Event Quest:Desert Journey:VN:4-2

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[Translated by Kukuru]

Location: Amusement Park?

Amatsumara expression anger.png


Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

Nope! You just happened to do that to a clone!!

Amatsumara expression anger.png

Kuh, I'm not done yet......! You will submit!!

Seth expression b anger.png

Okay, I will nail you from behind!!
Take thiiiis!!

Seth swings around Dokkakuji's back faster than he could react with his hammer.

Seth expression b surprised.png

Let's finish this.....!!

Amatsumara expression anger.png

Ignorant boy!!

Seth expression b surprised.png


The monstrous hammer slammed hard into Seth's core, as if Dokkakuji anticipated his attack.

Seth expression b surprised.png

Im...... Impossible! How did he read my movement like that......!

Amatsumara expression troubled.png

So reckless. You merely don't care about your own life.
You are like a "flame in a shape of a person."

Amatsumara expression neutral.png

As someone who has worked with "fire" for a long time, did you really think you could get through this old blacksmith?

Amatsumara expression anger.png

It's not hard to tame you, as I excel in this sort of thing.
Thus, I can see through your attacks.

He towered over the crippled Seth. It's as if he's to overwhelm everything.

Holding his gargantuan hammer in one arm, his muscles made of steel were made more apparent.

Amatsumara expression neutral.png

I am done playing games with you.
It's time to put out this "fire"!!

Seth expression b surprised.png


2 options (Same Response)
Seth! ! I'm coming to save you!

Gouryou expression serious.png

Stop, buhe. That's unnecessary, don't ya think?

That moment, when the giant hammer swung down on the dumbfounded Seth-

A loud sound of a sword echoed, which occured on the middle of the hammer.

Amatsumara expression smile.png

...... I expected you to do that.

Being pinned down by Dokkakuji's strike, he was trying hard to fight back the overwhelming mass of the hammer.

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

I made it..... just in time!!

1 option

Hanuman expression desert b crying.png

Kuuuuuuuuuh!! My legs have gone nuuuuuuuumb!!

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

Geh, Big Brother Seth...... Get back while I hold him down!

Seth expression b surprised.png

You......! How were you that fast......

Seth expression b anger.png

No way! Stay out of this, Goku! I can still fight him!!

Hanuman expression desert b neutral.png

Please. I'll take over from here!

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

I did all I could for my "Big Brother." I don't want you getting hurt, and for that reason, I'm not letting you go!

Seth expression b surprised.png

Go...... Goku......!

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

Okay, let's do this! Dokkakuji-dono......

Hanuman expression desert b 4star.png

Cloning Ninjutsu!!

Amatsumara expression surprised.png


A power in which it was hard to believe it came from a small build; Goku stood his ground and forced Dokkakuji's large physique back.

Amatsumara expression anger.png

You've done well, Goku...... But!
You will not take me down with speed alone!!

The giant hammer hollowed out the atmosphere in an attempt to nail him.

However, the attack only smashed through Goku's afterimages.

Seth expression b surprised.png

That's not a jutsu nor Rule...
How did he pull off afterimages with speed alone?!

Seth expression b surprised.png

Being able to perform something like that......
What kind of guy are you!?

Amatsumara expression smile.png

That movement, that flexibility, those young muscles, it's quite beautiful.
Even so...... This is the limit of what a child is capable of!!

Hanuman expression desert b surprised.png

Ooof!! Gaah...!!

Despite moving at a high speed, there's was a small opening in between changing clones.

The hammer's blow literally nudged the opening, causing Goku to stagger.

Amatsumara expression neutral.png

Don't think of me badly, alright?
It's my job to determine the abilities of my opponents......

Amatsumara expression anger.png

Prepare yourself, boy. I am going to break a rib or two!!

With strength that far exceeds his movement, Dokkakuji went in for an attack with his gargantuan hammer.

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

...... Ninjutsu! Chaotic Narcissus jutsu!!

Being quick in cutting off his voice, Goku splits up with water guns in his hands.

The numbers were immeasurable; over a hundred figures fired their water guns.

Amatsumara expression anger.png

Tch......!! This is nothing!!

Despite being bombarded by consecutive water attacks, Dokkakuji's hammer reacted with unparalleled accuracy.

That large swing did not miss Goku.

Hanuman expression desert b neutral.png

You're open!

Amatsumara expression shocked.png


Along with a scream, Dokkakuji's face was shot with a splash of water.

Accompanied with a loud noise, Dokkakuji's fell on his back.

Facing towards Dokkakuji, who was astounded, Goku raised out one arm with a huge smile on his face.

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

Heheh, you cooled off yet?
I won this match, so that means victory is mine!

Amatsumara expression troubled.png

(Spits)...... What are you saying?
Did you really think you have defeated me?

Seth expression b anger.png

That's right, Goku! Finish this battle once and for all!

Hanuman expression desert b neutral.png


Seth expression b surprised.png

Your power surpasses him, you can easily finish him off!

Seth expression b anger.png

This is your only chance to do it!
That's how fights work!

Seth expression b anger.png

This old geezer picked the fight with us in the first place!
It's hard enough to keep up with-

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

It's over, Big Brother Seth.

Saying that remark in a gentle manner, Goku held out a hand for Dokkakuji.

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

The battle's over. There's no reason to drag it out any longer.

Amatsumara expression neutral.png

Hoh. Is that you what you believe?
It's hard to understand how you came to this conclusion.......

Hanuman expression desert b neutral.png

That's because, Dokkakuji, your job was to "evaluate our abilities."

Hanuman expression desert b neutral.png

Old geezer here attacked me, I retaliated back and took him down.

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

Since you wanted to evaluate our abilities, then this should be good enough for you!
...... Did I get that right?

Seth expression b surprised.png

Wha... Huh......?

Seth expression b anger.png

...... What kind of bullshit is that!
With your speed, you could've easily took him out!

Hanuman expression desert b crying.png

(Groan), I couldn't do that~...... I was being desperate.

Hanuman expression desert b neutral.png

Besides, I fight solely for the sake of my mission.
I wanted to protect mangas, games and my other favorite things too......

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

And I was careful with my elders too.
That's the promise I made as a ninja of justice!

Amatsumara expression surprised.png


Amatsumara expression blush.png

...... Fah! Bwahahahahahahaha!!

Amatsumara expression smile.png

I see. In that regard, you have defeated me!

Amatsumara expression neutral.png

Yes, I have fulfilled my mission.

Amatsumara expression neutral.png

I had to "test" you, to gauge your limits to your abilities......

Amatsumara expression smile.png

It was quite the job, I must say. You have officially cleared your first "trial."

Amatsumara expression smile.png

I will escort you to the entrance of the next "trial,"
so you can get closer to Flaming Mountains.

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

Ooh, thanks a bunch, Old Geezer Dokkakuji!

Amatsumara expression troubled.png

There is one thing I want to comment about however.
When you refer to myself as "old geezer"......

Amatsumara expression neutral.png

I'd appreciate being called an "elder" instead.
That-is-all. Remember that!!

Hanuman expression desert b surprised.png

W-What a scary feeling!! I-I understand.

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

Besides, with your muscular build,
you can swing that gigantic hammer around like it's nothing!

Amatsumara expression smile.png

You understand well, little Goku.

Not holding themselves back, the two had a good laugh together.

Seth expression b sad.png

....... How is that possible......

Looking at Seth's expression, it was full of embarrassment and resentment.

Seth expression b surprised.png

What a dumb way to conclude this.
I can't wrap my head around this......!

Seth expression b anger.png

That's a "fight" for you!? That's not the way of fighting that I know about!!

Seth expression b sad.png

Yet, Goku had serious motives. I don't understand why......

3 option (Same Response)
He didn't feel the need to finish him off. You can't solve everything by killing your opponent. That is a strength Goku has.

Seth expression b sad.png

I...... don't understand at all. That battle...... He could've done it.

Seth expression b neutral.png

You defeat your enemy, you pin them down,
you crush them under your feet, then beat them mercilessly.

Seth expression b anger.png

Not doing that will give them a chance to stand back up.
In turn, you'll suffer from that......!

Seth expression b sad.png

That's because... I know what it means to "win a fight."

Ganglie expression neutral.png

...... There are different kinds of people out there.
Hence, there are different forms of "conflict" as well.

Gouryou expression serious.png

Residing in a world that's different from your own will change how you fight.
You can consider that we've "won."

Gouryou expression joy.png

Buhehe, just chill out 'cause everything got sorted out in the end.
Aren't you overthinking this whole thing, Big Bro?

Gouryou expression joy.png

Even so, you did great, Goku.
I gotta say, you had a neat secret trick there.

Hanuman expression desert b embarrassed.png

You're making me blush if you keep praising me like that...
Heh... Heheh!

Seth expression b sad.png


Amatsumara expression neutral.png

Well, I believe we should get moving.
You all have done well in passing my "trial" -

Amatsumara expression neutral.png

The strongest, fastest "ride"
will be something fitting for your glory.

Seth expression b surprised.png

"Ride"......? A horse? A car? What is it?

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

Hoh! It's on the tip of my tongue! It's the Flying Namb......

3 option
Nimbus! No, that's not it. That's only for the pure of heart.
Gouryou expression shocked.png

W-What the!? Why are you looking at me like that!?

Amatsumara expression neutral.png

...... No.
Did your imagination run wild causing you to think it was something else?

Hanuman expression desert b crying.png

M-Maybe...... (Sniffle)......

Amatsumara expression smile.png

This "ride" was prepared by myself. There it is.

Dokkakuji smiling proudly, he pointed at the location with his thick finger.

There appeared a gigantic structure that rose up all the way into the sky.

Seth expression b surprised.png

Wh-What is that.....!? That construction building is gigantic!!

Gouryou expression surprised.png

No, take a closer look! There's a tube stretched around it......

Amatsumara expression smile.png

You're exactly right! You can reach the next trial through this "attraction."

Amatsumara expression anger.png

This is the biggest and fastest slide yet!
Its name is "Dive into Hell"!!

Hanuman, Gouryou and Seth:(surprised face)
Dive into Heeeeeeeell!?!?

3 options (Same Response)
How did you come up with something as dangerous as that?! We're dead. Wow, that sounds like fun...

Amatsumara expression anger.png

This slide was raised 300 meters from the ground!
The endpoint is 2 kilometers and the planned speed is 100 kilometers per hour!

Amatsumara expression smile.png

You will descend from the heavens straight down to the water at the bottom at full speed!
This will send shivers down your spine. That is its strongpoint.

Seth expression b surprised.png

........ Whaa-?

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

Oooooooh!? I don't get it but all I know is it's gonna be super fun!!

Gouryou expression surprised.png

Whoa whoa whoa, how are you still sane?!
You know how dangerous this thing is, right?!

Amatsumara expression smile.png

It's safe. It's reinforced to resist earthquakes and measures to prevent accidents have been made.
As long you don't try anything funny, you will not die.

Amatsumara expression blush.png

I'll lend you boards so you lay them under your behinds.
I'll set your bodies and get you sliding...... Also, there may be some deceleration.

Gouryou expression shocked.png

Whaddyamean by that!! Xuanzang-sama, say something come on!

2 options
I wanna slide! I'd rather go on foot......
Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

Oooh! Xuanzang-sama is eager to go too!
You have no choice but to slide with us then!

Gouryou expression surprised.png

Bleh, why are you siding with them!?
Aw dammit! How did things turn out this way!!

Gouryou expression surprised.png

Oh yeah, you got that right! We'll just walk there!

Amatsumara expression surprised.png

Hoh, you want to walk there?
Behind this amusement park is a steep cliff.

Amatsumara expression troubled.png

I don't how you're planning to get across the fissures in the ground.
I'm afraid the slide is the only road you can take......

Gouryou expression surprised.png

Aw, dammit......! It's dangerous to go on foot after all.
Besides, how did you even manage to build something like that......!?

Seth expression b surprised.png


Hanuman expression desert b surprised.png

It sure looks tall though!
Either way, we're gonna have a blast!

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

After we climb up there, I wanna see the great scenery!
I wanna get in the slide already!

Amatsumara expression blush.png

Alright, alright. Let's head on over there. Follow me.

Amatsumara expression smile.png

We'll use the private elevator,
it will take us up to the top in a jiffy.

Gouryou expression shocked.png

Damn...... Feels like we're heading to the gallows!
Ugh, I wanna re-experience last night's banquet......!

Seth expression b surprised.png


1 option
What's up, Seth?

Seth expression b surprised.png

Hyaaa!! Eh!? I..... It's nothing!!

Seth expression b cheerful.png

Y-Yeah! Let's get on with the slide already! Hah..... Haha... Hah...


Stepping foot onto the rooftop after being led here, there was a rather strong breeze blowing.

Even just by standing here, the wind is strong enough to blow you off.

Amatsumara expression neutral.png

Hmm. The wind here shouldn't be a problem.

Amatsumara expression neutral.png

So, who's going first? Take all the time you need.

Gouryou expression crying.png

How did I get talked into this......!
I seriously don't want to take the slide......

Gouryou expression joy.png

O-Oh yeah! Goku, you offered to slide down first!
You'll be our guinea pig in showing us how it's done!

Hanuman expression desert b surprised.png

Eh!? You sure about that!?
You really want me to get into the slide?!

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

Okay then, Goku's gonna go in first!!

Wasting no time, Goku rushed his skinny body into the slide.

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png


A sound was projected on the installed monitor. A figure just got into the spiral-shaped tube.

Though their vision was disoriented due to the altitude, Goku slides out and splashes into the water.

Hanuman:( face)
The acceleration feels am-amaziiiiiiiiing!!

Describing the speed as amazing, the figure disappears beyond the slide.

Seth expression b surprised.png


Gouryou expression shocked.png

This ain't helpiiiiiiiiing!!

Gouryou expression surprised.png

What's with that idiot! He really enjoyed going down the whole thing?!
He was sliding down in an awfully cheerful manner!

Gouryou expression crying.png

Why did he think this was fun?!
Damn, is this what I get for picking someone for first impressions!?

Amatsumara expression blush.png

Ah, you gotta admire his guts! So...... Who's going next?

Gouryou expression shocked.png

Eh!? Eh... Eheheheh...... Um, haven't you seen my body?

Gouryou expression embarrassed.png

You know I'm gonna end up clogging the thing!
Because of that, you go on ahead so I can go last!

Amatsumara expression troubled.png

Aaagh, you are such a slacker......
You can reach Kochuuten from here, just so you are aware.

2 options (Same Response)
Kochuuten? That's where the next "trial" is?

Gouryou expression surprised.png

Ko... Kochuuten!?

From the moment Bajie heard that name, his eye color changed.

Gouryou expression shocked.png

H-Hey...... Wait a minute, that's really our next stop?

Gouryou expression surprised.png

A paradise unlike no other in the world......

Amatsumara expression neutral.png

Hoh, you know your stuff.
Indeed, it took its name from that location.

Amatsumara expression neutral.png

It has all the luxury you can imagine.
There will be unequaled "cute girls" and they will surely welcome you.

Gouryou expression joy.png

Bajie's up and going! Let's get gooooing~!

Gouryou expression joy.png

Wait for me, babes! I'm coming for yaaaaa~!!

Bajie's figure and outbursts both disappeared down the slide.

Being faster than light, he was surprisingly keen and nimble.

3 options (Same Response)
Bajie!? That sure was an easy way to handle him. Damn cheater!

Amatsumara expression troubled.png

...... Well, okay then. You're up next, ladykiller.

Seth expression b surprised.png

Eeh......!? A-Aah, me!?

Seth is far from the slide, rather he is still near the elevator.

After coming up here, it was clear that he has not moved an inch from that spot.

2 options (Same Response)
Hm? Seth......?

Seth expression b anger.png

I...... I'll go last. It might be better if I stayed behind.

Amatsumara expression troubled.png

What are you saying? You want your Teacher to go on ahead?

Seth expression b surprised.png

N-No, that's......! I'm fine, really!!

He wasn't as passionate as he usually is, rather his whole body was trembling.

It was obvious that he is anxious about the current situation.

2 options (Same Response)
Seth, could it be that- You're scared of heights......?

Seth expression b surprised.png

D-D-D-Dumbass, what are you babbling about?!

Seth expression b anger.png

I-I am Seth-sama......! Why would I be afraid?!

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew near the slide.

Seth expression b surprised.png


Seth grabbed onto a nearby pole and while [Player] stared at him.

Seth expression b surprised.png


When Seth realized this, he utters words that shows he's admitting it.

Seth expression b embarrassed.png

Okay, you got me! That is a pretty big deal for me!!

2 options (Same Response)
Those tornados of yours- You ride them just fine.

Seth expression b surprised.png

I-I'm not afraid by that if I can control it myself! But......

Seth expression b sad.png

Sometimes I can't control the speed myself,
there's some instances too where I can't bring myself down after going so high up-

Seth expression b anger.png

My legs would then end up freezing up!
Damn, damn, dammit!!

Finishing up confessing in anger, Seth calmed down and spoke in a frail tone.

Seth expression b neutral.png

...... Look, Xuanzang-sama.
You don't have to show sympathy for me, really.

Seth expression b sad.png

I was supposed to be a Big Brother for Goku.
I couldn't bring myself over to the slide without feeling scared......

Seth expression b sad.png

Goku...... I didn't know his "way of winning" would
remarkably clear the "trial."

Seth expression b neutral.png

Even with a slide like this, he went into the slide with no fears.

Seth expression b neutral.png

I am uncool. I...... He is stronger than I am.

3 options (Same Response)
"Stronger"? Strength isn't about being physically strong or being fearless. You believe there's a standard for that?

Seth expression b neutral.png

...... I'm wrong? What is it then?

3 options (Same Response)
"Strength" is if you can be kind to others. "Strong" people- I saw a lot of people like that myself.

Seth expression b surprised.png


3 options (Same Response)
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. It doesn't matter what you're not good at. Seth, do you see yourself as a "Big Brother" to Goku?

Seth expression b anger.png


Seth quickly stood up feeling determined. He then marched over to the entrance of the slide.

Seth expression b neutral.png

Th...... Thanks for that, Xuanzang-sama.
You're right...... I am a "Big Brother" to him.

Seth expression b sad.png

Yeah, I'm feeling anxious, but......
My younger brother love me for being their "Big Brother," even if I am afraid!

Seth expression b anger.png

My younger brother is waiting for me......
"Big Brother" is not supposed to fall behind!

Seth expression b neutral.png

I will not forget my strong points! I will move on!!

Seth expression b anger.png


In the midst of it, Seth dives into the slide.

Seth:( face)
T-That...... was a bad ideaaaaaaaaaa!!

Leaving behind a long outcry, Seth disappears to the other side.

Amatsumara expression troubled.png

I'm not sure what to say......
At least he was set on his feelings.

Amatsumara expression smile.png

Well, it all comes down to you.
Your disciples are waiting for you, Xuanzang-san.

3 options (Same Response)
Okay, let's go~! I guess I have to then...... (Close your eyes and jump in)

Amatsumara expression blush.png

Good luck, traveler!

Getting ready for the ride, they put their hand on the slide with a staggering height.

Then, an intense shock hit them, causing them to lose consciousness.

Christine expression desert neutral.png

Thanks to Goku's witty actions,
the Xuanzang party cleared and passed through Dokkakuji's "trial."

Christine expression desert neutral.png

Using an astonishing method of travel, the party continues their way to Flaming Mountains.

Christine expression desert smile.png

Now, I shall conclude today's story here.
We shall meet again on another night.