiro  +,
Eita  +, Kijimuna  +, Magic  +,
Aether  +, Blow  +, Kengo  +,
Aether  +, Kuniyoshi  +, Licht  +,
Aegir  +, Benten  +, Blow  +,
Aether  +, Fire  +, Furufumi  +,
All-Round  +, Horkeu Kamui  +, Tomte  +,
Blow  +, Hanuman  +, Tetsuox  +,
Licho  +, Magic  +, Motosumi  +,
Choji  +, Fire  +, Volos  +,
All-Round  +, Amatsumara  +, Fire  +,
Ashigara  +, Barguest  +, Wood  +
Gabriel  +, Magic  +, Maria  +
Cu Sith  +, Leib  +, Magic  +
Itzamna  +, Licht  +, None  +,
Benten  +, Blow  +, Ebisu  +,
Fire Zombie  +, Magic  +, Orgus  +,
Choji  +, Ebisu  +, Magic  +,
Blow  +, Krampus  +, Slash  +,
Slash  +, Suzuka  +, Tetsuox  +,
Aether  +, Asterius  +, Taurus Mask  +,
No restrictions  +
Choji  +, Fire  +, Ryota  +,
Fire  +, Moritaka  +, Shino  +,
Aether  +, Jambavan  +, Leib  +,
Andvari  +, Kotaro  +, Magic  +,
Arc  +, Shot  +, Snipe  +,
Gyumao  +, Long Slash  +, None  +,
Blow  +, Ibaraki  +, Oniwaka  +
Hakumen  +, Shot  +, Slash  +,
Cait Sith  +, Infernal  +, Tezcatlipoca  +,
Aizen  +, Kalki  +, Shot  +,
Blow  +, Hati  +, Kalki  +,
Dagon  +, Infernal  +, Triton  +,
Babalon  +, Long Slash  +, Slash  +,
Goemon  +, Thrust  +, Volos  +
Arsalan  +, Avarga  +, Blow  +,
Arachne  +, Blow  +, Long Slash  +,
Chernobog  +, Slash  +, Thrust  +,
Fire  +, Taurus Mask  +, Wakan Tanka  +,
Durga  +, Fire  +, Gunzo  +,
Amatsumara  +, Blow  +, Surtr  +
Aether  +, Kengo  +, Nether  +,
Aether  +, Behemoth  +, Nether  +,
Hecate  +, Kuniyoshi  +, Nether  +,
Long Slash  +, Magic  +, Marchosias  +,
Barguest  +, Kenta  +, Nether  +
Aether  +, Gabriel  +, Hati  +,
No restrictions  +
Blow  +, Gunzo  +, Long Slash  +,
Eita  +, Typhon  +, Water  +
Kotaro  +, Ose  +, Shot  +,
Fire  +, Nomad  +, Tadatomo  +,
Arc  +, Fire  +, Kirito  +,
Durga  +, Infernal  +, Magic  +,
Agyo  +, Moritaka  +, Water  +
All-Round  +, Kijimuna  +, Tangaroa  +,
Hombre Tigre  +, Long Slash  +, Slash  +,
Hombre Tigre  +, Shot  +, Tezcatlipoca  +,
Gyumao  +, Long Slash  +, Magic  +,
Fire  +, Infernal  +, Motosumi  +,
Blow  +, Ibaraki  +, Shot  +,
Blow  +, Long Slash  +, None  +,
Azathoth  +, Nyarlathotep  +, Shot  +,
Aether  +, Ded  +, Nether  +,
Breke  +, Cthugha  +, Fire  +,
Aizen  +, Fire  +, Kagutsuchi  +,
Babalon  +, Fire  +, Surtr  +
Aether  +, Fire  +, Hakumen  +,
Ganglie  +, Seth  +, Valiant  +,
Blow  +, Nezha  +, Tetsuox  +
Benten  +, Typhon  +, Water  +
Behemoth  +, Nether  +, Ryota  +,
Bathym  +, Ikutoshi  +, Shot  +,
Furufumi  +, Licht  +, Nether  +,
Nether  +, Tetsuox  +, Wakan Tanka  +,
Blow  +, Kengo  +, Magic  +,
Blow  +, Ikutoshi  +, Kagutsuchi  +,
Oniwaka  +, Shuten  +, Thrust  +,
Aether  +, Fenrir  +, Jambavan  +,
Alice  +, Nether  +, Volos  +,
Blow  +, Thrust  +, Wakan Tanka  +,
Kurogane  +, Tangaroa  +, Wood  +,
Gunzo  +, Kyuma  +, Shot  +,
Blow  +, Goemon  +, Seth  +
Hanuman  +, Shot  +, Snipe  +,
Long Slash  +, Moritaka  +, Orgus  +,
Magic  +, Snipe  +, type: 7, value: 8  +
Amatsumara  +, Fire  +, Hephaestus  +,
Bael  +, Infernal  +, Lucifuge  +,
Kurogane  +, Nomad  +, Valiant  +,
Alp  +, Kuniyoshi  +, Nether  +,
Alp  +, Blow  +, Cu Sith  +
Hogen  +, Tajikarao  +, Valiant  +,
Blow  +, Chernobog  +, Zao  +
Fire  +, Ibaraki  +, Shuten  +,
Duo  +, Magic  +, R-19  +,
Ganglie  +, Typhon  +, Water  +
Arsalan  +, Fire  +, Valiant  +,
Astaroth  +, Asterius  +, None  +,
Licho  +, Magic  +, Sanat Kumara  +,
Nekros&Bacchus  +, None  +, Shot  +,
Ryota  +, Sol  +, Wood  +
Hogen  +, Long Slash  +, Slash  +,
Andvari  +, Infernal  +, Nether  +,
Arachne  +, Blow  +, Catoblepas  +,
Blow  +, Gyumao  +, Long Slash  +,
Durga  +, Licho  +, Magic  +,
Benten  +, Kuniyoshi  +, Nether  +,
Alp  +, Leib  +, Shot  +,
Fire  +, Hanuman  +, Nezha  +,
Aether  +, Gandharva  +, Thunderbird  +
Fire  +, Moritaka  +, Nether  +,
Akiha Gongen  +, Fire  +, Kyuma  +,
Protagonist  +, Ryota  +, Wood  +
Arc  +, Fire  +, Protagonist  +
Protagonist  +, Toji  +, Water  +
Aether  +, Kengo  +, Protagonist  +
Nether  +, Protagonist  +, Shiro  +
Blow  +, Daikoku  +, Magic  +,
Hakumen  +, Shot  +, Snipe  +,
Andvari  +, Chernobog  +, Nether  +
Azathoth  +, Blow  +, Nodens  +,
Cu Sith  +, Kuniyoshi  +, Magic  +,
Claude  +, Slash  +, Snow  +
Aether  +, Azazel  +, Maria  +,
Benten  +, Kuniyoshi  +, Licht  +,
Cthugha  +, Long Slash  +, Nyarlathotep  +,
World  +, type: 5, value: 2  +, type: 7, value: 5  +
Cu Sith  +, Fire  +, Oniwaka  +,
Fire  +, Water  +, type: 5, value: 2  +,
Ded  +, Krampus  +, Shot  +,
Horus  +, Long Slash  +, Otter  +,
Ashigara  +, Barguest  +, Nether  +,
Aether  +, Shuten  +, Wood  +,
Aether  +, Fire  +, Tetsuya  +,
All-Round  +, Babe Bunyan  +, Water  +,
Infernal  +, World  +, type: 7, value: 18  +
Aether  +, Shennong  +, Valiant  +,
Blow  +, Christine  +, Cipactli  +,
Babe Bunyan  +, Infernal  +, Nether  +,
Boogeyman  +, Leib  +, Long Slash  +,
Infernal  +, Nether  +, type: 7, value: 12  +
Shot  +, Thrust  +, type: 7, value: 17  +
Long Slash  +, Shennong  +, Shot  +,
Blow  +, Fenrir  +, None  +,
Aether  +, Ded  +, Nekros&Bacchus  +,
Gandharva  +, Magic  +, None  +,
Magic  +, None  +, type: 7, value: 7  +
Aether  +, Algernon  +, Infernal  +,
All-Round  +, Slash  +, type: 7, value: 2  +
Fire  +, Gyumao  +, Nether  +,
Fire  +, Horkeu Kamui  +, Valiant  +,
Blow  +, Jacob  +, Shinya  +,
Blow  +, Magic  +, Otohime  +,
All-Round  +, Babe Bunyan  +, Infernal  +,
Hephaestus  +, Kurogane  +, Magic  +,
Aether  +, World  +, type: 7, value: 15  +,
Aether  +, Choji  +, Fire  +,
type: 5, value: 2  +, type: 7, value: 3  +, type: 7, value: 4  +,
Magic  +, Oniwaka  +, Thrust  +,
Hecate  +, Leib  +, MacRoich  +,
Aether  +, All-Round  +, Boogeyman  +,
Amanojaku  +, Infernal  +, Qinglong  +,
type: 7, value: 2  +, type: 7, value: 3  +
Aether  +, Daikoku  +, Mineaki  +,
Aether  +, Horus  +, Shot  +,
Fire  +, Nether  +, type: 7, value: 16  +
Melusine  +, Slash  +, Snipe  +,
Fire  +, Itzamna  +, Nether  +,
Daikoku  +, Magic  +, None  +,
Avarga  +, Blow  +, Jugo  +,
Aether  +, All-Round  +, Ixbalanque  +,
Fire  +, Hombre Tigre  +, Tezcatlipoca  +,
Agyo  +, Chernobog  +, Shot  +,
Blow  +, type: 5, value: 2  +, type: 7, value: 6  +
Aether  +, Fire  +, Furufumi  +,
Barguest  +, Blow  +, Slash  +,
Bathym  +, Fire  +, Nether  +,
Shot  +, Snipe  +, Tuaring  +,
Ganglie  +, Ulaanbaatar  +, Water  +,
Babalon  +, Magic  +, Slash  +,
Cipactli  +, Infernal  +, MacRoich  +,
Aether  +, Gullinbursti  +, Tanngrisnir  +,