Event Quest:Christmas with:Taurus Mask

Revision as of 21:42, 16 January 2018 by Sothe (talk | contribs) (finished)

Title: Taurus Mask's Christmas

Location: Santa School


As the battle tournament that wrapped up in a whirlpool of enthusiasm finished,
this year’s Christmas Eve was coming to a close.

[Player] left the busy assembly hall,
and on a terrace, he looked up at the starry sky.

Powdered snow dancing in the air, and a bright moon floating in the sky.
It looked like they were blessing Santa on his journey.

Hey, Brother!
So this is where you were.

Thank you for your help, and congratulations on your victory!
You showed everyone a hot fight!!

2 options
Good work, Taurus Mask Aren’t you going to catch a cold!?

Oh, thank you!
It was quite hard being a host and a player at the same time!

Pros have to wear their battling suit in public!
This cold is nothing!


That’s right, Brother.
If you are free, could you lend me a moment?

A fan came to see the match and he really
wants to talk to you.

1 option

Come with me and you will see!


As Taurus Mask indicated,
he waited in the lounge for a few minutes.

And without any invitation,
the fan finally showed up.

Uhmm… !
You are [Player] Mask-san, right?

2 options
Indeed, I’m [Player] Mask! Have we met before?

Wah, it’s really you.
Sorry for calling you out so suddenly.

No, this should be the first time we’ve met…. ?
W-why are you making that face?

I-I’m Daisuke Ikusaba.
I’m the captain of the Yoyogi Academy wrestling club.

Th-that’s right, I was the one who asked
Taurus Mask… -san to hold the tournament here.

… Thank you for participating in the tournament.
It was a big success thanks to you.

3 options (Same response)
You are welcome Was that everything you wanted to say? … Uh huh

Yeah, so… I, was watching your last match,
and somehow I, err…

I s-seem to have become your fan!

You were impressive, your technique was brilliant, and
you even were able to encourage your partner.

Everytime I stand on the ring I begin to lose myself, I get tense
and lose courage, you have something that I don’t have in myself.

Without any doubt, you were the real hero on the ring.
I really admire y… I respect you.

That’s… All I wanted to tell you…

3 options
All this praise is going to make me feel embarrassed... I did my best because of my partner Wasn’t Taurus Mask really cool too?

Yes, I think it was a fantastic tag team.
Your breaths were on sync, it’s hard to imagine that you come from different schools.

Eh?! Thank… no!
W-why am I saying thanks anyway, awawawa?!

…U-uhm, ahem.

… Looking at you fight, I… it gave me the courage.
Someday, I wish to be like you…

Dignified, able to stand up on my own…
And being able to show my true face on the ring, that’s the kind of hero I aim to be.

So… Until that day arrives,
please let me be one of your fans.

When I’m able to stand up on my own on the ring,
… then, instead of your fan, I would…

I-I would like to become your... friend!

2 options (Same response)
I’ll be waiting I’ll think about it

Sothe (talk) Oh! T-thank you so much.
I’ll do my very best!

… O-oh, right,
can I ask you one more thing?

… W-what do you think…
about Ta… Taurus Mask-san?

3 options
Say that he’s an annoying and obnoxious guy Say praises about him Say that you love him

Ahahaha, I, I see… What a shame.

Yes, even if I’m disliked
it cannot be helped… haha.

“He’s the best”, “There’s no better kind-hearted person”,

“I’m happy to have met him”, etc…

Saying all the praises that he could think of,
[Player] kept complimenting Taurus Mask.

H-hey, come on, t-that’s enoooough!
Or my face is going to turn all r-red!

Uhm… Y-you love him…?!
T-that’s a lie, r… right?!


U-uhm, I’m not Taurus Mask so I
wouldn’t know for sure, but…

… I-I think Taurus Mask-san thinks the
same way about you, [Player]-san…

… W-well then, I have to go.
I’ll see you again on the ring.

Without waiting for a response, Daisuke
ran away quickly.


… Yo, how was it, Brother?
Did you recieve a fan letter too?

2 options (Same response)
Hey, when did you arrive!? Wah, from where did you…

Ahahaha, did I scare you?
I thought you were done talking with the fan.

… Sorry for making you talk
with a stranger while you were taking a breather.

Now, let’s go back to the venue, Brother.

Taurus Mask tapped [Player]’s shoulder,
and while they were making their way back to the party…

He quietly muttered something,
so [Player] couldn’t hear it.

… Thanks.