Event Quest:Summer Fireworks with:Pollux

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Location: Kasai Seaside Park

Pollux expression swimsuit neutral.png

Yo! You were here, [Player].
Do you want to watch the fireworks with me?

Pollux expression swimsuit blush.png

Come on! But, you know,
there are a lot of stands over there…!

Pollux expression swimsuit happy.png

Would you like to go?! Awesome!
We can watch the fireworks from there!

Pollux expression swimsuit blush.png

… Hey. There are a bunch of stands everywhere.
Rice… Yeah, that sounds tasty right about now!

Pollux expression swimsuit neutral.png

Fist fighters have to be very careful with their diet.
I can’t eat junk food.

Pollux expression swimsuit sad.png

Eh? You saw me secretly eating some yesterday?
Geez… That’s embarrassing to hear…

Pollux expression swimsuit surprised.png

Look, that’s not a food stand…
“Goldfish scooping”…?

Pollux expression swimsuit neutral.png

Oh, I see. However, even
if you catch the goldfish you can’t take it with you.

Pollux expression swimsuit surprised.png

What, you still want to play?
… Are you serious?!

Pollux expression swimsuit neutral.png

So instead of taking the goldfish with you, you compete to see how many you can get?
Oh, I get it. So it’s like a contest!

Pollux expression swimsuit surprised.png

Damn… I can’t catch this one…!
You damn goldfish! If you keep getting away I’ll eat you!

Pollux expression swimsuit surprised.png

I’ve caught quite a lot…
… What’s the matter? The fireworks are going to start? Q-quiet!

Pollux expression swimsuit angry.png

Oh damn…! Let’s keep going, I won’t give up now!
Mr owner! I want to try agaaaain!!

The battle between Pollux and the goldfish intensified,
as the fireworks were coming to a close…