Event Quest:Golden Week:Asterios

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Location: Shinjuku?

There was a huge commotion in town,
however, the whereabouts of this world were indifferent for this man.

From deep within a mountain,
this bull beastman from the “Underworld” lived his life quietly.

He finished this morning’s work in the fields, and was taking a quick rest.
A crow cawed, as he brewed tea with leaves that he harvested by himself.

He put some baked sweets on the table,
that he made yesterday evening.

Far away from the town’s hustle, there could be
nothing that could disturb his peacefulness.

He spent this holiday like this.
Without any disturbation.

Before long, the big commotion in town came to an end.
This was his third cup of black tea of the day…

… at that time, a sharp noise
broke apart his peace of mind.

Asterios expression neutral.png


When he looked towards where the noise came from,
a young man was laying on the ground.

Apparently he was trying to climb a tree, but he failed.
As soon as he stood up, he tried climbing it again.

This time he succeeded, and made a pose standing on the tree branches,
as he took out a microphone and a radio player.

… It took several tries
for the mike to stop making a shrieking noise.

Taurus Mask expression neutral.png


This mountain’s forest, and Asterios' peace of mind,
was quickly disturbed by that loud laugh.

Taurus Mask expression neutral.png

You kept me waiting, Asterios!
I’m the hero of justice, Tauruuuuus Mask!

Taurus Mask expression sad.png

I’m fulfilling my dreams and hopes as a pro wrestler!
And I’m taking a look from up he-e-e-e-e-e-e-e…!

Asterios expression neutral.png

… You will fall down.

Taurus Mask expression angry.png

Heroes are immortal!!

Asterios expression surprised.png

Hey, be careful!

Taurus Mask expression surprised.png

My neck, my neck, it hurts. Waaa…

Asterios expression neutral.png

Everytime, everytime… Why do you do that…?
Jumping on tree branches… Of course you were going to fall down.

Asterios reluctantly rubbed medicinal herbs on
Taurus’ painful neck and waist.

Taurus Mask expression angry.png

It’s always been like that!
Heroes always take the high ground! It’s common sense!

Asterios expression neutral.png

What are you talking about, I don’t understand you.
Now, go home.

Asterios expression sad.png

… Huh?
Did you come to ask me the same thing today?

Taurus Mask expression happy.png

Yes! I beg you Asterios~!
That’s right! Why don’t you come with me?

Taurus Mask expression angry.png

You and me, I can feel it!
I can feel our burning souls linked to each other!

Taurus Mask expression neutral.png

That’s destiny, Tag Brother!
Your horns and my horns, we were made for each other!

Asterios expression sad.png

…W-well, I can’t understand you.
Also, your horns are probably fake.

Taurus Mask expression neutral.png

Hah, as I expected from the real deal, I can’t fool you!
However! Even then, our souls are burning to the max!

Asterios expression sad.png

I don’t understand what any of that means.
Go home.

Taurus Mask expression happy.png

Now, those are some fine horns…
Haah~, I wonder what could those horns skewer…

Asterios expression sad.png

Do not touch them. Do not rub them. Do not stroke them.
They are very dangerous.

Taurus Mask expression neutral.png

Those thick, hard and big horns!
My intuition as a wrestler tells me so!

Taurus Mask expression angry.png

Asterios! You are the one!
You are a talented man that could become a su-per-star~!

Asterios expression neutral.png

I-I think the fall messed up your head.
Go home.

Taurus Mask expression happy.png

If us both could organize a team…!
Don’t you think that we would rise to the highest level?

Asterios expression neutral.png

Oh, I don’t think so.
You see, you are very lively… I’m no good at it.

Taurus Mask expression neutral.png

Look! There’s no way you can now know that, Brother!
I will help you on the way, I promise you!

Taurus Mask expression angry.png

A 3 vs 3 match! The exchange of powerful techniques!
Flying folding chairs! The sound of the gong! Blood burning from the excitement!

Taurus Mask expression happy.png

It’s perfeeeeect…!
I’m going crazy just thinking about it!

Asterios expression neutral.png

You can do all of that by yourself.
Go home.

Taurus Mask expression neutral.png

That’s right! Signs! I didn’t consider having a sign!
Do you have a good idea, partner?

Asterios expression surprised.png

Hey, who are you calling a partner?!
Don’t decide that on your own!

Asterios expression neutral.png

A sign, you say?
… Speaking of that, didn’t you see the “Get out” sign right over there?

Taurus Mask expression happy.png

Ah! Before any of that, I have to think of my partner’s ring name!

Taurus Mask expression neutral.png

Sorry sorry! It’s my first time here.
That was careless of me for not noticing it.

Asterios:(angry face)

Asterios stayed silent with wrath and anger filling his eyes,
he glared at Taurus and proceeded to take out a smartphone from his pocket.

Taurus Mask expression neutral.png

Oh, are you more motivated already?

Taurus Mask expression happy.png

It’s a shame that there’s no audience here…
Back in the day, you and I could have…

Asterios expression neutral.png

H-hello, is this a police officer?
Yes, a green mask wearing man came to my house and…

Taurus Mask expression surprised.png

Waah, don’t report meeeeee!!!
No! No Mr. police officer!

Taurus Mask expression blush.png

This is just a mistake, please forgive me!

Asterios:(angry face)
I’m already fed up with you!

Asterios expression neutral.png

I was living peacefully in the undergroung maze
of the Ikebukuro guild.

Asterios expression sad.png

But you broke through the labyrinth
so I had to shut myself up into my room.

Asterios expression sad.png

I ran away from Ikebukuro to this mountain,
but you still follow me!

Asterios expression sad.png

I just want to live alone and in peace.
Why are you so insistent on making me go with you?!

Taurus Mask expression angry.png

Ah come on, I thought it was obvious!
Asterios is the strongest and coolest!

Taurus Mask expression happy.png

At least I think you are the strongest,
Asterios, that’s why I need you in particular!

Asterios expression surprised.png

- - - - - .

Taurus Mask expression neutral.png

… That fall definetely messed up your head.

Taurus Mask expression surprised.png

Oh, why are you like that, Asterios!

Taurus Mask expression sad.png

Why? Why isn’t this hot feeling being conveyed…
Uuu-, why…

Asterios expression neutral.png

… Hah. All I do is tea and confectionery,
that doesn’t sound very wrestler-like. Right?

Taurus Mask expression happy.png

Ahh, Asterios~!
I don’t care what you like to do!

Taurus Mask expression neutral.png

You feel embarrassed, don’t you? Don’t you?
You don’t want people to find out!

Taurus Mask expression happy.png

Ahh, that honesty~
You are such a tsundere!

Asterios:(angry face)

Taurus Mask expression sad.png

Uh, sorry, that was rude of me…

Taurus Mask expression happy.png

So you have a hot pro wrestler soul burning
inside you after all, you just need a small push! Haha~.

Taurus Mask expression angry.png

Alright! Once you make up your mind, just tell me!
We will hold an emergency press conference!

Asterios expression surprised.png


Taurus Mask expression neutral.png

Right right, we have to decide on the costumes too.

Taurus Mask expression happy.png

Us three could go all green, or maybe
every one of us could wear a different color.

Asterios:(angry face)

Taurus Mask expression happy.png

Ah, both options sound so cool that you can’t decide, right?
That’s why you are an amazing partner!

Taurus Mask expression happy.png

I’m so happy to have you by my side, if-

Asterios:(angry face)
… home.

Taurus Mask expression surprised.png


Asterios:(angry face)
You, it’s time for you to finally go hoooome!

Asterios:(4star_icon face)

Asterios expression sad.png

Ahh… I-I did it again…
T-the wall of m-my cabin…, and the snacks I made the other day…

Asterios expression sad.png

Those were for the festivities…

Asterios expression sad.png

I-I just want to live a quiet life…

Taurus Mask expression neutral.png

Well, there is life on every mountain and valley.
Everywhere you go, you will end up finding others. Am I right?

Taurus Mask expression happy.png

Haha, that’s just how life is… Don’t you think?
Do you want my help to fix the cabin’s wall or-

Asterios:(4star_icon face)
I saaaaaid!!
Goooo hoooooomeeeee!!!

Taurus Mask expression surprised.png


Taurus Mask’s screams echoed across the mountain.

Asterios’ solitary life…
He will probably not come back to visit, for the time being.

But at the end of the day, things like these
are what makes Asterios smile, even if just a little.

…Taurus Mask too,
neither of them knew why.

Asterios expression neutral.png

Me being cool, what a silly guy.
No one’s said that to me before.

Asterios:(blush face)
I’m such an ugly monster…
He truly is a crazy guy, huh.

Asterios’ GW