
From Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
Revision as of 17:07, 20 May 2018 by Barry (talk | contribs) (fixed and/or also irrelevant)
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This page may overlap with the official list of bugs here: https://housamo.info/news/bugfix/.

Game Stuck On Downloading

Screenshot Tokyo Afterschool Summoners 20180318-181938.png

Whether it's an app or Android update, sometimes the game will refuse to progress after allegedly downloading. The go-to fix is:

  • Backup AuthKey: /SD/Android/data/jp.co.lifewonders.housamo/files/Data/AuthKey
  • Remove /SD/Android/data/jp.co.lifewonders.housamo/files/ (or every other folder except /SD/Android/data/jp.co.lifewonders.housamo/files/Data/)
  • If you're keeping /SD/Android/data/jp.co.lifewonders.housamo/files/Data/, remove /SD/Android/data/jp.co.lifewonders.housamo/files/Data/MasterDataVersions
  • Remove /SD/Android/data/jp.co.lifewonders.housamo/files/
  • Remove /SD/Android/data/jp.co.lifewonders.housamo/cache
  • Relaunch the app, or copy AuthKey to /SD/Android/data/jp.co.lifewonders.housamo/files/Data/AuthKey

You may be able to get away with removing the cache and MasterDataVersions, but an almost clean slate will do.

Malformed Cache

Bug-oreo-1.png Bug-oreo-2.png

There's some odd behavior when running Housamo on Android 8.0 the game fails to initialize properly from a clean slate. From what's given, asset appear to cache when they can't. More information on (the theoretically) why here.

The steps to restore the game back to a playable state is also as followed:

  • Backup /SD/Android/data/jp.co.lifewonders.housamo/files/Data/
  • Delete /SD/Android/data/jp.co.lifewonders.housamo/files/Data/MasterDataVersions
  • Delete /SD/Android/data/jp.co.lifewonders.housamo/
  • Start the app, and let it properly initialize (this will take some time)
  • Close the app after you reach the title screen
  • Copy your backup of /SD/Android/data/jp.co.lifewonders.housamo/files/Data/

Time Zone and Daily Quests

In the latest version (3.1.3), due to the way the game now, instead of server time, using local time(zones) to determine when quests are available (such as Daily Quests), the window for playing these quests are significantly shrunk, between midnight local time and midnight in Japan Time. As such, the only fix right now is to (not-so) simply adjust your timezone to Tokyo (UTC/GMT+9). However, as this is inconvenient on your daily driver (alarms, other apps, etc.), it's recommended to use a different, dedicated device (such as a spare phone, or an Android emulator) if this is a huge inconvenience.

As an additional warning, some users may experience a complete lock out after changing timezones; it's advised not to tamper with time for the meanwhile, or accept the risks until the lock is lifted (which is assumed to be the next day).