Event Quest:Midsummer's Seaside School with You:VN:1-2

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[Translated by Kukuru]

[Prologue Part 2]

Location: Kasai Rinkai Park

Zabaniya expression neutral.png


Ryouta expression shocked.png

Z-Zabaniya-san......?! U-Um......

Ryouta expression joy.png

......I-It's been a while! It's so nice to see you again...!

Zabaniya expression surprised.png

Yes...... It has been a while.

3 options
You don't have to be so stiff. Aren't you happy, Kengo? Did the chairman send you?!
Ryouta expression joy.png

Y-Yeah. There's so much going on right now......
I was having a hard time finding something to say!

Zabaniya expression happy.png

...... I feel the same way.
I am pleased to see you all again.

Kengo expression joy.png

You bet! This is good chance to get some revenge!
Let's do it!

Zabaniya expression happy.png

If that's what you want, then that's fine by me.

Shirou expression shocked.png

Why did you bring me into this?!
I am not a convenient mediator!

Zabaniya expression happy.png

No, don't worry about it.
It's only an awkward exchange of words to each other.

Zabaniya expression neutral.png

Everyone, there is no need to be concerned.
I apologize for the inconvenience.

Arslan expression anger.png

Enough, enough! This is getting irritable!
You're ruining the midsummer's sandy beach!!

Zabaniya expression surprised.png

But, Arslan-sama, I have done something inexcusable.

Arslan expression sad.png

I considered bringing you along for the Seaside School.
It's not good for you to be so strict in this ocassion.

Arslan expression neutral.png

I'm not against being serious. But, take a look around.
Do you want to force a smile on yourself for everyone?

Zabaniya expression anger.png

Please excuse me. I will be more careful from now on!

Arslan expression sad.png

Did you really understand what I've said? That makes me sad *sniffle*.

Ryouta expression joy.png

It looks like you're in a loss for words in front of Arslan-sama.

Zabaniya expression blush.png

Such a shameful sight...... This is truly embarrassing.

Ryouta expression neutral.png

But, I feel relieved. Let's enjoy the summer together, Zabaniya-san.

Maria expression surprised.png


Ryouta expression joy.png

There's nothing to worry about......
We can hang out together in our free time too.

Zabaniya expression happy.png

...... If it's alright with you, I'd be happy to meet up with you.

Ryouta expression neutral.png

You're more than welcome to, Zabaniya-san. Isn't that right, Maria-chan?

Maria expression joy.png

Yes. When the time comes, I'll make sure of it.

Arslan expression neutral.png

Whether it's "fate" or not,
we were given the opportunity to meet in the same location once more.

Arslan expression joy.png

There isn't any battles going on at the moment.
We should take this time to deepen our bonds! Wahahahaha!

Maria expression serious.png

Ah, you're still in the position of an educator, Arslan-sama!
Before you go on and enjoy yourself, you still need to carry out your duties.

Arslan expression sad.png

Ooouuu...... Maria is still strict as ever.
As an educator, it can be tiring at times......

Shirou expression neutral.png

...... "Fate." Hmm.

2 options (Same Response)
Is something bothering you? Is your health worsening because of the heat?

Shirou expression neutral.png

Doesn't it seem strange to you?
The people that we know happened to gather here at the same day.

Shirou expression neutral.png

Moreover, the Seaside School was arranged on the same schedule.
You don't think the appointed date was delayed, do you?

Ashigara:(joy face)
Coincidence! It's gotta be a coincidence!
Either way, it won't be as lonely since everyone is here!

Shirou expression neutral.png

I suppose there's no reason for me to be anxious......
Ah, it's almost time-

???:( face)
Woooooooooooo!! Master! Maaaaaaaasssssteeeeeer!!

Moritaka expression shocked.png

Oof. Who could be shouting so passionately in this heat?!

Garmr expression howling.png

Awoooooooooo! Maaaassteer~!
Garmr! Garmr, came to the ocean!!

Garmr expression neutral.png

After all! Master! Garmr came! Yaay! Yaaay!

3 options
Garmr, stay! Garmr, spin! Garmr, lie down!
Garmr expression neutral.png

Wahoo! Properly greeted! Garmr, did a good job!

Moritaka expression shocked.png

(No......! I am not a dog...... I must resiiiiist......!)

Garmr expression howling.png

Wahooooo! Spinning around! Garmr, amazing!

Garmr expression sad.png

Aw...... This, a little, no good. On the ground.
Sandy beach, burning stomache......

Kengo expression shocked.png

It's Garmr this time. Hold up - are those guys here too?

Bathym expression tasty.png

Bingo! Yoohoo, [Player]-chan!
Enchanted Demon of Beauty, Bathym-chan has arrived!

Kengo expression anger.png

Even if we're expecting you...... It's still a rare sight.
It looks like the Berserkers are getting together here.

Magan expression neutral.png

Gahahaha! You'd think we'd be locked up in that cave forever!

Magan expression joy.png

Oh, [Player]'s here too! You look delicious as ever......!

Pollux expression neutral.png

Either way, we were pulled into this situation with you guys.
It seems the name of this ocassion is the Seaside School.

Ikutoshi expression neutral.png

The guild, student council chairman, the president and myself were forced to attend.
I wasn't planning to attend in the first place.

Ikutoshi expression anger.png

This is such a drag. I seriously didn't want to come along for this.

Bathym expression neutral.png

Don't say stuff like that, Iku. I even arranged the swimsuits!

Ikutoshi:(surprsed face)
What are you getting at here?
I'm not wearing them. I'm not even gonna bother wearing them!

Kengo expression embarrassed.png

Hmmm. We're missing someone here...... Did they not come?

Magan expression sad.png

Are you referring to my bro, Nomad? Something's come up, so he couldn't make it.

Shirou expression surprised.png

The Guild Master forced them? [Player]...... Something's not right here.

Shirou expression neutral.png

The Berserkers' true strength lies within their competitive nature.
Even Guild Master Claude acknowledges that.

Shirou expression neutral.png

They normally listen to those who demonstrate authority.
Telling them to gather here in the same place is......

2 options (Same Response)
A fierce battle is gonna break out on the beach?! This is a dire situation......

Claude expression joy.png

Well! It appears everyone's gathered together!
Thank you for your hard work in this intense heat!

Shirou expression neutral.png

...... So you've come.
What are your intentions on making us come out here?

Kengo expression anger.png

We didn't get all of the Berserkers just for you, Claude-san.

Claude expression neutral.png

Ah, it has been a long time.
Prior to leaving the arena and passing through the fighting scene, you interpreted my expression differently.

Kengo expression anger.png

Whatever the case is, you're awfully haughty about the results!

Shirou expression anger.png

Idiot! Kengo, you're overreacting about this!
There's still things we aren't sure of yet. We need to be cautious......

Claude expression joy.png

Splendid, splendid!
Such spirits is worthy for the start of this magnificent banquet!

Claude expression neutral.png

It appears all the actors are present.
Snow, gather them here and provide the sample.

Snow expression neutral.png

Of course.

The white lion bowed in a refined manner. To an extent, it was seen by the eyes of everyone.

In the following moment, he vanished like an illusion; nobody could notice what happened.

Ryouta expression shocked.png

H-Hey, [Player]. What is that in your hand?

2 options (Same Response)
Is this an invitation card? How did Snow-san distribute this?!

Snow expression neutral.png

Excuse the rude behavior, everyone.
This is an invitation from the Berserkers.

Snow expression neutral.png

Tomorrow evening, I would like all of you to attend the banquet hosted by Claude-sama.
It will be held at 18:00.

Arslan expression joy.png

Wahahaha, that sounds exquisite!
I wonder what it's like? Hmmmm.

Arslan expression neutral.png

Gabriel, Maria, Zabaniya and myself received invitations.

Ashigara expression happy.png

Oh, what?! It was arranged for me!
It feels great to get something like this!

Kengo expression embarrassed.png

It has all of our names written on them.
Wait, is Moritaka not going?

Moritaka expression shocked.png

You want me to attend?! But, what kind of banquet is it?

Snow expression neutral.png

My lord has invited all of you to his special event.

Snow expression neutral.png

As the leader of the Berserkers, this is Claude-sama's Wedding Cermony.

Everyone who was excluded:( face)

Bathym expression tasty.png

Eh, Claude-chan is getting married?!
I'll liven it up with some gorgeous entertainment!

Gabriel expression valentine cheerful.png

Yay, party, party!
As commemoration, Gabriel-chan would like to sing!

Maria expression sad.png

Oh my, to be invited to an event such as this......

Moritaka expression excited.png

I am happy to be involved in this wedding!
This Moritaka would like to congratulate you!

Ashigara expression anger.png

An engagement huh...... Hmm.......
It's possible to get married to someone you like......?

Gunzou expression embarrassed.png

That's nice...... It's a wedding.

3 options (Same Response)
Claude is getting married?! Who is the bride?! I should do something!

Claude expression joy.png

Hahaha. Everyone seems surprised by that, it's quite delightful.

Claude expression neutral.png

This presentation is a great success. I truly mean it, Snow.

Snow expression smile.png

Yes, young master. It is truly wonderful.

Snow expression neutral.png

Now everyone - There is more information we would like to share.

Snow expression neutral.png

In following to the Wedding Ceremony,
we have proposed a project to enliven the banquet.

Snow expression neutral.png

In the seaside hut managed by the owner of our guild,
there are amenity goods including cheap meals.

Snow expression neutral.png

We will be pleased to prepare and award prizes
for the popular contestant on the beach and the volleyball tournament.

Snow expression neutral.png

During the Seaside School, you are more than welcome to stop by.

Snow expression neutral.png

Of course, please be sure to attend the wedding ceremony.
We will offer hospitality and delicacies there.

Claude expression joy.png

Let's go my strongmen. We will go and compose ourselves at the hotel!

Bathym expression tasty.png

This is quite unexpected...... Don't ya think, [Player]-chan?

Magan expression neutral.png

Speaking of Nomad, I'll be at the beach hut with these little dwarves.

Magan expression joy.png

I should go see him later! Gahahahaha! This will be fun!

Garmr expression angry.png

Nooooooooooooooo! Garmr, play! Play right away! Play right now!!

Pollux expression sad.png

Won't Snow's master get upset about this? Hey Garmr, don't throw a tantrum!

Ikutoshi expression sad.png

Ugh, this is absurd. Let's go, big-bro Garmr.

Garmr expression sad.png

Waaaaaaaaaaah! Garmr wants to play! Maaaaaaaaaster!!

Ashigara expression happy.png

Alright, I'll be going too! Expect the awesome figure of Ashigara-sama!

Gunzou expression neutral.png

I'm gonna go and put the luggage away for the time being.
Ashigara-senpai, please follow my lead.

Kyuuma expression sad.png

Aha. There are so many things to deal with......

Arslan expression neutral.png

Well, shall we be going? I'm interested in doing some watermelon splitting.

Arslan:(serious face)
Ooh, why do you insist on going out and enjoy yourself!
We had a meeting just now!

Zabaniya expression neutral.png

...... Well then, excuse us.

Gabriel expression valentine cheerful.png

Hehehe! Let's make the Seaside School a big one!
Well, I'll be seeing you again soon! Bwahaha~!

Shirou expression neutral.png

How should I say this......
This Seaside School is poorly done.

Kengo expression embarrassed.png

To get all these faces together, it's gotta be a miracle.

Moritaka expression excited.png

In other words, I will be heading to the lodging to put on a swimsuit.

Ryouta expression joy.png

Well, there's no need to hold back!
Let's have fun in the Seaside School!

1 option
Let's enjoy ourselves to the fullest!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

This is a serious matter, Master.
That man...... is getting married? Seriously?

Salomon-kun expression naughty.png

How old are you supposed to be when you get married?
Also, who's the bride? He can't do it alone.

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Uwaah, this is too much for my poor head; it's gonna explode!

Salomon-kun expression naughty.png

Well, I guess that's how it is.
Also, I'll be taking plenty of photos too!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Summer is a treasure house of memories!
Master, please make a lot of memories here!

And so, the Seaside School opened for 3 days and 2 nights.

School events that were supposed to end peacefully, it was the start of an uproar.