Event Quest:Set Sail! Midsummer's Ocean Adventure:VN:3-1

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[Translated by Raynald]

Chapter 3: [The Black Windstorm]

Location: On a Ship

Eita:(4star face)
Blow away, all of you!
Spearless Whole Countryyyyy!!

Eita’s harpoon stance penetrated the sea surface, and the axis of the harpoon knocked down all of the enemies. ——however.

Grass Merman expression neutral.png

Don’t falter! Aim for the ship! If they lose even their foothold,
we could neutralize them!

Eita expression shocked.png

Uhyaaaaaaaaa!? The ship! The ship is shaking! It’s going to sink!

Eita expression sad.png

W-What should we do Senpai? At this rate, I, and Big Sis Benten too will...!

Grass Mermaid expression neutral.png
  • Giggle*... No way. Is the concert over already?
Benten expression anger.png
  • Kuh*... I didn’t lost! I just couldn’t play anymore because the foothold is bad.
Grass Mermaid expression neutral.png

It was quite fresh and exciting but... It seems that it couldn’t match ours.

Grass Mermaid expression neutral.png
  • Gigg
Eita expression shocked.png

W-What is it now?! The sky over there... and the tide are strange!

Eita expression shocked.png

What— in the world is happening?

One of the mermaids whispered something in the ear to a merman that seemed to be the leader in a hurry.

Grass Merman expression neutral.png

—What did you say!? A "black windstorm" is going through these waters—!?

Grass Merman expression neutral.png

—Retreat! Everyone, retreat quickly! Leave these waters quickly!!

Benten expression surprised.png

Eh, wait, what happened? Everyone is escaping at full speed...!

Benten expression sad.png

Ah, somehow it makes me remember my dark history.

Benten expression sad.png

That time when l was rockin'—Aah, aah, aah!

Benten expression anger.png

—It wasn’t. There wasn’t a past like that!

Eita expression shocked.png

Big Sis Benten! Thank goodness, you are safe!

Benten expression sad.png

There’s nothing safe in this situation though...
What happened? Every one of the enemies escaped.

Eita expression angry.png

That’s—l also don’t know. Those mermaids suddenly escaped too...

Eita expression sad.png

I have a very bad feeling.
When something strange occurs on the sea, the fishes escape...

1 option
They said something about a "black windstorm", right?

Benten expression neutral.png

A "black windstorm"...? Doesn’t that sound a little exciting?

Benten expression surprised.png

Eh, a storm- W-Waait!?

1 option
It suddenly became a storm!?

Benten expression surprised.png

Eh, what does this mean!? It was a clear sky until now!?

Eita expression shocked.png

Senpai, look at the sky! There’s a great flow of clouds! It’s not natural!

Eita expression shocked.png

N-No! It’s not only the sky! The weather and the tide too,
everything is changing!

Benten expression surprised.png

Wait you two! Look at that! Something... is approaching!

Black Typhoon expression neutral.png


Where Benten was pointing—knowing even from the distant, there was a storm swallowing everything.

That was a giant black Windstorm. An overwhelming existence, so big that hit the skies—

And for some reason—it had a weird feeling, like if it was alive.

Eita expression sad.png

What’s that...? I’ve never seen a storm like that...!

Benten expression sad.png

Ominous—Should I say. Isn’t that thing it’s helpless ...?

3 options
Keep still, Benten! Be careful, Eita! Anyway, let’s escape!
Benten expression sad.png

Because, what should we do then!? With that size, even if I change the "flow"—!

Eita expression sad.png

I was raised on the sea, so I know...!
That’s—a thing that we shouldn’t touch!

Benten expression anger.png

Even if you say we should escape,
we are on the sea! There’s no place to run—

Eita expression sad.png

The ship is in pieces anyway... At this rate, we...

Eita expression shocked.png

No! We can’t escape anymore...! Gyaaaaaaaa!

Eita expression angry.png

[Player]-senpai! Big Sis Benten! —Ugyaaaaaaaaa!!

3 options
Benteeeeeen! Eitaaaaaaaa!
Benten expression sad.png


Eita expression sad.png


That black monster, just by passing by, crushed the pirate ship into dust.

The three, who were thrown to the ocean, were knocked down at the mercy of the raging waves.

2 options (Same Response)
*Cough* *Cough* I can’t die in a place like this!

But [Player], fighting in vain, sunk to the bottom of the rough sea. Unlike just a storm, an enormous energy was overwrapping in the sea.

1 option
I'm... done for...

Without being able to breath, [Player]’s consciousness hazed.

???:( face)
esc... u...!

A voice could be hard. Someone’s voice. In the middle of the rough tidal current, a voice certainly could reach one’s ears.

???:( face)
Rescue... u...!

Someone crawled the waves and approached quickly.
And then—A scream could be heard.

Makara expression 4star.png

Don’t give uuuuuuuuuup! "Role" is "Rescuer"! "Rule" is "Reaching"!

Makara expression 4star.png

I, Makara will "inscribe" my name here!
Reach the place where those people are drowning—

Makara expression 4star.png

Valna Vahana!!

Something coil all around their body, felling like they were being pulled out— At the end of that feeling—[Player] lost consciousness.




1 option
Where... am I?

Eita expression ocean surprised.png

S-Senpail? Thank goodness, you wake up!?

1 option

Eita expression ocean sad.png

Yes! Yes! Thank goodneeeeeessl If senpai disappeared I, I...!

Eita cried loudly burying his face on [Player]’s chest. With his arms around (Player)’s back, Eita hugged [Player] strongly.

Makara expression joy.png

Ooh, you finally wake up. Hey Eita.
What are you doing to a person who just woke up recently?

Eita expression ocean neutral.png

...Big Bro Makara. Sorry. I’m, so happy...

Makara expression neutral.png

Eita, you also just wake up recently.
It’s better if you lie down for a little more.

Makara expression joy.png

How is your condition? I treated your injuries but, does it hurt somewhere?

The giant beastman called Makara spoke in a relaxed tone.

1 option
Eita's acquaintance...?

Eita expression ocean neutral.png

Yeah! He’s Big Bro Makara. A sea man just like me!

Makara expression neutral.png

I’m Makara. I usually work as a lifesaver.

Eita expression ocean cheerful.png

After being thrown by the Windstorm—Big Bro Makara saved us!

Makara expression neutral.png

Yes, I was really surprised.
To think that the drowning person that l rescued was Eita.

3 options
Thank you, Makara-san. I'm [Player]. As a token of our meeting, a hug...
Makara expression joy.png

Ooh, I don’t mind. Because rescuing troubled
people on the sea is my occupation.

Makara expression joy.png

Oh, You were scared?
Theere, there. Please don’t hate the sea.

2 options (Same Response)
By the way... What's with Eita's outfit?

Eita expression ocean cheerful.png

Ah, these clothes? Hehe, They suits me right?
I got them from Big Bro Makara.

Makara expression joy.png

His clothes were in pieces after all. So I changed his clothes.

Makara expression joy.png

I also change your clothes while you were sleeping.
It would be bad if you caught a cold because of those soaked clothes.

Eita expression ocean cheerful.png

Ah, he properly averted to look. He didn’t see anything, so relax.

[Player], after being told that, realized that they own clothes were the same sailor clothes from Eita.

2 options (Same Response)
Ah, it’s true, me too— Thanks for everything.

Makara expression neutral.png

More importantly—Eita. There’s something you have to say right?

Eita expression ocean sad.png

...Yeah. Actually...

1 option
Benten is... not here?

Eita expression ocean sad.png

Yes... the people that Big Bro Makara rescued were... only the two of us.

1 option
Don’t tell me that, just like that, she sunk...?!

Makara expression neutral.png

No, that's not it. This "Sacred Artifact" garland can stretch anywhere and
certainly reach without leaving the rescuer.

Makara expression neutral.png

There wasn’t another person drowning on the pirate ship you were in.

Eita expression ocean sad.png

But... we were together! Big Sis Benten was...!

Makara expression neutral.png

Hmm, If that’s the case then—she escape by herself,
or she was saved by another person?

2 options (Same Response)
It’s possible that she escape by herself but— She was rescued by another person...?

Makara expression neutral.png

Thinking too much is bad for the body, you two.

Makara expression neutral.png

That Benten girl must be safe. We’ll look for her together, so don’t worry.

Ahab expression neutral.png

Hey, Makara. How long are you going to goof off?

Ahab expression surprised.png

—What? You two are already awake?

Makara expression joy.png

Aah, sorry about that. As a lifesaver I couldn’t leave them alone.

Ahab expression sad.png

My, my. Picking up two new drifting brats—

Ahab expression neutral.png

—Well, as a captain,
I have no complains if they work just for the eaten food.

1 option
The captain... of this ship?

Eita expression ocean neutral.png

Captain!? Mr. Captain!? Woooooow, coooooooll!

Ahab expression neutral.png

...What? Makara, since when did my ship became a nursery?

Makara expression neutral.png

Well, a captain is the yearning of a sea men. Please endure the gazing.

Ahab expression neutral.png

...Hm. Youngsters are carefree and enviable.

Makara expression neutral.png

l’ll introduce him. Here is the captain of this ship, Ahab-san.

Makara expression joy.png

I was also involved in this "other world" sea,
and Ahab-san rescue me when I was in trouble.

Ahab expression anger.png

Don’t say unnecessary things, Makara. As a captain, lt’ll become awkward.

1 option
Thank you very much for saving us.

Ahab expression sad.png

The one who saved you was that Makara. Not me. Don’t misunderstand.

Ahab expression neutral.png

—But, what Makara did as someone who rode this ship as a sailor,
I, as a captain, should also bear responsibility.

Ahab expression neutral.png

...In other words, as long as you ride this ship,
—you’re one of my cute subordinates and a sailor.

Ahab expression anger.png

If that’s the case, you’ll vigorously work while you ride it — for the purpose of my ship.

1 option
What do you mean by purpose?

Makara expression neutral.png

I don’t really understand,
but it seems that Captain Ahab is pursuing a "sea monster".

Ahab expression neutral.png

I guess you never thought that you drifted, by coincidence,
after pass by that.

Ahab expression neutral.png

Halfway of the searching—we found you drifting.

1 option
Could it be the "black windstorm"?

After saying those words, Ahab-san, with eyes tinged with madness, grasped [Player]’s chest.

Ahab expression neutral.png

—As I thought, it passed by here?! Where?! In which direction he went?!

2 options (Same Response)
P-Please release me! I-I can't breathe!

Eita expression ocean surprised.png

W-Wait please calm down Captain Ahab!
That "black windstorm"... is a living thing?

Eita expression ocean sad.png

Certainly, we saw it but... immediately after that,
we were swallowed by the sea!

Makara expression neutral.png

Thinking back about the tidal current from that time...
I think it went northwest, Captain Ahab.

Ahab expression neutral.png

Northwest, huh? Tch, we could went over there after all.

1 option
What do you mean?

Ahab expression sad.png

—Makara. Explain it to these newbie sailors.

Makara expression neutral.png

The waters of the northwest, alias, mermaid waters.
If you get in the way of those mermaids, you can’t pass the ship.

Makara expression neutral.png

On the contrary, if you approach, they’ll attack the ship.

Ahab expression neutral.png

I have completely no idea why they are so aggressive like that.
If at least we could know the reason, we could negotiate—

Eita expression ocean surprised.png

Dowaaa?! The ship is shaking greatly!

Ahab expression neutral.png

Again, incorrigibly—those merpeople came to attack again.

Ahab expression anger.png

It can’t be helped, let’s attack! You’ll fight too, follow me!

Eita expression ocean anger.png

S—Senpai! They’re coming to attack us...!

Eita expression ocean surprised.png

—Look at that senpai! That scarf that the leader merman have...!

2 options (Same Response)
It’s the one that Benten was wearing! Don’t tell me that Benten was—

Ahab expression neutral.png

It’s not the time to talk so carelessly. The mermaids came to attack us!

Ahab expression anger.png

Listen, protect your own body by yourself! —They’re coming!!