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(Created page with "'''[Translation by OddEyes]''' '''A moment in the festival with Tvastar''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {{VN:Dialogue...")
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|face=4 star neutral
|face=4 star neutral
|dialogue=...Did I wake you? I was planning to install it in your sleep so it wouldn’t hurt.

Latest revision as of 06:45, 23 November 2020

[Translation by OddEyes]

A moment in the festival with Tvastar

Tvastar expression 4 star neutral.png
3 options (Same Response)
Where...? Huh, I should be resting at the festival's venue... I feel light headed...
Tvastar expression 4 star shy.png

...Did I wake you? I was planning to install it in your sleep so it wouldn’t hurt.

Tvastar expression 4 star neutral.png

Perhaps the drug wore off or it didn’t work very well? It should have been a long range drug that weakens the target at a distance?

2 options (Same Response)
What! Tvastar...? Why can't I move my body?
Tvastar expression laughing.png

Yeah, I brought you to my room.

Tvastar expression shy.png

You are sleeping on a medical bed… Just kidding, it's a remodeling table.

Tvastar expression laughing.png

Hahaha, you can’t move your body. Does it hurt? It's better if you stay still, so relax.

3 options
HEY, NO REMODELING! PLEASE BE GENTLE...! (Kick about with your remaining strength)
Tvastar expression surprised.png
Tvastar expression white eyes.png

GAH!? I didn’t think you have this much strength left

Tvastar expression shy.png

...But, even with your final struggle, you won’t be able to move for long.

Tvastar expression laughing.png

Now, be good and stay still… okay? Fufufu…!

Tvastar expression yukata surprised.png

… Let’s see,how are you feeling? Thanks to my efforts, your body doesn’t ache at all, right?

Tvastar expression yukata neutral.png

Because of the strange event on Cait Sith’s show, your body was left in tatters.

Tvastar expression yukata neutral.png

You were unknowingly weakened, passed out in the resting area, and were rushed to the first aid tent.

Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

I’m not an bioengineer for nothing and the stamina drinks also have pain relieving effects.

Tvastar expression yukata surprised.png

Oh, don’t worry, they won’t give immortality or longevity. I won’t do that without your consent.

3 options
You cured me? Wow, it doesn't hurt at all...! I'm sorry for kicking out earlier!
Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

Hehehe, don’t worry about it! I couldn’t leave my weakened partner alone.

Tvastar expression yukata neutral.png

Well, don’t you owe me an apology? Also, don’t you know about all your weak spots…?

Tvastar expression yukata shy.png

For example… Hehehe, you’re weak here, right?

Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

Also here. Here’s another one.

Tvastar expression yukata neutral.png

Oh, there's this little weak spot.

Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

Hahaha! Oh, you're weak here, here, and here...

3 options
Tvastar expression yukata surprised.png


Tvastar expression yukata shy.png
Tvastar expression yukata sad.png

Oh no, what was it… I overdid it again, sorry.

Tvastar expression yukata shy.png

Ah um, I was told when I get like this, … this is my weak point.

Tvastar expression yukata white eyes.png


Tvastar:( face)
It looks like you're back to normal but…

Tvastar expression yukata sad.png
Tvastar expression yukata neutral.png

For your postoperative prognosis observation, do you think we can spend some more time together?

Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

Would you like to enjoy the festival with Vritia and me?

Tvastar expression yukata neutral.png

Let's start by getting some street food. Leave it to me, I’m the adult here.

Tvastar expression yukata neutral.png

Well ... Frankfurts with plenty of mustard or super sweet shaved ice with plenty of condensed milk, which is better?

Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

Fufufu, [Player], you choose.

3 options (Same Response)
Frankfurts Shaved ice I can't choose!
Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

Hmm, as expected! I thought you would say that.

Tvastar expression yukata neutral.png

I told you, spicy or sweet, hot or cold ...I can see all your weaknesses, right, Vritra?

Tvastar expression yukata shy.png

Oh, are you getting hungry too, Vritra? Alright, let’s give some to Vritra.

Tvastar expression yukata surprised.png

Good right, uh oh. Don’t shove the skewer or spoon inside your month, Vritra.

Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

Be careful, eat everything, There, there. Good boy.

2 options (Same Response)
Does Vritra eat anything? Does he like it or not?
Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

Not really, when I created Vritra, the weak parts of the previous incarnation were almost completely remodeled.

Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

I didn't like the previous incarnation, but Vritra doesn't care either way.

Tvastar expression yukata sad.png

…… But I think it's even more now. The weak parts I lost, and I also loved.

Tvastar expression yukata neutral.png

Don’t get me wrong, [Player]. I love remodeling and I love Vritra’s strength but…

Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

Apart from that, I came to think that the weak parts of the previous incarnation were adorable.

Tvastar expression yukata sad.png

...... Like how the moon and the sun can’t rise in the same place at once you can’t have both strength and weakness together ... but that's fine.

Tvastar expression yukata shy.png

Because now I come to think both of them to be adorable. Maybe it's because of [Player] and the others' efforts.

2 options (Same Response)
Tvastar... ...
Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

From now on, Vritra will be Vritra, and the previous incarnation will be the previous incarnation.

Tvastar expression yukata neutral.png

In that way, I'm hoping that I can love each and every different part.

Tvastar expression yukata shy.png

.....Well, that's the sum of it all. That’s the important thing that you guys have taught me.

Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

Haha, I'm cheeky about the habits of children who haven't made any creatures/children yet.

Tvastar expression yukata neutral.png

Following Tezcatlipoca's way of doing things, I want to try to "repeat" with you too.

Tvastar expression yukata neutral.png

That’s why... Why don’t you say you want both? Fufufufu

Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

Come on, choose whether or not you want to eat both.

Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

Even if you don’t like them, a new path will open.

3 options
I'll eat them I'll feed you after eating I'm weak to assertive people
Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

Haha, have you thought this over? Don’t mess with me.

Tvastar expression yukata shy.png

Yeah, make sure you eat everything! Good boy, good boy. Stroking and rubbing.

Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png
Tvastar expression yukata surprised.png

Hmm, I don’t know what to say. Okay then, it’s a deal.

Tvastar expression yukata neutral.png

Chewing noises

Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png
Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

Chew chew gulp. Now that you’ve eaten, my mouth is empty.

Tvastar expression yukata neutral.png

Ah, as advice from a creator, when you feed someone you should pat their head and praise them, right?

Tvastar expression yukata shy.png

…… Oh yeah, that's good. It tastes even better if you could praise me like that.

Tvastar, whose head is being patted, gave you a great smile.

Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

Well, that's right, yes, then stop. Hey, only those who like it can eat it.

Tvastar expression yukata shy.png

That being said, whatever you choose for yourself, I’ll be happy for you.

They watch the background of the festival, goldfish scooping, bonfire dance, venues, second hand stores.

They talked about what they like, what they don’t like and the distance between them grew closer and closer.

In a subsection of Tír na nÓg. The two of you transverse away from the hustle and bustle of the festival.

Tvastar expression yukata neutral.png

We walked quite a bit… is the prognosis okay? If you’re in pain, please let me know.

Tvastar expression yukata sad.png

After all, I don’t like the feeling of pain. That’s why I created Soma/moon remedy.

3 options (Same Response)
What exactly is soma What is the moon remedy What does it have to do with the moon?
Tvastar expression yukata neutral.png

What is soma you ask… Soma is the squeezed blessing of the heavens and stored within the “moon cup”.

As he said that, Tvastar looked up at the moon and pointed at it.

Tvastar expression yukata neutral.png

The moon is beautiful everywhere. In my home world of Deva Loka, it was I who created the moon for the soma.

2 options (Same Response)
You created the moon?? That's so amazing...
Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

Well, it's not that surprising. In Deva Loka, the faith in my world is also "a world that is steadily moving to other places."

Tvastar expression yukata neutral.png

But, if you trace the origin, it has been said that something like a dragon snake that originally created everything.

Tvastar expression yukata surprised.png

However, such events are irrelative and what matters in the end is prosperity. Yeah, I'm kinda like that white tiger right now.

Tvastar expression yukata neutral.png

Eh, don't you understand what I mean? That’s fine, you’ll understand if you need to someday.

Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

I feel a little down... At times like this, one stamina drink! It really perks up your body.

Tvastar expression yukata laughing.png

...... Puha. Well, my Soma really works!

2 options (Same Response)
Is it okay to drink that much? Drink it in moderation!
Tvastar expression yukata shy.png

Oh, I'm sure I'm drinking quite a bit this time. Even when I'm busy with research.

Tvastar expression yukata surprised.png

Somehow this time as well, with the all night maintenance of the prosthetic bodies. ... Oh, I just remembered.... there were many side effects

Tvastar expression yukata neutral.png

…… Ah, Soma is also a painkiller. There are other effects too, huh?

Tvastar expression yukata sad.png

It's said to be an elixir of everlasting life, which means that it can be too energising ... Oh, Crap.

3 options (Same Response)
Tvastar, you’re over sweating! Your whole body is bright red? I’ll wipe off your sweat.
Tvastar expression yukata shy.png

AH! HAHAHA! I’m fine, wait a sec!

Tvastar expression loincloth laughing.png

Ah, Hmm, I’ve finally stopped sweating. No, my body is still a little messed up.

Tvastar expression loincloth sad.png

Drinking too much soma is not good, I’ve learned my lesson. As the medicine currently is, it wouldn’t pass. In the future, i’ll tweak it a bit.

Tvastar expression loincloth surprised.png

Oh, by the way, you also had a soma

Tvastar expression loincloth neutral.png

Um, how are you feeling. Any different that usual?

3 options
...... A little strange As I can see.. I’m fine. It's a little weird, but probably... I’m okay
Tvastar expression loincloth shy.png

Oh, if you say you’re fine, but...

Tvastar expression loincloth neutral.png

I'm an adult who can act tough, but … if it's okay can you show it to me?

Tvastar expression loincloth shy.png

That ... sometimes when you’re not really well. In that case, you have to be honest with yourself and treat it.

Tvastar expression loincloth laughing.png

Be honest...... Tell me if it hurts. If you think so, just say it and I’ll stop.

Tvastar expression loincloth surprised.png

...... How about here? Or, if I touch you here, Does it hurt?

Tvastar expression loincloth laughing.png

Eh, is the diagnosis accurate? That's right. I did tell you earlier that I knew all about your weaknesses?

Tvastar expression loincloth shy.png

What is wrong, Is something bothering you…

3 options (Same Response)
It’s unfair you know my weakness. Please tell me your weakness! Isn’t this fair?
Tvastar expression loincloth surprised.png

Yeah! ?? No, I'm in trouble even if you say that--

Tvastar expression loincloth sad.png

Eh, don't you love your weaknesses? Oh, I'm weak when I say that …

Tvastar expression loincloth neutral.png

...... Okay, I'll tell you only. My weakness is "being poked in my lips".

Tvastar expression loincloth shy.png

The previous incarnation was the same in that I'm really weak when someone touches my lips.

Tvastar expression loincloth sad.png

With just a touch, I lose all the strength in my legs and become limp. ...... If it is okay, I will continue the examination if you understand?

2 options
Ask if you can touch is weak spot Suddenly touch is weak spot without warning
Tvastar expression loincloth surprised.png


Tvastar expression loincloth laughing.png

Ah, that’s tricky, [Player]. If you ask me like that… I can’t refuse you.

Tvastar expression loincloth surprised.png

Ah, too sudden!? Oh, wow, no!?

Tvastar expression loincloth surprised.png

HMMM! HMMM! My lips are really useless…

Tvastar expression loincloth sad.png

Oh, I’m so weak. It’s because of this damn weak spot!

Tvastar expression loincloth shy.png

HMM… UMMM… [Player]… [Player]….!

3 options
Kiss Tvastar Tvastar kissed you Keep touching with satisfaction
Tvastar expression loincloth shy.png
Tvastar expression loincloth surprised.png

Tvastar pulls his lips towards your lips. Melding your touches together exposing more of your weak spots.

Tvastar:( face)
Hm um ahhh…

Tvastar expression loincloth shy.png
Tvastar expression loincloth laughing.png

Hahaha. That was great. Is it okay if we do it again?

Tvastar expression loincloth laughing.png


Tvastar expression loincloth neutral.png

Tvastar:( face)
…! Huh… fufufufu

Tvastar expression loincloth shy.png
Tvastar expression loincloth laughing.png

...Ahhh, my weakness that you have grasp….

Tvastar expression loincloth shy.png

Mmmmm hmmmmm

Tvastar expression 4 star loincloth neutral.png

Ah… I've avoided my weakness for so long but if another person exploits it is not so bad….

Touching their weak points enthusiastically, almost playful and with love. Their bodies suddenly shook, and the grass made a rattling noise.

Behind the faint and gentle moonlight, the illuminating sun gently smiles.

Tvastar expression 4 star loincloth neutral.png

Ah… I've avoided my weakness for so long but if another person exploits it is not so bad….

Tvastar expression 4 star loincloth neutral.png

...oh, I love you my precious weakness.

Touching their weak points enthusiastically, almost playful and with love. Their bodies suddenly shook, and the grass made a rattling noise.

A slurping sound echoes over their lips nonstop. A splendid full moon cast down on you two.

Under the moon, the sighs of the ones full of weakness only stopped once the sun rises.