Event Quest:I'm Not Afraid of Halloween!:VN:2-1

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Location: Daikanyama Academy

Notes: The "Female Student" is an Ice Mage mob.
When Alice reappears in this part, she is called "Enigmatic Pretty Boy."

[2nd Night: A Force Swoops Down]

Volos expression neutral.png

Alright, I’ll be examining it…… Please help me.

Volos expression joy.png

Now then, shall we begin the investigation?
Haha. It’s almost like we’re detectives.

3 options
You’re optimistic about this. It’s nice to be acquainted to a Detective. I’m getting excited.
Volos expression neutral.png

That’s right.
At times like this, I need to settle down.

Volos expression joy.png

Excessive tension is the cause of overlooking things.
That way of thinking is not good for a researcher!

Volos expression sad.png

…… I-I need to calm down before I end up tripping again.

Volos expression neutral.png

Oh yes, it is amazing!
You get to know a lot of acquaintances.

Volos expression joy.png

Because of that, I’m positive that you have the skills to become an amazing detective.

Volos expression surprised.png

Eh, a beach clubhouse? A work expert? Babysitter? Perhaps being a self-proclaimed detective…?

Volos expression joy.png

Is that right?
Your thoughts make me happy.

Volos expression neutral.png

I will carefully use the evidence to approach the truth.
I believe that attitude is something researchers should have.

Volos expression surprised.png

Ah, I was about to derail again!
From now on, I think I will impose a policy about that.

Volos expression neutral.png

…… I am very talkative, but I want to carefully raise all my vegetables,
so they can ripen and mature.

Volos expression neutral.png

If something bad were to happen to them,
What would you do?

3 options
I would cry a lot. Don’t give up and plant the next seed. Identify the cause.
Volos expression sad.png

I know! In fact, if something like that happened to my beloved vegetables,
I wouldn’t sleep for a week!

Volos expression pout.png

However, I cannot be like that forever.
Being sad or not, I need to think about the next thing!

Volos expression joy.png

That’s why I need to do it, otherwise my affection for the vegetables would be pointless.

Volos expression neutral.png

Yes. That was the mistake of many predecessors in agriculture.
That led to the development of the challenge for them to not give up.

Volos expression neutral.png

I was very afraid of failure when I began researching.
I was not allowed to do second attempts because my teacher would get furious.

Volos expression joy.png

It is essential we do that to investigate the cause.
Hmhm, perhaps you are suitable for this research job?

Volos expression joy.png

Oh, I see! You are very calm about that.
I believe it is important to work around the failures.

Volos expression neutral.png

Failure is by no means an “error.”
Researchers need that data to succeed.

Volos expression neutral.png

I’m amazed that you came up with that right away!
It took me a while to get the hang of it.

Volos expression neutral.png

Sorry for making you listen to my weird stories. I was curious on how you would handle it.

Volos expression sad.png

How should I say this?

Volos expression neutral.png

A while ago, the children suffered the same fate as the others-
I think I want to get in contact with them.

3 options
Isn’t that dangerous? Are you going to observe them? That time where you were spinning.
Volos expression neutral.png

So, you are worried about me. It will be alright.
You’re here with me after all.

Volos expression sad.png

You got me! That’s right.
I was not able to get a glimpse of them before……

Volos expression sad.png

Uuuuu, that was unexpected……
I tried to escape but I ended up getting caught.

Volos expression joy.png

Even though I don’t look like it, I am a researcher. First, you must accept the phenomenon in front of you.

Volos expression neutral.png

No matter how absurd it is, you must accept that it is a fact.

Volos expression surprised.png

Both plants and animals have life,
It is expressed by their loud outcries.

Volos expression joy.png

Research is to determine what is real or not,
this behavior is to reveal the motives, is it not?

Volos expression neutral.png

Because of that, we must find a reliable target.
I believe observation is crucial.

Volos expression neutral.png

Based on that, I want to make it a future principle.

2 options (same response)
That’s a very adult way of thinking. Volos, that’s deep.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

Oh? I have never been told that so I’m a little embarrassed.

Volos expression sad.png

But, these phrases are originally based on someone’s second hand knowledge.

Volos abruptly stopped talking and pointed his nose at the sky.

Volos expression pout.png

(Sniffle)…… (Sniffle)

Volos expression embarrassed.png

Oh, I didn’t mean to get emotional……
Do you smell something sweet?

Volos expression sad.png

It’s not a fragrant ingredient, nor is it a caramel burnt sucrose……

Volos expression surprised.png

This smell… no doubt about it!
This smells like my pumpkins!

2 options (same response)
How do you know that? You have an amazing nose!

Volos expression neutral.png

I’m aware of that. More importantly, it is the pumpkin that I made myself!

Volos expression pout.png

It’s full of love, and I sampled it too!
I can tell through my dependable sensory evaluation.

Volos expression joy.png

Oh, my sensory evaluation makes up for the lack of examination equipment.
It’s all about using the five senses for evaluation.

Volos expression surprised.png

Aaaah, I derailed again.
Oh, the smell is getting stronger than before!

Volos expression pout.png

There might be others under the same influence.
Quick, let’s follow the smell!

Location changes to a small room with pumpkins everywhere

Female Student:( face)
Welcome, welcome-
This is a limited sale of the Halloween event, here at Daikanyama Academy.

Female Student:( face)
Delicious Delicious, the children and adults all love it,
would you care for some pumpkin stew?

A temporary stall inside the campus. A store selling pumpkins in every corner.

Inside the vicinity is full of a sweet smell, almost to the point of making you cough a little.

Volos expression surprised.png

S-sorry, I’ll take back what I said earlier.
It resembles my pumpkins, but these ones are different.

Volos expression sad.png

I can say specifically what’s different about it,
but it might be a little difficult to explain… Uuh……

Volos expression pout.png

I carefully cook my pumpkins thoroughly,
then I add some spices-

Volos expression sad.png

I feel something strange.
Aaaaaah, my pumpkins…!

Volos expression surprised.png

Aaaah! W-What?!
It suddenly got dark!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Emergency, Master! In reality, this smell makes you turn crazy!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Just like the time when the bear was being spun around,
I feel the same presence of those Jack-O-Lanterns-

Childrens' voices:( face)
We got one, we got one!

Childrens' voices:( face)
You’ve come to play!
I’m glad, let’s have fun!

Childrens' voices:( face)
It's the day where we won’t get yelled at. Papa, mama, not even the teacher.

Childrens' voices:( face)
Only on this day mischief is allowed.
Therefore, everyone is happy!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png


I noticed that every person eating the stew from the stall were changing into pumpkins.

Volos expression surprised.png

Guwaaaaa, s-so many people?!
I didn’t expect there to be this many…!

Volos expression pout.png

I-I can see them lining up in order in a single line!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Welcome, our customers!
If you escape, we’ll chase you!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Whichever you want, whichever is good!
You can’t run, you can’t run!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Spin spin spin forever!
Everyone, let’s go Trick-or-Treating!

2 options (same response)
That’s not Halloween! This isn’t going anywhere.

Volos expression sad.png

Does the atmosphere feel off to you?
But, these children are…

Volos expression pout.png

By nature, this is the children’s understanding of everything,
they tend to prioritize their curious desires.

2 options (same response)
Leave this to me. Volos, stay back.

Volos expression surprised.png

Are you planning to deal with them alone!?
This is a lot more difficult than it was before!

Volos expression pout.png

Let’s retreat for now!
We must devise a plan-

Children:( face)
Kiyahahaha! Caught you ♪ Caught you ♪

Volos expression pout.png

O-Oh no!
Come on now, you are good boys- yaaaaaah!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Got youuuuu~!
Everyone, attack! Let’s prank Mr. Bear~!

Children:( face)
Yay! Yay!
Let’s spin him around and around!

The pumpkins, all at once lifted Volos high in the air and try to carry off with him.

Volos expression surprised.png

Hiyaaaa~! Please stop!
Why does this have to happen to meeee!

Volos expression surprised.png

Aaah, aaah~ I'm being spun around, M-My vision is spinning!

2 options (same response)
Volos! I’ll save you!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

That’s no good! You can’t do it!
You can’t stop us!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

You’re in our way!
You can’t take him back from us!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Goodbye and see you again tomorrow!
We’ll be leaving now!

With more combinations than I anticipated, the lanterns blocked my way.

Engulfed by a stampede, the figure of Volos was about to disappear until-

Mysterious Dignified Voice:( face)
Please wait!

With strong wind pressure, something large and spherical is on the pumpkin’s head-

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png


Volos expression sad.png


With a scream, Volos was thrown on the ground.

It was big and white, it was almost like a vegetable.

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png


Children:( face)
W-what is this?!
The thing that was thrown, it’s obstructing us!

Mysterious Dignified Voice:( face)
As you summoned, a figure has entered the stage!
But my real name is a secret! It is a mystery after all!

Alice expression halloween anger.png

Hahaha~ Tricks are something to make you laugh.
Beyond that, complaints will be made even if it was controlled.

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

These two don’t like what you have done to them, Pumpkin Heads!
Now, please listen to my words!

Alice expression halloween smile.png

Did you know that zucchinis are used in Italian cuisine?

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

It is similar to the cucumber,
by the way, pumpkin seeds are called pumpkin kettle!

Alice expression halloween smile.png

when potatoes are put into curry, it is simply beautiful!

Children:( face)
Aah, that sounds… delicious.
I’m losing strength…

Children:( face)
Somehow, I want something to eat. My tummy- I’m very hungry.

Thanks to the sudden intruder, the movement of everyone here comes to a stop.

There’s space- The mysterious person opened an opportunity!

Alice expression halloween anger.png

Now, [Player]!
Go and rescue the bear!

3 options (same response)
Who are you?! How do you know that much trivia?! How do you know my name?!

Alice expression halloween anger.png

Don’t worry about such a thing!
I was reading the air! Now, quickly!

The pumpkins soon regrouped together, I quickly arrived at Volos’ location.

When I looked back, the Mysterious Pretty Boy threw a cool smile and stood against the Jack-O-Lanterns.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

T-thank you, [Player].
I was nearly carried off somewhere…!

2 options (same response)
Please wait here for a moment. I will back him up!

Volos expression pout.png

Y-yes… I understand!
I will observe and collect information!

Volos expression sad.png

I think I’ll be safe here, but the other party are children!
Just like before, please go easy on them.

Volos expression joy.png

One thing-
Be careful.