Event Quest:Onsen Bonus:Shuten

From Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
Revision as of 21:51, 8 January 2018 by Sothe (talk | contribs) (Progress)
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Location: Mountain Hot Spring

Shuten expression surprised.png

Oh… This is amazing!
What a splendind natural hot spring!

Shuten expression neutral.png

Certainly not something you can find in Ooeyama*,
this seems out from a dream.

(*)Ooeyama, or Mt. Ooe, is a mountain in the Kyoto Perfecture, said to be home of the oni Shuten-dōji.

Shuten expression happy.png

Ah, this reminds me of the clouds high on the mountain.
This place takes me back to when I was a brat.

Shuten expression neutral.png

Come on, it is said that albite* works wonders for a tired body.
Let’s go, [Player]!

(*)Albite is a mineral that usually forms brittle, glassy crystals that may be colourless, white, yellow, pink, green, or black.
It is used in the manufacture of glass and ceramics, but its primary geologic importance is as a rock-forming mineral.

2 options
Stick to the footbath Let's enter the bath
Shuten expression neutral.png

Foot baths are great, too.
They are the best way to cool down your feet.

Shuten expression happy.png

Ah, they feel so stiff,
come on, let’s go in together!

*Screen fades to black*

Shuten expression happy.png

Phew… This feels great.
Although it’s only the feet, this really hits the spot.

Shuten expression neutral.png

Hyaaah, so cold so cold.
It’s as cold as when Ooeyama lost its warmth.

Shuten expression happy.png

Well, let’s get inside.
I haven’t socialized naked in a very long time.

*Screen fades to black and Shuten changes to his Onsen skin*

Shuten expression onsen happy.png

Phew… This feels amazing.
This really hits the spot.

Shuten expression onsen blush.png

I remember, in the old Ooeyama
I would come with my partners to wash ourselves to a hot spring…

Different scenario
If you chose footbath... If you chose full bath...
Shuten expression onsen neutral.png

After a day of work excavating in the mines,
being all sweaty and muddy, certainly… hm?

Shuten expression onsen blush.png

After a day of work excavating in the mines,
being all sweaty and muddy, certainly… hm?

*Snow starts*

Shuten expression onsen neutral.png

This is rather unusual for this time of the year.

Shuten expression onsen happy.png
Shuten expression onsen blush.png
Shuten expression onsen neutral.png
1 option
先輩って大江山の外には出なかったの ?
Shuten expression onsen neutral.png
Shuten expression onsen sad.png
2 options (same response)
シュテン先輩は生まれたときから--- ずっと、 鬼だったの?
Shuten expression onsen neutral.png
Shuten expression onsen neutral.png
Shuten expression onsen sad.png
Shuten expression onsen happy.png
3 options (same response)
水蛇(オロチ)? 頭が九個? ヤマタノーーー
Shuten expression onsen happy.png
Shuten expression onsen neutral.png
Shuten expression onsen blush.png
3 options (same response)
水蛇(オロチ)? 頭が九個? ヤマタノーーー
Shuten expression onsen sad.png
Shuten expression onsen neutral.png
Shuten expression onsen surprised.png
Shuten expression onsen neutral.png
Shuten expression onsen surprised.png
Shuten expression onsen angry.png
Shuten expression onsen neutral.png
Shuten expression onsen happy.png
3 options (same response)
水蛇(オロチ)? 頭が九個? ヤマタノーーー
Shuten expression onsen blush.png
Different scenario
If you chose footbath... If you chose full bath...
Shuten expression onsen happy.png
Shuten expression onsen happy.png
Shuten expression onsen blush.png
Different scenario
If you chose footbath... If you chose full bath...







Once you choose between a foot bath or a full bath, Shuten uses his regular skin for the former or his onsen skin for the latter from that point onward. For simplicity's sake, the icons past the decision were made using the onsen skin, since it's the special one for the scene. Other than that, all differences between both scenarios are indicated.